
Leah and Sophie

Elaria entered our room with two cups of coffee in the morning and set them down on the nightstand for my sister and me.

I sensed the presence of two other people seated on the couches, looking awkward as they sat in silence. One was from the house I saw a day ago, where I felt her and sent Elaria to look since I needed someone for Zari. The other I had never seen before and looked at Elaria for an explanation.

Zari was awake and laying next to me, so she didn't have to worry about waking her. "Master, both have decent talents and good enough looks to satisfy Mrs. Lila, so I brought them both for you to interview."

She's not wrong, I got up to go meet them. Zari made complaining noises as I moved away and looked dissatisfied. I patted her head, put my pants on, then walked out of the room while drinking my cup and stretching my shirt over my head. Zari quickly followed behind me.

Both of the girls on the couch turned around to see the new person behind them as I finished pulling my shirt on. One was blond and the other had brown hair. They both blushed, and one the brown haired one covered her cheeks. I thought it was cute as they turned away.

"So, you both want to work for me?"

The hand of the blond shot up. "I do! My name is Leah Andriola, and I would like to."

The brown-haired girl timidly raised her hand. "Um Elaria said I could make a request, although I think anything can be done, it uh doesn't hurt to ask, right? Um, can I?"

"Sure, what is it?"

"Umm so, my cousin—he, uh, I'd like—"

I tapped Elaria while she was trying to get it out and whispered, "What's wrong with her?"

"Nothing, she's just too nervous."

I kept listening to the girl. "My name is uh, Sophie Gressman from the Gressman supermarket family. And um, after mom and dad died—uh, more like were murdered—my cousin and uncle, uh, kind of wants to use me or uh, murder me too. So, uh, I ran away. Um, and—"

The Gressman family is known all over the world. They are the owners of the largest chain of supermarkets across the globe. Well, they are the descendants of the founder and collectively still own a controlling amount of shares.

I held up my hand to stop her. I knew what she was getting at, and it was too painful to listen. "You want your cousin and uncle to pay."


"And what is the price they should pay?"

"Um, maybe lose their shares in the company or, uh, go bankrupt?" She didn't look convinced at her own answer.

I walked around the couch and stood in front of her. She stared at her lap, a natural response. I placed my hand under her chin, lifting it up and bent down to look into her eyes from just inches away.

"If you want something, you should say it when I ask, even if you think I can't do it. That is not for you to decide. If I ask you something, answer truthfully. Don't come up with something else. Now, what do you actually want the price to be?"

She looked scared and embarrassed at the same time, but I saw her become resolved in what she wanted to say. "I-I think they should die since they murdered mom and dad!"

"And? How should they die?"

"I want to stab them from behind when they think they are safe."

I stood up and grabbed her hand, pulling her up. "Elaria, I don't think you explained much."

"No, sorry Master. I only said that a very powerful man is looking for a maid, and the compensation would be very generous."

"It's good, take the other one and discuss what she wants, then teach her. I'll give you two months."

"Yes, Master." She looked at Leah. "Come with me."

Her expression looked a little weird and scared. I suppose she had no idea what to do after I just decided to kill people from one of the most powerful families in the world. She must have decided her only option was to do as told, so she stood up.

I opened the door to my world, complete shock was on both of their faces as they stood frozen. Elaria pushed Leah through and entered after her. I shut the door and turned back to Sophie.

"Where are we going now?"

She was still shocked. I waved my hand in front of her face, and she started looking panicked. "Eh, w-what was that?" She pointed to where the door had just been.

"You'll see later. Now, where are we going?"

She blinked a few times and decided if I wasn't going to tell her, then she wasn't going to find out, and she should not push it. "Ummm, their house. I can drive you there. But doesn't there need to be a plan first? And are you sure you want to go against them?"

She's questioning my abilities again. "Tsk, little girl, don't question my abilities. No driving. Show me the street view on a map."

Her expression looked pissed off for a fraction of a second but was replaced with a calm mask, and she started using her phone. I suppose she doesn't like me telling her not to question me. She'll soon find out I have the power to back up my arrogance.

Zari spoke from behind me and wrapped her arms around my waist. "I'm going! You're not allowed to be out of my sight! And are we going to eat first?"

I glanced at Sophie. "Have you eaten?"

As if on cue, her stomach growled. Her face turned crimson, and she looked like she wanted to die. She covered her eyes with her arm and held out the phone where I could see the outline of a splendid mansion at the end of a very long driveway. "N-No! I-This is as close as I can get."

I nodded and teleported us all to my house to pick up something to eat. Sophie looked sick and again shocked and muttered, "Teleportation? Of course there's that also. Can he not warn me?"

Alexis and Nona came out of the kitchen carrying plates, Lila and Luna came down the stairs and ran over to me for a hug.

The table was set for four of us, and Alexis and Nona stood near the entrance of the kitchen watching us for anything they needed to do. We sat down to eat, but Sophie looked unsure of what to do. I raised my hand signaling to Alexis and Nona that I had instructions and pointed to an empty seat. Nona disappeared into the kitchen, coming back with another plate and setting it down on the table. Sophie thanked her and sat down to eat.

Sophie started doing something with her food that seemed to be habit, and I don't think she knew she was doing it. The mashed potatoes were formed into a perfect circle, which she started slicing them off into layers to eat as she did something with the rest of the food.

She gently squished the steak before turning it over and squishing on the other side. I watched her as she seemed to find something wrong with it, then moved onto the broccoli. Every piece was stuck with a fork and arranged in a neat line with the florets going in alternating directions in order of how cooked it was. She seemed to be finished and working herself up to eat the steak now that the mashed potatoes were gone.

