
Dragon Princess (R-18)

~~~~~~Meanwhile in Underworld~~~~~~

"Well? Any luck?" Sirzechs asked fellow Satan.

"No. The magic used in the bottles is nature itself. Something our demonic nature can't replicate. We could use some sort of medium, but we tried that before. We all know how deformed those children came out." Ajuka Beelzebub said with a frown.

The green-haired Satan was holding one of the potions they got from Raynor not a few moments ago. The moment they received the batch, Sirzechs gave one to Ajuka, who went to try to reverse-engineer it.

"I see. Well, this complicates things."

"It does. The thing is, if the human who did this becomes a devil, he could potentially lose this power. This magic is for a human to inherit, not a devil." The current Beelzebub continued.

"Our demonic energy doesn't just give power to a being. The evil pieces also corrupt the soul. So if he becomes a devil, this magic will also be corrupted; it's the basic principle of energies, simple as that. But then again, it depends on how the magic works." He looked at Sirzechs, waiting for more information.

"He uses his blood as well."

"Then it's as I said. If this Raynor Valeron had Sacred Gear, we could do something, but if he uses the magic of his body and soul, then it's as I just said."

The answers Sirzechs just heard were what he had feared. They might have means to improve their population, but this population boon will be dependent on a human of all things.

"I see. What you said was something I have feared. I want you to try to look for long-term solutions. Maybe a machine or an injection like a vaccine based on this. We can't depend on humans for our long-term survival."

"...I could try out a few things. But as I said. We can't simply use nature magic like this. You need a Nature user." Ajuka sighed while saying that.

While the pair were talking, Serafall sat there with a pondering look. She was thinking about what Raynor said and whatnot.

She considered revealing a thing or two where she was over the weekend, but she decided to withhold some crucial information.

'I think his magic is starting to affect me at a conscious level.'

She will not acknowledge that Raynor used simple persuasion methods to change her! Nope! She is Satan Leviathan! Not some grasshopper!

Simply telling her that she can grow bigger is something a devil can do to some extent! Nothing big! And a dragon for a pet? What of it!? She is a powerful devil. It's not like she NEEDS it!

'Stupid Raynor and his stupid blood and soul magic!'

"...I think we could ask him to make a totem for us." Eventually, Serafall commented from the side.


"He is a shaman, you know. Not just a hunter, his shamanism could alter nature and its circumstances. He could make a totem which improved devil fertility by bathing in a specific water."

"...Oh…Genius…" Sirzechs' eyes widened when he said that.

"However, I don't know what he could potentially ask for such a thing. He is cynical about us, and he could be waiting for us to provoke him somehow." Serafall said with a grimace.

"No small part related to your attack." Ajuka casually commented from the side.

The current Leviathan pouted at him with inflated cheeks.

"Fine! I will solve this! I will ask him for a totem! I will negotiate!"

"No. Leave that to me. You are Valeron's summon. He will not take you seriously." Sirzechs declined, and he started to ponder on the value of the totem.

The teen could ask pretty much everything, but is his kind willing to trade?

He must call for a council meeting and bring this to the political factions and ask what they are thinking.


A few minutes later, devil noblemen gathered in the council meeting room. All of them are High-Class noblemen with many years under their belt. One could say that they are the true rulers of the Devil Kind.

While Satans are the leaders of their respective branches of government, significant choices concerning the whole Devil Race are talked about and decided in this room.

The Four Satans' thrones face the council seats; the seats are similar to those of Romans and used to have in their Senate.

To open up the council was Sirzechs, who debriefed his interactions with Raynor Valeron. Typically, Sirzechs would never address such an event at Devil Council, but not this time.

It concerns the whole of Devil Kind, so Crimson Lucifer had no choice but to open up to the council.

He explained Raynor and his powers, some of his abilities and the possibility of cooperation; most importantly, he mentioned that they couldn't resurrect him as a devil as it would mutate his natural powers.

"We shouldn't rush at this. I suggest cultivating such a relationship over time. If what you said is true about this human's predatory nature, we must make him get used to us." Zekram Bael said from his side of the council.

"If he realises that we are friends and not enemies, he would give us more leeway."

"... That's what I was thinking as well," Sirzechs nodded in agreement; he thought the same thing.

"It is even better than he is with Sona Sitri, The Heiress of the Sitri family; he has won his chest match against her, according to the deal Sona Sitri signed; Raynor has earned her hand in marriage," Sirzechs said with a small smile as he saw the look on Lord Sitri's face.

"Fantastic! We already have a head start then." Zekram Bael smiled hearing that. He never expected such an opportunity for his race! They might be able to do something with those evil pieces which pollute the noble bloodlines!

He was not the only one. Many noblemen disagree with the Evil Piece system. But it was necessary— until now.

One could say that the Noblemen found their golden goose, which lays golden eggs. Now, they must keep it happy and let it lay those eggs!

"Precisely. I request that the engagement be approved IF the pair want to marry. There will be no objections first and at most." Sirzechs proceeded to tell what he was planning to offer to Raynor.

"Agreed." Zekrom agrees without second-beat.

"Second, I already gave him some land; we could expand on it and give him a passive income." The Crimson Satan suggested to the council. One thing for sure is that they don't lack land in the Underworld.

"...Of course, letting him be attached to the land and its people." Some of the noblemen understood the angle of this.

"Indeed. We should bring more exotic animals to these lands we will give away. Raynor Valeron likes to hunt, so we will let him do that."

Sirzechs explained on top of that.

"Good. If Raynor likes it very much, he will build a lodge; if he does, he will carve some totems." Serafall agreed.

"Indeed. Once you treat the place like home, you add your personal touch." The current Lucifer smiles while saying that.

"Then we will do just that; once there is progress, we can expand on this."

Just like that, the Devil Kind decided on a course of action.

