

John crouched in front of the woman, looking under her shroud of dark hair into her pain dulled brown eyes. "My name's John, this is Alyssa" he nodded to his companion. "You're safe now, no-one will hurt you again" The woman began to weep softly, overcome with emotion.

"What's your name?" He asked gently.

"Calara Fernandez" the woman replied between broken sobs.

"Ok Calara, we'll clean you up and treat these injuries" he explained comfortingly. The traumatised woman could only nod her acceptance.

John and Alyssa worked on Calara for the next hour, stripping off her torn clothing and cleaning and disinfecting her wounds. John gave her a strong sedative that put the woman into a deep, restful slumber.

They left her dozing, lying front down on the bed and backed quietly out of the room.

"She needs medical treatment and I'm only really qualified in combat first aid" John whispered. "We need to get her to a Terran Federation facility. If I give you the location, could you plot the course?" He asked his young companion.

"Of course John" Alyssa replied. They walked into the cockpit and Alyssa plotted the route to Port Heracles in the Nerus system. The Navi-computer provided an ETA of 2 days.

The exhausted pair then headed to their cabin to strip off their armour and get cleaned up. John placed the rifle and shotgun back in the weapons locker as Alyssa removed the last of her combat gear and headed to the shower. Unbuckling and unzipping his armour, John eventually followed the teenager to the shower cubicle. He found her standing under the hot shower, her arms around her shoulders as her body shivered violently.

"It's your body reacting to the adrenalin" He explained, as he wrapped his arms around the beautiful young woman. He held her comfortingly and the pair let the soothing streams of water wash over them, cleansing them of the days events.

"Why can men be such utter bastards?" the troubled teenager looked up at him, searching for answers in his calm gaze.

"Not all men are like that" he replied.

"I know" she smiled at him, reaching up to stroke his face with her delicate hand before kissing him softly.

They left the shower, dried themselves off and collapsed on the big bed. After what happened today, neither of them was feeling at all amorous, so they soon dropped off into a comforting sleep.

John checked on his injured passenger a couple of times during the night, but she slept on under the blissful haze of the sedative. He eventually awoke to find his head resting on Alyssa's lovely, yielding chest, her skin feeling soft and smooth against his cheek. She ran her fingers through his hair, stroking his head comfortingly. He lay there for a while, listening to her strong heartbeat and getting an up close view of the bruise on her chest where she had taken the hit from the pirates bullet. It looked like it hadn't been as bad as he feared, the light purple bruising already beginning to fade.

He leaned up on one elbow so that he was looking down over the young beauty sharing his bed. Her beautiful face looked up at him from the golden halo spread on the pillow, her lovely blue eyes watching his face. He leaned down to kiss her, feeling her lips form a smile before she kissed him back.

"You were brilliant out there yesterday" he commended the teenager. "I've seen people buckle under the stress of combat, but you handled yourself like a pro" he went on, sincere admiration ringing in his voice. "We saved that woman's life, you should feel proud of yourself".

Alyssa grinned up at him, glowing with his praise. "It feels awesome knowing we helped someone like that" she smiled happily.

John moved in for another kiss and they made out for a couple of minutes, before her small hands pushed him insistently on to his back. Alyssa rolled with him until she was straddling him, looking down imperiously from her high perch. She leaned down to kiss him again, her full round breasts felt warm and firm as they touched his chest. John returned the kisses from the beautiful young woman, enjoying the feel of her lustrous blonde hair as it gently brushed his cheeks.

The girl moved her head to the side so that her full lips were only millimetres from his ear. He could feel her soft breath tickling him, which sent shivers down his body.

"You saved my life yesterday as well John. In some cultures that means you own me now..." she whispered to him seductively. "What can I do to please my new master?" she purred into his ear.

John's arms encircled her youthful toned body as he tilted his head towards her, searching for her lips. Alyssa moved her head back so that she was directly above him again and locked eyes with his as they kissed passionately. It felt like he was looking into her soul, as those piercing blue eyes held his gaze. The girl's dilated pupils were like two black holes, and they pulled him in with their inescapable grasp. He had never felt this connected to another person before and the feeling was intense, even if slightly unsettling.

She eventually had mercy, blinking slowly and breaking that connection. She moved downwards, trailing kisses along his jawline. He tilted his head back, exposing his throat trustingly, which was rewarded with more gentle kisses along his neck. She moved further down his body, kissing his broad chest, her tongue flickering out now and again to taste his skin. John's body felt hyper sensitive as he awaited each kiss on her exploratory journey.

The beautiful teenager trailed kisses across his stomach down to his groin, her silky blonde hair brushing over his body as it followed in her wake. Alyssa began to kiss and then lick each of his balls in turn, each one feeling full and primed. Her soft lips promised sweet relief to his swollen orbs and he could only groan in pleasure as her tongue gently massaged each bloated sphere.

