
Power and Abilities explanation

In this little chapter, I think I should explain how the Mc's abilities work in this fic, and his general attitude.

Firstly, his I.Q, in this story; His I.Q stat encompasses what he 'currently' knows ONLY, not what he could know in the future.

His genius is simply an evolving one, that means the more things he knows, the faster he will learn new things to come, hence, I talk about his raw processing power increasing. This isn't even accounting for his comprehensive skills either.

There will be some of you in the comments saying, 'that's not what I.Q is'. I know this. however, I chose the term because it sounds better than the typical, 'intelligence' or 'wisdom' names.

Secondly, how the Mc's growth or potential will work. His copy ability isn't fixed in this story. He wont be learning everything instantly at the start of the story, however he will learn things very, VERY quickly, instead, for now. This principle goes for his physical growth too.

To continue on my last point. Physical stat growth in this story are boosted exponentially by his emotions or 'drive' for battle. And as he gets more power, the more his potential will grow in the long run, so think of it as a additive and multiplicative boost at the same time.

To better explain this, If he can grow 3x in his first year, he can grow 5 times faster the second year of living. His potential is limitless, so his growth rate isn't bounded (don't take those figures seriously).

The Mc's attitude is also greatly influenced by his bloodlines, combining them isn't a simple 1+1+1 = 3 kind of thing. It's much greater than that, however, his drive will be controlled later we we delve deeper into the story and as he matures and gets used to his new body.

That's all for now.