~~~~~~Back With Raynor~~~~~~

The Wolf King looked at his Dragon Princess, who was looking around his room. She looked like a small child checking everything from the wardrobe to the carpet, to the computer on the table, to the posters on the walls.

"This is your place of origin? It's so— strange." The silver-haired girl tried to find a word just to explain it.

"Indeed. Now come, let me explain a few things~" Raynor took Daenerys hand and led her around.

He started from his room. He was explaining things as simply as he could.

The thing is, he is not planning to tell everything at once. He told Dany to teach him the language the best way she could. The better she teaches him, the more of his world he will show to her.

It's a potent motivator. So the Wolf King gave her a taste by showing her his room.

Curiosity is one of humanity's most significant and scariest traits. It can lead to great things or scary ones. Depending on angle.


"...Are you sure it's not magic?" She looked at his PC.

"No, check it out."

He proceeded to turn it off and then started to dismantle it.

She looked at the PC like a curious cat. The hunter explained to her as simplistically as possible.

"It's engineering at an extreme level. One could do identical things with magic. My totem's magic is similar; the rebirth totem in Reach is quite complex. It has several constructs linked to work in synergy, causing a big thing.

This box here is similar; all the parts you see are to make sure math works."

Her mouth opened, and an 'ohhh' escaped from her lips before starting to think more.

"But this much for math?"

"Why? That's because we ask for specific tasks, like the distance needed to do this or that, to make pictures, music and other things."

"...You can use math for music?" She blinked a couple of times while hearing that. She exclaimed with surprise.

"Yeah, you can make music from magic as well. For example, when you press 'one', it releases a specific sound, so if you press one, four, six and so on at a specific time, you make music. Simple, yes?"

"...It is… this is amazing!" She nodded her head several times.

"This is similar. It sends electric pulses. Wait, do you know what electricity is?" He asked her, as he didn't want to lose her in the middle of an explanation.

"Yes. Lady Sona explained to us. It's harnessed lightning like people harnessed fire for food and heat." The silver-haired girl explained to him.

"Indeed. You can look around. Everything here is powered and processed by fire and lightning."

"...I see… it's impressive how much lightning changes everything."

He nodded at her and explained some more before returning to learning High Valyrian.

Raynor could use totem power to shorten the learning process, lowering his time with this gorgeous Valyrian beauty next to him. So he would rather spend time with her and learn it in old fashion.

But then his time got cut short as his mother returned home.


"Oh my God! What a gorgeous girl!"

Daenerys instantly felt self-conscious and started to fix her hair and her dress instinctually.

"Mom, this is Daenerys Targaryen; she is a princess," Raynor said while hugging the girl with one hand.

"Oh! I see! So you did brough one over! You should have told me beforehand! I could have made something nice. She is still catching up with everything in our place, right?"

His mother swiftly proceeded to talk, her curiosity at an all-time high.

"Umm, my Lord has been teaching me all sorts of things. So I know some of it."

The woman's smile slightly strained when she heard her say 'My Lord'. But she quickly adjusted; after all, this girl was from a different world.

"I see. Well, I am not tech-savvy; I still can tell a thing or two, basic uses." As his mother proceeded to talk some more, Raynor decided that it was time to get some food.

"Right, you two can talk. I am going to make some food."

His interruption got the pair's attention.

"Fantastic, you can make some of your food! I have been waiting~."

The Wolf King could hear how delighted his mother was.

"...Oh! Lord Raynor's cooking is amazing! I had a chance to eat several times!"

"Hmm, you should bring her more often, dear; she is such a cute girl!" His mother started to hug the Princess, who began to get self-conscious again. But that is understandable; Dany is very huggable.



Jovial happiness soon disappeared from his mother's face as she started to learn about the circumstances.

