

Soon a another coustomer was served.

Looking at beautiful bowl of curry rice, he couldn't help but move his chopsticks.

He eat everything very fastly. And even ordered a another bowl of bowl of curry rice.

It's not that bowls are small, it's just thier appetite was big. And food was very tasty.

There was already hustle and bustle in the town.

Looking at man gulping down down everything like a starved demon, they couldn't help but walk near the stall.

Just as they went near the stall, a sweet aroma touched thier nose. They couldn't help but look Shen Yu, who was bringing a single bread stick for the man.

They swallowed thier saliva.

"Today is our first day in the market and we are giving a free bread stick to first ten coustomers. Please take care of us in future." Shen Yu said smiling.

Some ladies looking at him couldn't help but blush.

'Ah! So handsome'

'He is so cute!'

'is he single?'

They had such a thoughts in thier mind but couldn't say it aloud.

It would be shameful for a young woman to say such a thing in middle of the market to a unknown man.

Man just took the free bread with a smirk. But after tasting a bite he couldn't help but ask a plate of them also.

Shen Yu had smile in eyes while nodding at his order. His wife's techniques are quite unbeatable.

"Ps..! Shen Yu..give this free bread stick to that man" Said Su Yun.

He blinked his eyes. 'why....?'

Looking at his addorable face at the moment she couldn't help but 'coo..!' in her heart.

"Don't worry just do as say so..!" She gave him a thumbs up while winking.

Soon more people come to there stall. More coustomers means more work.

They had gotten pretty busy.

Thier was even a time poor Su Yun was given the job of washing the dishes. At that moment Shen Yu had serve and fill the dishes all by himself.

It went like that for a whole busy hours such as morning, noon and evening. But they didn't complaint.

They were happy instead. Cause more coustomers also means more money.

They moved thier sore feets towards thier home. Su Yun yawned while helping Shen Yu push the stall.

It was not Shen Yu asked her to, she insisted.

Afterall it was not only her who was working whole the time, Shen Yu also was.

If she was tired, Shen Yu must be too!!!

Finally they reached home. Just as they were about to enter house.

They heard a angry voice saying "Brother Shen Yu, Sister Su Yun, you both are finnally here!"

They blinked. Before giving thier partner a gaze.

Suddenly Su Yun realised "Ah..! Sorry sister Ji Nian. Everything was done in hurry, we did not get time to inform others."

Well it's true. Original Su Yun's mother isn't alive and her father wasn't good and Shen Yu is a orphan. His realtionship with Shen family wasn't good.

So I thought that there was no body to help. And we can't trouble Aunt wang and her family for no reason.

"Nonsense! Do you think I not realible!?" Ji Nian yelled. Her eyes were a little wet.

Su Yun panicked seeing her glossy eyes.

She held Ji Nian's hand in her own and said

"please try to understand, we just thought of this idea a while ago. We were very busy that we didn't even get enough sleep..."

"Look..!..look..!..at the eyebags under my eyes!" She was pointing at her eyes in a weird way.

"Puft!" Both Shen Yu and Ji Nian couldn't control thier lips shut. And started to laugh loudly.

So much that Ni Jian's stomach started to hurt a little.

Shen Yu whoever was restrained. It's not good to laugh out aloud on his wife, infront of others.

"(• •)?" Was Su Yun expression.

'was what I said..funny?' was her thoughts.

"I am forgiveing you today, but remember to don't do such a thing again" said Ji Nian with a emitting look.

Su Yun nodded her head rapidly. Ji Nian shook her head and left.

Su Yun sign seeing her disappearing figure. But suddenly felt chills on her back. She turned around. Only to see Shen Yu glaring at her.

He said "I didn't knew you both were this.. immitate"

"No-no it's just she helped me, while you used to going to labour work." She smiled akwardly.

"What did she you helped with?" He stopped glaring.

"I will tell you tomorrow" "why not now?"

"Cause I am tired, now tell me honestly do you want to sleep on bed or the floor today!" She said with her emmitating expression.

Looking at his angry little wife, he finnally shut up. While following her like a lost puppy.

Su Yun went to cut vegetables while Shen Yu went to wash dishes.

They couldn't eat same thing, again and again. She had to think of their health and taste.

Food was made in short time. Whoever Shen Yu was only half done with his task, so Su Yun helped her.

With two of them working together it didn't take them alot of time to wash the dishes.

Su Yun lit the oil lamp and they started to eat in peace.

After eating, Su Yun couldn't wait to count the money.

She opened the heavy pouch filled with copper coins and started to count "one...two..three...four hundred forty seven...five hundred forty eight..! Look Shen You total five hundred forty eight wen, if we remove the cost the of the stuff we brought to make the food..it's still more than 200 wen wen!"

She jumped while hugging Shen Yu tightly. Shen Yu also wrapped his around her waist.

Both went inside the thier room but due tiredness they could do nothing more than sleep.

Su Yun layed on bed smiling. Soon she entered in her dreamland.

Only to enter in a beautiful place filled mountainas and very big waterfall. It was unknown where the source of the water of it was.

Her thoughts were broken by a female miecanical voice saying "Welcome to System 100095"

<Don't forget to check the auxiliary chapter, for some guidelines>

kamal_victoriancreators' thoughts