
Pandora Pt.3

The Na'vi were annoyed and confused by his words but those were the last thoughts they would ever experience. Baldur drew his sword in his right hand and spear in his left before he rushed forward, his body a blur. 

In a flash of silver with black and blue streaks mixed in, the bodies of the men and women in the room were cut apart in moments. Many were unable to even tell what had happened before they died while the few that were killed last were unfortunate enough to know that they were being killed but not with enough time to regret the decision that they had made. 

Almost as fast as it began, it ended. Baldur stood in the center of the room with the headless bodies of all the Na'vi around him. 20 of the heads were in a single pile next to Baldur while the heads of the guards had been knocked away to not get mixed into the ones that Baldur truly cared about. 

Baldur picked up the closest clan leader's head and created a blade of psychic energy around one of his fingers. He then began to cut into the head, cutting off the top of the skull and revealing the brain. Baldur then used telekinesis to pull the brain out and toward his mouth which he opened wide. 

Baldur took a large chomp out of the brain. After Baldur let the pink meat flow down his throat, memories that were foreign to him began to flow into his mind. From the man's first memories that probably he didn't even remember to the last moments until his death. And with it, Baldur learned everything that the Na'vi knew. 

The Primarch threw away the brain as blood and brain matter dripped down his chin. Baldur looked to the pile of heads and began to pick them up one at a time, cutting off the top of their skulls and pulling out the brains before taking a single bite of each one in order to gain all of their memories. 

With all their memories as his own, Baldur put his helmet on and began to communicate with the Invictus. 

"Primarch to Invictus. Primarch to Invictus. Do you copy?"

"This is the Invictus. You are clear to go."

"Standby for 13 RPD requests, Over," Baldur was planning to give them the information on where the Imperial Knights were stored and send in some Grey Knights to secure them before the remaining members of the Na'vi could deploy them. 

"Primarch, Send, Over"

"Primarch, [...]," Baldur sent over the various grid coordinates as well as the resistance that Astartes would face.

Each of the locations were guarded but not heavily. They had 3 armored vehicles at most with the rest being standard infantry numbering between 45 and 120. Each of those could easily be taken care of by a single drop pod worth of Astartes but Baldur still wanted them to be sure of what they were getting into.

"Roger that, Primarch. Verify coordinates. [...]. Over," the officer in charge wanted to confirm that they had the coordinates right. This was standard operating procedure but was also important because they couldn't afford to miss the locations. 

"Correct. Primarch, out," Baldur ended the line

After passing everything on, he walked out the room to see all the guards that had been watching over Selene and the Paladins had been killed without a sound. 

"Detach. Kharn, Grimes brothers, and Psykers with Selene in Blue Team. The rest with me for Red Team," Baldur split the group to complete their next objectives.

"The Control Center in the eastern district that can control the gates as well as the defensive turrets. Most of their military forces are outside of the gates so if we secure it, we force them to less defensible locations. They also have a vault with a couple of STCs and valuable information. We also need to secure our agents. 

Blue Team is to head to the Control Center and secure it. You should be able to make it through the city without much trouble but there will be heavy resistance at the Control Center. 

Red Team will secure the STCs and pick up the agents before supporting Blue Team at the Control Center."

"Roger," the Grey Knights answered. Selene led Blue Team out of the building while Baldur and the 2 Paladins still with him went down to the basement.

They came across a few guards but it only took a few cuts with their weapons to put them all down quietly. Although the Na'vi were superior to regular humans, they were far too weak to take on Astartes, especially while the Paladins were in their armor. 

The trio made their ways through the halls until they finally reached the vault doors. With the password in his mind, Baldur was able to get them inside and secure the two STCs. One was for a heavy transport and assault craft called a Dragon Assault Ship while the other was a Wyvern Transport. 

Baldur put both on his belt before leading his men back up the building and toward the Drake. They still had to pick up their agents. 

--- One of the Imperial Knight Deployment Locations ---

The Na'vi who were guarding the area were completely unaware that their planet was being invaded. The men and women of the Na'vi base were simply walking around like usual, a few of them taking a break and eating their meal in peace. 

One of those that was patrolling was walking around when he suddenly felt some shade from the hot sun. 

"Whew. That feels..." but before he could finish his sentence, he realized that there shouldn't be any shade in the spot where he was located. The Na'vi looked down at his feet and saw the shadow was getting larger and larger. He looked up just in time to see a giant, gray object above him before it crushed him and destroyed half of the base in the explosion.

The loud explosion as the object hit the ground sent shivers into all the soldiers, catching them off guard. Many were knocked off their feet and to the ground while a loud ringing was in their ears. 

As the Na'vi tried to recover from the attack, 4 of the walls around the drop pod fell open and crushed the ground beneath them as well as anyone lucky enough to survive the initial explosion. 

As soon as the doors opened, bolter fire and flames emerged from the ship. Any Na'vi that was within sight and not hiding was immediately put down swiftly. Grey Knights rushed out the pod and began to let loose on anyone that they saw. 

The Astartes quickly moved through the base to the large hangar about 20 meters away from them. Once they got inside, they killed off all the Na'vi and the human slave that acted as the pilot for the Imperial Knight. 

"This is 1-1. Site 1 Secure," the leader of the squad communicated with the Invictus. 

"Roger 1-1. Air support is in the AO. Contact channel 3 if needed, out," the Invictus replied, making sure to note down and pass on that they had secured one of the sites.

"These guys are fucked," she told her fellow operator, who nodded in agreement while he was speaking with another squad. 

The Grey Knights had deployed their forces perfectly, attacking all the smaller bases and Imperial Knights deployment sites in order to spread the forces at the main military base. And if everything went to plan, they would be able to take Pandora in less than 24 hours. 