Those lovely lips began to plant kisses at the base of his shaft, before working their way up to the head. Her lips parted and her tongue darted out to swab the throbbing crown. Pre-cum had begun to build up and the beautiful girl sucked and licked him to try and obtain more, until she eventually opened her mouth into a wide oval and enveloped his head. John could only stare wide eyed as her velvety smooth tongue glided over him, easing the way for her to take the rest of him inside her throat.

The girl was well experienced with his equipment by now and her lips were soon encircling the base of his cock as her slender neck massaged his length in a tight grip. Alyssa began to swallow repeatedly, the muscles rippling along his cock, feeling like he was being stroked by a dozen eager young hands. John grasped the beautiful girl's head, groaning at the unexpected and incredible sensations he was experiencing.

"Mmmmmm" Alyssa moaned in satisfaction, enjoying the feeling of being controlled by him.

John could only gasp and writhe as the young woman's throat rippled around him, her heated moans adding more vibrations to the coaxing massage. Eventually it became too much for him to resist and his body trembled with anticipation as he balls rumbled in preparation to deliver their cargo.

"Unnhhhhh!" John grunted wordlessly as a ball shaking orgasm overtook him. A long, heavy spurt of cum blasted up his shaft and then down into the kneeling teenagers belly. This was rapidly joined by dozens more protein rich surges of spunk, all settling in the welcoming home of Alyssa's stomach. The submissive teenager's waiting tummy soon rounded out, the strong muscles in her abdomen unable to prevent her belly from expanding from the gut-busting meal John was feeding her. This triggered a matching orgasm in the quivering teenager and her pussy spasmed strongly as she came hard.

Eventually he was spent and he lolled back on the bed, sighing with deep satisfaction. Alyssa sat up and stroked her bloated stomach, with a happy, contented grin on her face. The heavy, sperm laden meal in her belly felt warm and filling and she loved seeing the look of happiness on John's face.

Alyssa noticed movement from the doorway out of the corner of her eye and turned to see they had a silent observer. Calara had awoken from her long sleep and hearing noises had come to investigate. When she saw the beautiful blonde pleasuring her handsome partner, she turned away from the doorway to give them their privacy. Something drew her back however and she couldn't help but peek around the corner to watch the explosive climax.

Alyssa made eye contact with the voyeuristic latina, who blushed furiously when she realised she had been spotted. Alyssa smiled reassuringly at Calara, before the brunette was overcome with embarrassment and darted back to the passenger cabin. The blonde giggled to herself quietly before lying down next to John.

"I think I heard Calara stirring" the mischievous teenager said. "Do you want me to go check on her?" she asked John.

"No, it's ok, I'll do it." John offered. "You just relax. You earned it, that was sexy as hell!" He kissed the grinning girl enthusiastically before getting dressed in combat trousers and a t-shirt.

John left the cabin with a lightness in his step, not just from emptying the heavy load in his balls into the receptive teens belly.

"Ahh you're awake" he said to Calara, as he strolled into the passenger cabin and found her lying on her side facing away from him. He touched her shoulder gently as he looked at the vicious weals and lacerations on her olive skinned back. "Those look very painful, would you like some more painkillers?" He asked the injured woman kindly. Calara was too embarrassed to look John in the eye, so she just nodded.

John filled up a glass with chilled, ice cold water from the nearby dispenser and then gathered a couple of strong painkillers from the trauma kit. "There you go" he said, as he handed over the drink and meds.

Calara sat upright, wincing at the sharp pain in her ribs and the dull throb from her back. Even her face hurt from the punch that fucker had given her, when she had tried to plead for the lives of her friends. A bleak sadness descended on the young woman as she recalled some of the horrible events from the previous day. She swallowed the painkillers with the aid of the chilled water, which sent shivers down her spine as it soothed her parched throat. She finished off the rest of the glass, having not realised just how thirsty she had been. She handed the glass back to John before curling up on her side as the quick acting painkillers lulled her into the sweet oblivion of sleep. John left the young woman to rest and headed back to check on their progress to Port Heracles.

The next day was uneventful, with John showing Alyssa how to clean and check over their combat gear which they had been too tired to do the night before. Calara slept for the rest of their journey and only stirred when they had docked at the Terran Starport and the medical team from Port Heracles were moving her to a stretcher. Her eyes flickered open as she was fastened to the anti-grav sled and she looked up at her two rescuers.

"Thank you for saving me..." She said quietly as she looked at Alyssa and John in turn. John smiled back reassuringly and Alyssa leaned forward to plant a kiss on her cheek "You're welcome!" the beautiful blonde said with a dazzling smile, her perfect white teeth sparkling in the light.

The medical team whisked her away to intensive care, leaving John and Alyssa to watch them depart.

"I hope she'll be ok" Alyssa said, worried about the young woman.

