
Chapter 197

I groaned, 'I should totally just let that go to voicemail….yeah…..it's not like it's an Avenger's level threat right? No way….fuck!' I grabbed the phone, it was Fury.

"Hello my second favorite cyclops! How's it hanging?" I asked into the phone.

"Greenpoint Avenue Bridge, now. And don't suit up," he hanged up.

Fucking great, what the hell does he want now? I swear I think he timed the call on purpose the moment I got out of my costume.

I grumbled, but luckily after a glass of water and an energy bar I was good to go. I put on a dark set of tracks and tucked away black ski mask and my spare web shooters, just in case. Never know what's going to happen when you go for a midnight rendezvous with the greatest spy in the world.

I put on my old shooters and swung my way towards the bridge in question. I made sure to land nearly a block away and covered the rest by foot. I was about to walk into the bridge when I noticed a man standing near a tree. He wore a grey tracksuit with a duffle bag over his shoulder, I focused and could make out Fury's face.

I turned to him and he walked into a nearby park that overlooked the bridge. We sat down on a bench in the middle of tall bushes that smelled of piss and beer.

"Why the secrecy?" I asked him, "we could have just met in the safe house."

"SHIELD's been compromised," were the first words out of his mouth.

My eyes went wide, "I'm sorry?"

"The bases you stole from Wyndham's computer?" Fury reached into his duffle bag and took out a folder and passed it to me.

I looked inside and found pictures of rooms that looked recently vacated, they left behind furnitures like chairs and tables, but not one shred of paper was found.

"Shit," I hissed, "how? The only ones who knew I even made a list where the people on the team that helped take down Wyndham and you."

"After you delivered the drive to me I issued a search and capture order on all those sites," Fury explained looking me in the eye, "I had to wait for 12 hours to launch a simultaneous attack on all the sites. And in that small time frame they got away."

"How the hell can you empty out bases this big in 12 hours?"

"They didn't empty out most of them," he took a picture from the back, it was of a burned down building, "in most cases they burnt it all."

"But still, 12 hours?" I hummed, "that's not possible unless-"

"-Unless the lis got out and someone told them beforehand," Fury completed with a node.

"Woah….we have a spy on our hands," I told him.

"Not just one, many, and they have deep roots in SHIELD," Fury grumbled, "for them to gain this type of information...it's uncanny."

"Could it be someone higher up?"

"No," he looked at me.



"What?!" I cried out, "you think I'm a spy?! For HYDRA?! The guys who kidnapped and enslaved my dad for over a decade?!"

Fury meet my eyes and for a moment I feared he would do something stupid. But then he sighed, "sorry, just had to be sure."

I blinked, "what?"

"I wanted to see if you were lying or not."

"And you can tell just by looking at someone?" I asked.

"I find myself to be a very good judge of character."

"Really?" I asked with a drawl.

"Yes, I figured you would make a good Avenger didn't I?" he smirked. I grumbled, stupid old man. He sighed, "I don't think you're a spy, and I don't think anyone on the Avengers roster is one either, in case you were wondering. But..."

"You can't say the same about your own agents," I told him, and suddenly I got a horrible thought. "Nat...you don't think she's-"

"No," he said much to my relief, "if there's one agent I can trust with my life it's her."

I sighed, "thank god. Because just between you and me I don't think I can fight her."


"She would kick my ass," I shuddered, "maybe if I had my suit and web shooters I would have a chance, but pure combat? She would win hands down."

"Hm," he hummed thinking, obviously he had just ignored my little triad right there. He turned to me, "I want you to keep a closer eye on things on your side. If HYDRA is active, it's bigger than it ever was before. And more secretive, I couldn't find a shred of evidence leading to them and you just threatened to drag them into the light. Watch your back Peter."

I nodded, "yeah…my secret identity, you don't have it on file do you?"

Fury's face hardened, "yes," I gasped, "but only I have access to it."

"And what about the people above you?"

"The council members? There's no way that-" he paused thinking it over before nodding, "I'll remove it as soon as I can. It may not do much but at least on the off chance they haven't been able to hack into our servers you'll be safe.'

I sighed, "thank you Fury."

He nodded, "right," he got up before realizing something, "oh, and before I forget," he reached into his jacket pocket and took out a photo and passed it to me.




Hello everyone. I want to inform you that the novel "Caught in the Web of The Spider" is now available in PDF format in the Store section. It consists of 8 volumes, each with 100 chapters or more, from chapter 1 to 831. If you want to read the entire novel, go to my Ko-Fi and buy it now!…

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