
Hit the Chimeras (2)

They nodded to each other and agreed on the terms set by Ratamir. They just needed to divide the groups and start the mission. Tal'Dore would be with Bogath at one entrance and Liv and Valther at another. 

"Are you okay with that?" The dwarf asked, and everyone nodded. Ratamir continued, "The rest stay with me. As soon as they deal with the guards at the front, we move inside."

"What are they doing there, Tal'Dore?" Ravi asked,

"Playing cards," the elf replied. 

"Oh, a bad way to die," 

"Alright, it's decided. Let's go," Ratamir said, finishing the conversation. Tal'Dore then moved to one of the entrances with Bogath at his back. The others followed after some time, leaving Alex and Liv alone to pursue their own objective: to kill the two White Elves in front of one of the entrances.

"I'm already working on your armor, you know?" Liv stated as they walked silently, trying to get into a good position. 
