
You're a sly dude

The whole situation was unclear and Eliza could only stare at an honest Felix.

"I don't believe you." She slammed right at his face.

"Well great, I don't believe you either so it's settled. You're a vamp." Felix concluded.

"It's impossible for you not to have kissed any girl in your life because you're..." Her voice deemed down "...you." She thought it through carefully. 'But then someone like me should have also kissed a boy by now but I haven't. Is he telling the truth or does he just want to make me feel equal?' She thought feeling a bit guilty. 'But why would he?'

"Not everyone is who they look like." Felix stated.

"Huh?" Eliza asked not really clear on it but he quickly changed his words.

"All this happening now doesn't mean we're close. After the shoot I'm going back to my old self where I can disregard you whenever I want."

"You say it like it's fun but do you ever consider how I feel each time you do so?" She asked now in a solemn way.

"It has nothing to do with me." He admitted, giving her no hope.

"Great! Just the reaction I was hoping for." She gave a faint smile. It was fake. She felt sad for no reason but didn't want to show it. She got up "I'll take my leave." and moved towards the door.

Felix felt so much like stopping her but didn't know why. Such things were irrelevant to him so he just let her go.

That night, the moon shone so brightly over the lake and above their developed love.

It all went according to how they practiced but at the end of it, Eliza cried, not in front of the camera but alone on the bench. She carried her heavy gown material, found her way to the bench at the back where no one could see and cried.

Everyone gradually left but she didn't leave. She just felt like being alone.

Jellal suddenly walked up to her to congratulate her on the success of the shoot but was surprised to see her that way. Though she wasn't making any sounds, the tears flowed down visibly.

"What's wrong?" Jellal asked.

"Oh, nothing." She didn't bother to clean the tears since he had already seen it.

"Then why are you crying?" She asked.

"I don't know. The tears just roll down on their own accord. I'm not doing it." She answered.

"You must be hurt somehow. Did Felix hurt you or say anything mean?" He asked, concerned and worried.

"He always says mean things, he's never nice." She pointed out.

"Then did he hurt you?" He asked further but she stayed silent. Then, she turned her head to him and said,

"Stop pretending to care!" She looked away.

"What?" This made Jellal a bit confused. What was she saying?

"You're a sly dude, you know that? You just want to act nice just to keep my hopes up but there's nothing to actually hope on anymore." She got up from the bench. "I'm sure when it's all over or even tomorrow, your personality will change, isn't that right?"

"It's not like that." Jellal said wanting to change her mindset.

"Oh forget it. I'm just a silly willy to have thought it could work out for the both of us, if not all."

"But it can." He persisted.

"Jellal, I'm going home." She announced and got up from the bench, lifting the heavy fabrics of her gown once more.

"It's late. I'll take you home." He offered but she declined.

"Not to worry. You might call this a scheme to get into your car. I'll just take a cab." She said with a disdainful glare, which surprised him.

What had gotten into her all of a sudden? He immediately grabbed her arm.

"What is up with you? You're acting strange." He pointed out.

"Let go of my hand." She demanded. "I'm acting according to what I think is right. It's all over and nothing's left."

"Do you think it's over, the little friendship we shared?"

"How do I know it was actually friendship? Could have just been an act." She concluded and he let go. She walked away, leaving him completely puzzled.

"What happened all of a sudden?" Jellal inquired from no one.

Eliza went to take her costume off and went home. As soon as she opened the door, she met Allison asleep on the couch, guess she must have waited long for her.

She decided to cover her with a blanket instead of waking her up. The night was so cold, she could feel it in and out of her cells but for some reason, she wasn't sure that the cold inside her was being caused by the weather. It… must've been something else.

She yawned, picked up her phone and stared at the screen, as if expecting someone's call.

Felix, on the other hand, felt angered by every little thing that crossed him. He just needed something to let his anger out on. He was mad at himself for the statements he made towards Eliza and it felt like the whole world was against him.

Truly, he wanted nothing to do with Eliza but he couldn't admit his fault.

Was she mad? She looked hurt when she left the shoot. He didn't want to care but his thoughts were nagging him.

The best thing to do was to call her and get a few ideas about her mood from the call. He picked up his phone but was hesitant. It was his pride getting in the way of it all, even if it was just a chat.

Eliza gave up and dropped her phone. Just then it rang. She quickly checked the caller with the expectation of it being Felix but it wasn't him. Rather it was someone she had long wanted to see.

"Amma!" Eliza quickly answered the call.

Ah, here comes our FLs mother

Lady_Sumaraicreators' thoughts