
Saved but Senseless

"Sorry I'm late." Keres apologized, sitting down next to me on the roof. "You must be very organized, you're actually here on time — unlike me."

"Oh — well, I slept here yesterday." I murmured under my breath.

Keres' smile quickly changed into a dazed expression, and then he turned to face the view of the torn down city, smoke polluting the sky.

Both of us didn't know what to say.

It was like the first day of school for me, making new friends would always be awkward. Except now, making friends didn't matter at all. All that mattered was survival.

I glanced over to look at Keres. He was still glazing at the view, unbothered by all the smoke.

Suddenly, he looked back at me.

"Ah, sorry, I forgot I was supposed to teach you how to use your ability!" Keres said when he realized I was staring at him. "Let's test your ability somewhere else? This is sort of a small space for testing and teaching."

I shrugged and followed him down the stairs and to a large, spacious area, which was supposed to be a park before everything starting going south.

"Do you remember what caused the zombies to start…changing?" Keres asked, seeming to be at a lost of words.

I shook my head.

I came up with a theory it had something to do with my temper yesterday night, but I wasn't completely sure.

"Well, I'm pretty sure it has something to do with your temper." Keres told me, confirming my theory was true.

"I'll be right back!"

I watched as Keres ran through an ally, seeming like he was determined to do whatever he was going to do.

Where was he going?

After what seemed like hours, the cold wind making me shiver, he had returned — but with company.

I saw Keres run back to where I was, with a small crowd of zombies trying to chase him.

"Okay! Think of something that makes you feel angry — or upset!" Keres screamed to me as he ran from the following creatures that would do anything for his brain — a perfect snack.

This would be the part where I would figure out how to use my unknown ability, according to multiple novels I read about these types of situations.

In my thoughts, I searched, specifically, for the one where Keok had shattered my courage into pieces of anger, or the one where Lucy had crushed my hopes until there was none left.

I felt a feeling of ambivalence, as my emotions had started to take over me again. Just like it had did in the train — the only difference now was there was no train door for me to punch.

My anger and sorrow were taking over me — just like last time, but the zombies didn't alter this time.

The zombies were coming after me instead of Keres now, considering I was standing still instead of running.

I hadn't noticed, but Keres had been trying to warn me about it, telling me to run, or at least move.

Before I could even react, one of the zombies pounced on me — resulting in me getting pinned to the ground, about to get ripped apart and eaten. My hands automatically covered my eyes, fearing what I might see happen.


A few moments after I had heard that ear-splitting bang, I uncovered my eyes.

I saw blood stained on my clothes. My heart was beating extra fast — twice as fast as usual.

The other zombies stood still, intrigued for a moment, and then started going toward the direction where Keres was, seeming like they knew the bullet had came from him.

My eyes quickly turned to look at Keres, holding a gun in his hand.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

I covered my eyes once again, trying not to get any more blood smeared on my face, as more I heard more gunshots.

"Ha, sorry about that." Keres said softly as he ran toward me once the "bangs" stopped. "Maybe we should train another day!"

"Where'd you get a gun?!" I muttered, trying not to throw up.

Keres looked confused at first, and then quickly stuffed the gun into his pocket once he remembered he was still holding it.

"How are you feeling? Are you hurt?" He questioned me, obviously trying to change the subject, but still genuinely worried.

My arm stung while the rest of my body ached. My heart, slowly but surely, started to stop beating and my eyes felt like they were getting forced to close — as I couldn't keep them open any longer.

"Orion? Orion??"