Luna, who was sitting on my right, nudged me. "She's worse than you."

Sophie seemed to realize what she was and looked embarrassed. She quickly messed up her plate and a piece of broccoli flew across the table landing in Lila's plate. Sophie was now mortified, which only increased when Lila picked it up, made a lovey face a her while seductively eating the piece.

I turned back to Luna, "I don't arrange it."

"Yes, you do, just not to that extent. You also refuse to eat more than one thing at a time. You also eat all the way around your sandwich before eating the rest. So yes, you mess with your food also."

I still don't think I arrange it, but whatever. I guess I do know I do the rest. I wanted to know what Sophie thinks is wrong with the steak, though. "Is there something wrong with your food?"

She took a minute to calm down and shook her head. "No."

I don't believe her. "What did I say earlier?"

Her face reddened, and she avoided looking at anyone. Lila took an interest in her when she saw her face red about something I said earlier. "T-The steak was cooked on heat too high."

"You can cook?"

"Yes, my parents made me learn. They did lots of bad things to others but always made sure I learned everything to perfection."

"Do you like cooking?"

"Yes, it is something I like."

I know what she will be doing. She can be the cook.


Her revenge plan was really simple. I was going to teleport in, and she was going to stab them.

We were all finished eating, Zari, Sophie, and I were standing in a circle. Sophie could be seen bracing herself to teleport.

I snapped my fingers, and a magical contract appeared in front of her along with a pen. It pretty much said that after I helped her get revenge on her cousin and uncle, I owned her body, mind, and soul for as long as she lived. If she chose to go against it, she would suffer a painful death.

It was like a slave contract that she could sign herself into, rather than it being forced onto her, or a mana oath like the others, but she didn't have a mana core, so that wouldn't work.

"Read, sign."

She read the words in front of her and signed it. It turned into two balls of light, and one flew into each of us.

I immediately teleported us to the mansion I saw on the map, wasting no time. Scanning it with my divine sense, I saw some people. Some staff and two that were the people we were looking for.

I glamoured Zari and me to be invisible and teleported directly behind the first target, then cast a silencing spell on him. Sophie lifted the dagger I gave her, which was enchanted so it was abnormally sharp.

The dagger plunged into his flesh, and he fell to the floor, reaching around his back as he lay on his side. He looked at who had stabbed him, and shock could be seen in his eyes.

I teleported us behind the next guy. This time, after stabbing him, she started kicking him in the lower back as he died.

"Is there anything from around the house that you want?"

She looked like she was going to say no, but remembered what I told her before. "Can I look for mom and dad's real will? It's probably in the safe upstairs in the office."

I used my divine sense to look in the large safe with loads of files. I found it in one on a lawyer that had what she wanted. These files seemed to be a sort of mutually assured destruction, all kinds of terrible crimes committed by influential people.

I teleported us beside the safe and sliced the top off with a sword, then reached inside, pulling out the file and handing it to her. It contained other things besides what she was wanting; it also had proof of a payment for swapping the wills.

She read what the real one said; her uncle was supposed to get $1, and she was supposed to get everything they had if neither one of them were alive. "May I please ask you to help me give this file to someone who can put it everywhere for people to see?"

"Sure, where?"

She seemed like she couldn't come up with a good idea. "I know one person who runs a radio show with a big audiance who my parents weren't able to bribe. No one else of a reasonable size or on TV would say anything about this."

I created a large envelope and copied the documents in the file, placing them inside. She wrote the name on the outside, and I called Nyla to deliver it wherever it needed to go.

I opened the door to my world, Leah came out and bowed. "Master, is there any command you have for me?"

She was in the Foundation Establishment realm and at the peak of the world with her magic. I would have expected a higher cultivation, so she will have to work hard.

"You will be helping Zari."

She turned to Zari, "It's a pleasure to meet you, Mrs. Zari. I will be happy to serve you in the future."

I pointed at the door and glanced at Sophie. "Your turn now."

She obediently went through, and I closed it behind her.

"Lets go home now." I placed the safe in my inventory in case I ever wanted it and teleported us home.

I wanted Sophie to come out soon and sped the time up a little faster.

"Luna, will you please go with Zari to convince mom to let her go on a vacation. I'd like to leave in the morning." Luna is the only normal one of her and Lila, so she's probably best.

"Sure, you want to go to the next world?"


She dragged Zari out of the house, who didn't want to go but didn't have a choice.

I opened the door to my world again, Sophie and Elaria stepped out.

"Sophie, since you like cooking, you will be the chef."

She bowed and headed into the kitchen.

"Elaria, why is Leah in Foundation Establishment and Sophie in Nascent Soul?"

She bowed. "I'm really sorry, Master. I wasn't smart enough to explain how to feel the mana to someone who has no concept of it."

"It's no problem. We are leaving tomorrow morning, so get whatever you need to ready."

"Yes, Master."


We all piled into my world, and I edited the house so it had enough rooms.

I pulled Luna, Lila, and Zari in for a hug. "I'll be back soon. Cultivate hard so we have more time together later."

Zari was crying; I knew separating would be especially hard for her.

I patted her head. "I'll be back very soon, so don't worry. And nothing will happen to me. I'm way stronger than even others, so there won't be any danger."

I extracted myself from them, and Luna put her arm around Zari. "See you soon, I love you."

I waved as I stepped through the door. "Love you too."

I closed the door behind me and stepped out of the multiverse.

'Kitty, let's go.'


Lea Andriola

Sophie Gressman