"They have excellent medical facilities here" John said reassuringly. "You can stay in contact with her via vid-feed as well if you want" he suggested helpfully.

Alyssa leaned up to plant a warm kiss on his lips and walked back to their cabin, an alluring sway to her hips. She paused at the doorway and looked over her shoulder to make sure she had his full attention, before running her hands over her hips and posing her deliciously firm ass invitingly. She strutted into their room as if daring him to follow.

John realised his mouth was hanging open and he closed it self-consciously. He walked down the corridor to their room, anticipation rising in time with his rapidly growing cock. He paused for a moment to steady his breathing before he stepped into the cabin to see what the adventurous young woman had in store for him now.

Alyssa had wasted no time, stripping out of the bodysuit which lay in a crumpled pile on the floor. She was kneeling on the edge of the bed, looking over her right shoulder at him, her knees spread wide and her back arched.

"Fancy taking me for a ride?" She challenged him, her eyes glancing down over her shoulder to her uptilted ass. John followed that glance and saw that between the perfectly rounded spheres of her bottom, her waiting rosebud was glistening where she had spread lubricant. The prepared teenager watched him with a knowing smile on her face as he strode forward purposefully, stripping off his clothes.

He moved up to the bed, her delightfully presented rear waiting at just the right height as she knelt before him. He reached forward to gather her tousled blonde mane in his left hand, whilst resting his heavy right hand on the taut rounded flesh of her right buttock. He held her firmly in place as he tilted his hips so that the blunt head of his throbbing tool slid between the tanned cheeks of her ass, the passage made easier with the slippery lubricant. He nudged up against her tightly clenched rosebud.

"There's a good girl" he said, as though calming a fine thoroughbred.

The beautiful teenager deliberately relaxed her tense posture, letting her body yield to the insistent pressure she felt against her ass. She bit her lower lip, her eyes closed in concentration as he used his unrelenting grip on her hip to pull her on to him. The tight ring of her anus was forced wide open as he pushed his broad mushroom head inside her body.

"That's right, you're doing so well" he encouraged in that same soothing tone.

John's hips flexed forward as he used his tight purchase on her hip to pull her back towards his groin. The slippery lubricant let him glide forward, inch after inch sliding deeper into her yielding body until her tight little hole was gripping the base of his shaft.

"Yessss!" Alyssa hissed as he impaled her with his entire length.

She gasped as he clenched her hair tightly in his fist and used it to pull her head back towards his chest, arching her back into a beautiful curve.

"That's a good girl" he whispered in her ear, as his cock flexed deep inside her tightly stretched ass. "Let's ride you hard and see if we can burn off some of that energy"

Alyssa gasped with excitement, which then turned into a long drawn out moan of pleasure as he slowly withdrew his prick until only the head was left inside her. He then thrust forward again, burying his full throbbing hardness into her, whilst holding her firmly in place with the heavy grip of his right hand.

John picked up the pace, driving his rock hard shaft in and out of the girls clutching ass as her rounded buttocks shook with the impact. His broad girth had spread her tightly clutching ring wide open and she felt exposed and stuffed full at the same time.

"Unh, Unh, unh" She moaned with each thrust, feeling his cock penetrating deep inside her. John was being so dominant and the relentless pounding of her firm young body was driving her crazy with passion.

Suddenly John stopped his thrusting and paused, fully impaled up to the balls in the panting girl.

"Now hold on there a minute. This steed isn't bearing my brand!" He caressed the soft smooth skin of her right buttock tenderly with his hand.

"Yessss! Do it!" She urged, looking back at him over her shoulder her face contorted with lust.

John brought back his right arm before swinging it down in a powerful arc.


The sound of the ringing slap as it landed on her rump echoed around the room loudly.

"Oh fuck!!!" Alyssa shrieked as she came explosively, the tingling skin where he had spanked her overloading her senses. John held her tight as her body convulsed underneath him, her ass clenching around the length of his cock in rhythmic contractions.

He held her close, pulling her back against his chest as she trembled against him. He stroked her sensitive right buttock as the glowing red hand print formed on her beautiful rounded cheek.

"That's much better. Now everyone knows who owns this fine filly"

Alyssa could only groan in response as he began to flex his hips again, his swollen cock inching back and forth inside her ass.

"A gallop to the finish ought to do it!" He declared, before increasing the length of his backstroke and thrusting powerfully into the gasping young woman.

John played a lustful tune using Alyssa's body as his instrument. Her grunts and moans accompanied the steady beat of her buttocks slapping against his groin. He fucked her hard and long, drawing out a series of gut wrenching orgasms from her before he finally pulled her tight to his chest. The girl's back was arched towards him like a taut bow as he pummelled her toned ass cheeks.

