
Chapter 77: Carnival

A month later;

"Come on just one!" I moved the joystick, positioning the claw to the stuffed animal I wanted. This was my second trial and I couldn't grab it. I could feel a sick snicker coming from my left. I know it's impossible to feel someone sneering, but because I was aware of the person that was next to me, I knew exactly what he would be doing.

"You're not going to get it that way." Shawn uttered. I looked up at him, sending a hard glare at his direction. His taunting was annoying.

"Oh really. What is your advice, wise one?" My tone was filled with sarcasm. I don't know why I was even bothering myself with this game, it was definitely rigged. It's rare to win. I stared at the white big teddy that was at the corner of the machine. How I wish I could get it.
