

Tina and Alex stood at the end of the stairs of the City Hall. He turned his head and looked to the city. It was almost like he was in an old European town with the church in the middle and all the streets converging to the place, but in this case, it was the building of administrators. That rang a peculiar bell to Alex. Even though the area was clearly profoundly involved with Religion—in what he was getting to know as the cult of the Bloodmoon Goddess, there was a value of politics, or else a temple would be in the middle of FrontHold.

As he watched the people again, he was surprised that white and dark elves worked together in the city, contrary to Valinor, where white elves worked for dark elves or avoided each other altogether. He remembered Ratamir's words in his mind. They were heading to a mixed settlement, so that is what he meant.