The princess was to be married to a Barbarian Warlord; her son dives in with an army of wolves. There was a massive slaughterhouse, and then her son used some ritual which cooked the barbarian warlord to bring the dragon back to life.

All of that is so crazy that she returned to drinking. While Daenerys looked clueless, she still didn't know how to read the atmosphere.

So she continued to say some crazy stuff, such as how her son pillaged a massive city, then took over an island with an ancient castle, and some of his crazy titles like Lord of the Hunt, the Wolf King, and Father of Dragons.

By that point, she had no idea what to say.

As this was happening at the table, Raynor's phone vibrated. He got a message.


He pulled out his flip phone and checked the messages.

[Crimson Satan: My people are delighted with your potions. I would like to order some more. I am willing to expand the land I offered you before.

Apart from that, the council agreed with Sona Sitri and your arrangement. There won't be any sort of problems from our side.]

The Wolf King snorted at the last part. All it took was for him to give away water with his mana. Like really?

It's hard for him to fathom the importance of fertility magic after he acquired it randomly and has been using it to grow vegetation.

But if this is the case, he will milk it as much as possible.

'But constantly making those potions is a hassle; maybe I could make a totem which temporarily boosts fertility?'

That was possible; it was not a difficult thing to do.

[Raynor: Sure, but I want to see the territory before discussing more potions. I want to see what I am getting.]

The Hunter replied to his message before returning to his cooking.

He didn't need to wait long as the Crimson Satan messaged him.

[Crimson Satan: Of course, I can pick you up tomorrow after school. If it's fine with you.]

[Raynor: *Thumbs up*]

The Wolf King sends him a simple thumbs-up emoji before returning to his cooking.


After eating, it was time to sleep. Raynor was lying in his bed, looking at the ceiling. He was thinking about what he could get in the Underworld. His exact memories are sketchy; as far as he remembers, the Underworld isn't entirely owned by biblical factions. Gods of the Underworld rule the depths of it.

Then he heard his doors slowly open, and someone sneaked in.

A small smile appeared on his face. Once a Targaryen girl has something on her mind, she won't stop.

That much he knows from studying their history.

A certain someone sneaked under his blanket and crawled on top of him before poking her head out.

"...Sneaking into a man's bed. Someone is naughty." Raynor teased the silver-haired girl.

"...Your mother made me sleep in the guest room! How can I do that?" Daenerys pouted at him.

"I am supposed to be with you all the time." She said that with a slight blush as she didn't know how to explain her real reasons, especially when she started to rub herself into him.

She started to get horny slowly.

"...Indeed. Shall we then practise?" He suggested as his hands slowly started to wrap around her waist and then go lower, arriving at her ass cheeks; his hands squeezed them.

"...Umm…please?" The beauty with hot breath nearly begged him.

In truth, she was waiting for something like this. Part of her wondered why he hadn't done anything to her. He was always so nice to her. But now she realised that she needed perfect timing.

Like at this moment, it was just— right.

So she, with quite a greedy look, leaned forward and started a kiss. She was like a heat-starved dragon who wanted to warm up. The beauty began to rub herself even more. She was bringing her core closer to his rising pole.

At that moment, she sat on his waist and pushed the blanket away.

She then removed the oversized t-shirt she had on before. The beauty revealed her naked body.

The t-shirt was something she borrowed from Raynor beforehand to use as nightwear. She wanted something from his wardrobe instead of the looted stuff he had from Pentos.

"Can I serve you tonight?" She asked him with a lustful smile; at this moment, the beauty looked wicked, with her lilac eyes almost glowing with desire.

"Of course. I want to see our— comparability."

"...Hmm, yes, we shall do that."

As she said that, her hands went to his undies and pulled them down. Once she did that, she licked her lips and brought her special place to his hardening rod.

She awkwardly moved forward, bringing her cave entrance close; she used those wet lips to stroke his tool.

The beauty did that several times before soft moans erupted from her lips.

The more she did that, the more horny she was. After several times, it was unbearable, so she lifted herself and inserted with a swift hip movement.


A groan mixed with pain and pleasure escaped from her lips. Her body trembled for a bit.

At that moment, Raynor's hands went to her breasts and started to tease those nipples.

His actions only make her shiver more.

"...N-No…that's cheating~" She pouted at him; the beauty wanted to be useful somehow, but he was making her unbearable!

"Sorry, Dany~ but I am all about opportunities~" He teased with a grin as he smacked his hips up.

That single stroke made her mouth open wide, and her eyes widened. She felt how Raynor's thing was fully inserted into her. His action made her see white for a bit.


He didn't wait; he had Daenerys Targaryen in his bed. There is no way he won't hammer her!

The Wolf King proceeded to move her faster and faster. The beauty started to haul from pleasure, so he swiftly sat down and claimed her lips.

Not that it helped much, as her muffled moans were also delirious.


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