

" Where are you coming back from? "

Philip stared back at the her in disgust, "it's none of your business ".

'How can you say that ? " Nora cried we were worried about you.

"Oh really" Philip combed his disheveled hair "Jack was worried? my child that you have turned against me. "

"Philip it's not that way and you know it. "

"Which other way Nora?" He screamed then took a deep breath" just fucking leave me the hell alone . "

"Okay I would let you be, but your food is in the counter if you get hungry. "

He came close to her and stood toe in toe with her before muttering with a low register "Fuck you and your damn food woman ".

Nora swallowed hard and trembled under his hateful gaze, " I know we have both made mistakes Philip but we can still make things work for - for Jack our child. "

"No I have not made any mistake, all the flaws are from you and you alone and after turning my son against me , you want to make things work? "

"I didn't turn anyone against you Philip . It's not my fault he caught us fighting!!."

"Nora I want a divorce. " He stated closing his eyes

She stared at him in shock trying to unhear what she had heard, how could he demand for that so casually? As though it was normal.

" You can't do that, we are married Philip and that means forever in my book "she screamed outraged at his suggestions.

"N-ora I can't do this anymore we are simply hurting each other, and I would hate for Jack to be dragged into this mess. "

"Philip listen to me" she tried touching his arms, but he simply flinched at her touch "Believe me we can still make this work please don't leave me, what will I tell Jack? "

"The truth Nora, he's old enough to know and handle what you have done in the past ".

It was one emotional blow after the other for Nora, desperate and clueless on how to handle the situation she knelt down before him with tears streaming down her eyes.

" Philip no matter what happens Jack shouldn't have an inkling on what happened, please it would kill his soul don't do this to our family." She pleaded

"But did you for a second consider my emotions? and how it destroyed my soul own soul? "

"I'm so sorry terribly sorry Philip I have been begging for your forgiveness forever, please let's move past this - and do this for our son".

"Easier said than done Nora " He replied coldly shoving her aside and walking away into their room.

Nora folded her body into a ball and cried herself to stupor, how did she get here? She questioned herself. Once upon a time her life had been perfect, she was married to the man of her dreams and they both loved each other but one night of silly mistake on her part had taken a huge toll on their marriage. What am I gonna do? My life is falling apart right in front of me and my hands are tired,can't even save myself she thought as fresh batch of tears gushed out of from her already swollen eyes.


"Girls I have a fantastic idea that will make the excursion more interesting" Alice declared suddenly in class, the two girls dropped their phones and stared at Alice in attentiveness.

"I hope your idea consists on how we can sneak off and maybe travel to Paris for a quick vacation" - Sasha.

Alice stared at her as though she had lost her freaking mind "lordy Lord Alice prided herself on being a Daredevil but this girls were more raw.

" OF course not Sasha that's too extreme and we are gonna get caught if we try that ".

"Tsk tsk alright so what's on your mind? "

"Okay i was thinking we can wear matc-" she stopped abruptly and scrowled at prisca who was engrossed with her phone, " Uhm prisca are you with us? I'm literally talking here and being busy with your phone is very rude of you. "

Omg i am so sorry guys, Alice you have my undivided attention now" she apologized dropping her phone face down but it kept on beeping with notifications.

"Prisca don't tell me you have a new lover boy ,who's blowing up your phone with messages?" Sasha questioned nosy as ever.

"I don't know what you are talking about Sasha, alice please go ahead with your idea".

Alice cleared her throat imperiously before starting again "I was saying let's wear matching outfits for the excursion. "

"Oh that's a great idea and would leave our names in the mouth of many " Sasha enthused clearly excited.

"But the excursion isn't a one day event I think we are meant to sleep over." Prisca intoned.

"Yeah but just for a day or two I think" Sasha replied.

"What's your point prisca? You don't want to wear matching outfits with us?" Alice asked.

"No no don't get me wrong but are we gonna be on the matching outfits till the end of the excursion? "

"No of course we will change our dresses at different intervals, even more frequently than the others. " Sasha replied her

"I can see you don't like the idea, not to worry Sasha and I will be on matching outfits while you can dress as you wish "Alice said staring at her right in the face as though she was tryna dicper some mysteries.

"Gosh alice do the calms, I love the idea I was merely considering the visibility but I'm definitely in, so what are we wearing? "

"Now you are asking the right questions" Sasha chimed holding her hands together in glee, and coming to sit near her but prisca quickly flipped her phone over which Alice noticed.

" I have some designs in my phone but unfortunately it's not here with me , uhm prisca please help me get it from my backpack I think one of the boys are with it " she demanded sweetly.

Prisca's face crumpled at the order but she quickly wore a smile to cover up her thoughts, "I will be right back" she muttered forgetting to go with her phone.

Alice stared at the phone and knew she couldn't miss the opportunity, she knew it was wrong to go through someone's phone unauthorized but she was too curious to find out what prisca was hiding, and her gut feeling told her it was something big.

Unfortunately she couldn't carry out her plan with Sasha in the room, and she had to think fast before prisca returns.

"Uhm Sasha here is some dollars please get us something to munch on as we wait for prisca.

"Alice but you had KitKat this morning, too much of junk food isn't great for the body you know ".

Alice groaned internally " Spare me the sermon and do as I say please, I'm really hungry" she murmured .

"Okay I will be right back with the snacks " Sasha replied.

"Thank you" and immediately she left Alice grabbed prisca's phone and was surprised that it didn't have any sort of security lock on it, what kind of human use a phone without locking it? She questioned herself partially thankful because her work would be easier now.

Alice logged into her WhatsApp and saw the shock of her life, giving a short yelp she dropped the phone back and tried to control the violent shaking of her body and the fact a shout was at the back of her throat.

Please if you have any misunderstanding or confusion about any of the characters , kindly let me know in the comment section and I would clear you. Thank you for reading and stay safe guys. ❤❤

simply_mackycreators' thoughts