
Chapter 192

"That's it!" she cried out as she the now more irritated looking blonde charged at me. I managed to block and move away from their strikes but they got a few in. They were faster than me, much faster.

Suddenly my spider sense went off. I jumped up just as the two remaining jock ghouls from before charged at me from behind, instead now tackling their vampire masters.

I landed on a tree branch and smirked as I saw the girls order the jocks to get off them. They growled in pain as their uniform was covered in mud. I couldn't help chuckle looking down at them, "see you are werewolves, only mutts play in the mud. Just don't expect a bubble bath after this, I don't want you girls dragging in mud into the house."

"Do you ever shut up?!" the brunette growled, now on her feet yet again.

"Not really, no," I chuckled as I sent two bolts of electric energy at the jocks, knocking them unconscious, luckily they didn't seem to have their masters durability.

"I'm going to enjoy killing you," the blonde growled, "I'm going to make every second of your life a living hell!"

"Sorry, I'm not ready to get married," I snorted. The girls were about to leap at me, I got another bolt of electricity ready to fire when my spider sense went off. I jumped, but I was too slow. Something came charging into me, throwing me out of the tree and into the ground rolling in the dirt.

"Who's the dog now bitch?!" Kimmy spat out, kicking me in the stomach. But I didn't register that, the pain I felt in my spine was too much for that. It wasn't cut, no, thank god for small miracles. But it did hurt, a lot.

"I'm going to enjoying making you bleed!" the busty brunette called out kicking me again. I coughed out blood and looked up the girl looked mad with anger, smiling down at me. But the other two, they weren't even looking at me.

"Kimmy," the asian chick called out. Kimmy didn't listen to her, continuing to hit me. "Kimmy!" she roared again.

"What?!" the brunette snapped. The asian chick simply turned away. I looked up and saw Kimmy's face turn pale as a sheet as she and the other girls watched a man walk out of the shadows.

"The three of you certainly have a gift I must say," his voice was smooth like a river, yet dangerous like the deep blue sea. The girls were scared stiff at his image. He had long wavy hair that reached to his shoulder and wore tight black leather for pants.

"Tell me, are you all incompetent or just stupid?" the man asked as he walked up to the scared women.

"W-we were just trying to get something to eat," the blonde whispered.

"Of course you were," the man smiled with anything but understanding, "but you see...you couldn't even get that right," he slapped her across the face. I heard her jaw break. "Useless."

The other girls winced in pain as they saw their friend fall down holding her broken jaw in pain. The man now looked at me, a smile on his lips as he licked them, "aren't you a juicy looking thing."

"Kiss my ass," I grunted out as I pulled myself up. I needed my suit, only problem is I left it at home! Note to self, never do something stupid like that again!

"Well, not to worry, I'll do more than just kiss your lovely behind," he chuckled darkly, "tell me boy, have you ever been with a man?"

"No, and I doubt you qualify gay lord," I smirked, but inside I was crying out in panic, how fuck fuck am I going to get out of this!

"Hm, I like my lovers with a little bite," he licked his lips as his fangs grew out, "but I assure you, my bite is far worse than yours." He stepped forward when suddenly I heard a sharp whistle.

We all looked up and saw a black disc flying overhead.


The disc exploded and suddenly the entire forest was lit up with light like it was the middle of the morning. I had spot in my eyes when I heard them all scream bloody murder.

I blinked away the spots, I needed to see. And when they finally vanished I found the girls on fire, their skin burnt brown, but they were still alive and rolling on the ground trying to put themselves out.

I turned to creepy vamp dude and was surprised to see him gawking at me. His jaw dropped open as slowly the tip of a katana came through it. The sword slashed his head off with one clean swipe. The beheaded vamp dropped to the ground revealing a black man with short hair, black sunglasses and black overcoat.

"No way," I gasped seeing the man flick his katana, wiping away the vamp's blood. He looked at me and gave a node, I automatically nodded back at him.

"The daywalker!" one of the three barbeque girls called out. Two of them charged him, immediately the black man began to fight them, dodging their swipes before kicking them back, swinging his sword, trying to maim or decapitate them.

However the blonde, now with all her hair burnt off and skin burning, was still on the ground. She slowly turned to me, I could feel her red eyes trail across my neck, before suddenly she pounced at me.




Hello everyone. I want to inform you that the novel "Caught in the Web of The Spider" is now available in PDF format in the Store section. It consists of 8 volumes, each with 100 chapters or more, from chapter 1 to 831. If you want to read the entire novel, go to my Ko-Fi and buy it now!…

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