
Chapter Fifty-Nine: The Illusion of Trust

 Nicodemus Fury was unceremoniously dumped in a thicket close to the forest road. He was spat out from the portal, rolled down an embankment, and ended up in a shallow wash. He had tried to slow his descent by grabbing onto roots and vines and ended up covered in dirt, leaves, and a shower of gravel and stones. He looked for injuries and found only minor cuts and bruises.

 Fury rolled to his hands and knees then used the side of the shallow ravine to claw his way to his feet. He glanced up to study the best way back up to the road. He grabbed a tree root and began to pick his way back up to the road. When he finally rolled up onto flat land again he glanced back down the way he had just climbed, "Lucky I did not break my fool neck!" He got to his feet, slapping the dirt and leaves from his clothes. He began walking toward the arch.

 He sensed rather than heard movement in the trees. He stopped in his tracks and dropped into the dense underbrush. He heard the faint rustle of leaves and looked up into the canopy of trees to identify who was tracking him.

 "Uncle," came a whisper next to his ear.

 He spun and came face to face with the sharp end of a Sith dagger pressing against his jugular! "Nephew."

 "Your trusted man is now held in thrall," Moon Bear hissed at him. "Aria was the one who resisted long enough for me to escape. They are all likely in thrall now."

 Anger rose in Fury, but he heard Gaddis' words in his head: 'You are no good to anyone if you lose your wits!' "I will deal with that later. Colleen has Siobhan, but they have not gone through to Arwyn."

 "What can the two of us do?" Moon Bear asked the Sith dagger flicked away from Fury's throat. "You are going to make this right, uncle!" the Sith growled at him, his face was still but his golden cat-like eyes were dilated in anger and fear. "If you had not dealt with the Da'ark witch then your Daj would still be safe!"

 "I am afraid you are wrong about that," Fury told the Sith. "Colleen would have found out about Siobhan when she went for the Shai'Alomar dagger."

 "Perhaps so," Moon Bear rumbled. "But you must face the Daj and explain your plots and schemes."

 Fury stopped and faced Moon Bear, "Up into the trees with you nephew. Stay safe and whatever happens, do not come down for any reason, understand?"

 "What are you going to do?" Moon Bear asked.

 "Exactly what my mother trained me to do," Fury told him. "When it is safe, go to the palace and wait for your Emperor."

 Moon Bear stepped away from Fury as the shadows began to form around the man. Fury continued on the road and the shadowy ribbons trailed behind him. The Sith felt them float past him and he growled low in his throat and hissed angrily as they tried to pull him along behind Fury's wake. He turned and leaped up to grab a low limb and began to climb high into the dense canopy of trees.

 As Moon Bear got high into the upper sturdier branches, he spotted the arch and saw the small, mounted group approaching. He spotted Sunny. She was riding in an open wagon tied to a chair. The ropes restraining her were the same Da'ark ribbons that followed Nicodemus Fury.

 Moon Bear watched long enough to have clear in his mind his accounting to give to his Emperor. He raced along the trees until he could drop into the cover of the forest. He knew how to navigate through the underground corridors that would take him to Fury's apartments. Moon Bear had been there numerous times and he crept along the narrow and dark walkways toward the audience chamber of the Nu'Adaian king. He would hide himself in the high rafters to wait for Gaddis.

The Audience Room 

 The double doors swung open, and two guardsmen flanked the Ard Ri. Ronan Affaron was an older man but was still vigorous despite his softening middle and less toned muscles.

 "Brother, you wanted to speak to me?" Rory Affaron was younger than Ronan by five years and still toned and fit for battle.

 "I wanted to speak to you before you left with your squadron," Ronan said.

 Rory smiled. "We are ready to greet Kaderyn and his Daemons. He is weakened with the Sith warriors joining Gaddis."

 What word have you received from the Dumah?"

 Rory frowned. "There is trouble brewing between the Emperor and his Daemon handler."

 "And you know this for a fact?"

 "Yes, sire. I verified for myself the information from Nicodemus' informant. His information was reliable."

 Ronan scoffed lightly at the mention of Fury. "It is difficult to follow where Fury's loyalties are."

 Rory nodded. "Had he not brought the first daughter to Nu'Ada to cure this illness, I would have had him arrested!"

 Ronan walked over to the windows to look out over the city. "Why did he bring her here? As a first daughter, she can travel freely with the Dannan. Perhaps the rumor is true, and she is the Daj Sultana."

 Rory scoffed at the pronouncement, "Those are fables told around campfires!"

 Ronan looked over his shoulder at Rory, "Where is your brother-in-law?

 "I have no idea!" Rory declared, "He slips in and out of the palace like a shadow. The last word was he had taken the first daughter up to Ranjai Tor."

 "Is there an arrangement between them?" Ronan sounded scandalized by the thought of Fury with a young woman from Arwyn.

 Rory shrugged his shoulders lightly. "Since his association with the Brothers of the Crimson Palace, he has slowed his aging. He wears that glamor of age to make us feel less threatened."

 "Less threatened?" Ronan questioned. "What do you mean?"

 Rory scoffed lightly. "Brother, the Partholan is not as popular as we once were. Factions are looking to back even a Fury to take Affaron out of power."

 Ronan smiled grimly. "Ah, yes that is true. But who wants the throne at a time like this?"

 Rory laughed and joined his brother by the windows. He laid a hand on Ronan's shoulder, "Keep the keys to the kingdom safe, I will bring back a victory as soon as I possibly can."

 Ronan nodded. He watched his brother stride confidently out of the audience room. When he had gone Ronan turned to look out the window again. He did not trust Rory – not one wit! The information he had gathered against Rory was mounting up! He wondered when Rory would strike him. Would he be ready?