"Unnnhhhh!" He grunted loudly as he could hold back no longer. His painfully swollen balls raised up and a long, powerful spurt of cum shot out of him and into the tight confines of her bowels. Alyssa screamed as she came as well, the hot cum blasting into her belly.

John's right hand moved upwards instinctively to rest on the girls stomach as his driving cock pumped his cum into her. He could feel each surge of spunk as it was forced into her trembling tummy, her slim waistline quickly expanding to make room for the burgeoning weight of his load. Eventually his mighty climax abated and John held Alyssa in a tight embrace, to stop the nearly comatose teenager from collapsing. His cock began to deflate and he eased out of her slippery passage, her sphincter closing up tightly behind him, holding in his precious cargo. He laid her gently on the bed and flopped down behind her, too exhausted to do anything except draw breath.

Alyssa gradually regained full consciousness and rolled over on her spunk bloated belly to look at him.

"I look like I'm about to have a foal" She grinned at him.

John laughed loudly in response and Alyssa joined in. "I'll be back in a minute" she smirked at him, as she got up and headed to the bathroom.

John watched her as she walked away, enjoying seeing the toned muscles in her back, her skin glistening with perspiration. You would never know she carried such a gravid weight in front of her from looking at her svelte figure from behind. She turned to look at him before disappearing from view, her side profile looked obscene with her hugely bloated belly leading the way.

The gorgeous teenager eventually reappeared and she prowled gracefully towards him before joining him on the bed, cuddling up at his side her stomach now back to normal. As he held her in his arms, he looked down to see his glowing hand print emblazoned on her otherwise perfect ass cheek. His body tensed in response. Alyssa felt his reaction and followed his gaze down to her bottom.

"Hey, relax! It's ok. That was fucking hot!" She calmed him reassuringly. "Besides, I like bearing your mark" she murmured contentedly.

John shook his head in disbelief. "You're an amazing woman Alyssa, do I ever tell you that?"

"Usually a couple of times a day..." the beautiful teenager giggled in reply. She leaned over him to look him in the eyes, her hair brushing his chest softly, "...but it's always good to hear". She smiled as she kissed him tenderly as a reward.

The following week passed swiftly. Alyssa seemed to be spending more and more time together with John and he couldn't recall ever getting on so well with another person before. They worked together on any tasks he deemed necessary, the enthusiastic young girl working perfectly in synergy with him. Their normal activities were only broken by mealtimes, which usually meant the beautiful teenager on her knees between his legs, sucking eagerly on his cock. He lost count of the times he rounded out her lovely toned belly, but she savoured every meal, licking her lips and stroking her full stomach contentedly.

Calara contacted them by vid-feed after a couple of days and after some initial shyness, she chattered away with Alyssa as though the two were best friends. The Port Heracles medical team had decided that she didn't need surgery, but she was recovering in hospital there under their careful supervision.

The troubled young woman admitted that she had been having trouble sleeping, her dreams quickly turning into nightmares as she relived the traumatic events of her capture. She seemed to be making good progress with her physical recovery, but it was clear to John that Calara was suffering from PTSD. Alyssa and John did their best to cheer her up and promised to speak regularly. Vid-feed calls soon became part of their routine and they spoke frequently in the final leg of their journey.

Eventually the Fool's Gold arrived at Alpha Centauri, home of Olympus Shipyard, John's final destination after all this time. The Olympus shipyard was the centre of Terran Federation power, the drydocks there constructing the biggest and most powerful spacecraft in this quadrant of the galaxy. This mighty spaceport sat in high orbit around Alpha Centauri B, or the planet Gravitus as it was known to locals.

John sat in the pilot's chair as he watched Alyssa plot their approach to the Olympus shipyard. He couldn't believe their journey together was nearly over. He studied the girl who had stowed away on his ship four weeks ago.

The stunningly attractive teenager was concentrating intensely on the console in front of her, her head tilted slightly to the side. He looked up and down her gorgeous body, drinking in every exquisite detail of the ravishing young beauty before him. She wasn't just the most physically beautiful woman he had ever met, he also loved her intelligence, her fun personality, her enthusiasm and her zest for life.

Yes, he did love her he suddenly realised. How was he ever going to let her go? His heart caught in his throat at the thought of this incredible young woman walking out of his life. He realised he would be bereft without her.

Then there was the age gap though, he was old enough to be her father for god's sake! John berated himself. The girl was a genius with a blazingly bright future ahead of her. Her First Class Navigator's license that she had earned so effortlessly was her ticket to a comfortable life filled with adventure. He couldn't be so selfish as to deprive the young girl of that. A black depression took hold of him as he realised he loved her too much to hold her back. He would have to let her go.

The abrupt realisation that he had to do the right thing brought tears to John's eyes. He turned to the girl he now realised was his soul-mate and tried to mentally prepare himself to let her go. It was the hardest thing he had ever had to do.
