
chapter 17 : The Way of an Assassin

" Good ! Listen up everyone, there are exactly over thirty allosaurs heading our way right now and they're quite a bit bigger than the ones you just fought. It's going to be more difficult but I'm counting on you to kill them all while staying alive." I said with the smile of a banker.

 " WHAT ?! "


 "We are doomed"

 "And what are you going to do, huh? You went off to take it easy earlier while we did all the work." a tall guy who spent his time hiding behind Reïka declared but I quickly ignored him.

 "Masaru, Kazé, Sei and the two telepaths over there (pointing to Sakuraï and Sakata) you must kill as many as possible, it is on you that I count the most and as for the others… your lives are at stake so give it your all ! I will come back to help you but manage to stay alive" I said, taking my Z gun in my left hand and my black saber in my right hand.

 "JUZO YOU COVER THEM FROM THE ROOF" I shouted to our sniper who gave me a signal similar to a military salute.


 "Who is that again?" 

 "Juzo!! Damn, we had completely forgotten about him!" Sei said in surprise. 

 I wanted to explain Juzo's situation but I preferred to say nothing, this invisibility tactic was excellent and it was his sniper trick. Why tell people about it?

 " What about you ?" Kato asked me

 "There are exactly two Tyrannosaurs, an adult Brachiosaurus and another even more problematic monster that I'm going to play with right away. If I don't take care of them things will be much more complicated" I said calmly.

 Kishimoto: You're not even wearing a suit, it's too dangerous. 

 Kurono: let me come with you Yami (weakly)

 "No thank you, you are neither in the condition nor in the emotional position to accompany me in a fight. As for the rest of you, I advise you to get higher, the roofs for example where you can kill a lot of them without being within their reach with the Guns. " I said while walking towards my targets, they also saw me disappear and prepared to face the allosaurs that were coming in the distance.

 I was right in front of the two tyrannosaurs that came out of the museum and the others who were already fighting were still looking at them with fear even though they were already in the middle of a fight.


 The two started roaring right in front of me and my God, I almost died from the terrible breath of those lizards.

 Shadow stretched over the lower half of my face to become a cloth respirator mask that filtered the air very well.

 "Okay gentlemen, let's dance." I said happily walking towards them as shadow closed in on me to improve my physical abilities.

 I had designed Shadow to be a much more enhanced and advanced version than the classic Gantz suit, it gave me a colossal physical enhancement and sassy toughness.

 As an assassin I was always taught to end a fight as soon as possible, long fights were a waste of time as there may very well be a turn of events against us so when the opportunity arises present to kill an opponent we do it as soon as possible by the means or opportunity that presents itself and that is what I intended to do with these poor lizards.

 The first tried to attack me by biting me but the speed that shadow granted me was enough to see his attack in slow motion, I avoided his attack very easily and with a single swing of my saber I jumped for him give a clean and neat decapitation. The Gantz blade was extendable and could extend almost 20 meters.

 In the open air, I aimed at the second one with my Z gun, firing twice in succession while he loaded a fireball into his mouth but he didn't have time to fire because his head was reduced to mush by the intense gravitational attack.

 In less than five seconds, I had killed the two tyrannosaurs, strange Tyrannosaurs that apparently knew how to spit fireballs. I didn't come to fight, I came to kill, and I wasn't going to waste my time on pointless tactics that will lead to drama for nothing. 

 In the distance, Izumi watched my "Fight" and the conclusion gave her an ugly face from shock.

I wasn't wearing a suit according to him but I had killed these two tyrannosaurs as easily as a tiger would have killed two chicks.




 I heard heavy footsteps breaking the ground coming in my direction and unsurprisingly it was the adult brachiosaurus approaching me, it had two organic blades on its head, one on its forehead and the other on its chin.

I fixed my Z gun to my back because shadow had generated a hook for the weapon and I stayed with my saber in hand.

 He started waving his neck at a high speed while destroying the surrounding buildings and because this idiot's field of vision was no longer fixed, he didn't see me disappear from my position at high speed and find myself on his back in seconds.

 With a single swift and powerful swing of my saber with all my strength, I severed the base of his neck in a single strike.

However, despite the absence of its head, the monster was still very much alive and that made me frown.

 I looked inside him and saw his organs still working at full capacity but in a split second I blew them all up with my powers before jumping off his back and he fell to the ground. never get up again.

It was fast, it was expeditious, it was the way of an assassin because we don't fight but we kill. I had the advantage of having powerful psychic powers and I had no time to waste. 

 There were still more than 40 minutes left so I returned to the others who were fighting fiercely and there were more than 10 allosaurs left when I returned.

 Some of the men were on the verge of death like Sakuraï and Sakata who had used their powers too much, others who did not have a suit had been devoured.

 [general pov]

 Kazé, Masaru, Kishimoto, Sei, Reïka and the old man were still fighting but their suits had already reached their limits, they were still standing thanks to the dog which was covering them as well as Juzo.

 While two lizards came to try to attack Kurono, Sakuraï and Sakata who were lying unconscious, Reïka and Sei intervened but immediately after a few seconds of struggle, the liquid from their suits began to leak, they were defenseless.

 The allosaurs were about to devour them when their heads were immediately crushed by gravitational attacks.

 "You fought well, now you can rest, I'll take care of the rest. " Yami said as he fell from the sky and the two girls sat down exhaustedly.

 He went to see the others and asked them to go and rest because even Kazé was exhausted, he had fought with the muscular little guy and even if he had won, the fight had exhausted the strength of his suit but despite that, he continued his fight against the allosaurs and had multiple injuries on him.

 Yami looked at the dog that stayed with him and stroked its head, immediately the two of them rushed towards the rest of the dinosaurs and with every movement they made, an allosaurus was sliced ​​or torn apart.

 After cleaning up, Izumi who had been hiding and was injured came to them waiting for the transfer, there were 22 minutes left in the mission but the transfer still hadn't started.

 While some except Yami were stressing out, they started to hear heavy footsteps, it's the last monster, a Styracosaurus.

 It looked like a Triceratops but much, much bigger, a titan over 50 meters tall that stood on two legs like a man.

 "Holy shit !!" 

 " It's not possible !" 

 "This time, it's over. We're all going to die" 

 The group began to despair and some began to cry. Masaru thought of his little brother, Kazé had a slight smile on his lips as if it was an honorable death, the old man also started to mumble something while tears fell from his eyes.


 "I'll borrow this for two seconds" I took the old man's X shotgun and ran towards the colossus, the dog immediately followed me.

 "I'm counting on you to distract him partner"

 The dog: WOOF

 We started attacking the titans legs and damn his skin was hard, really too hard. The Dog managed to arrange a few pieces of meat for him, the tingling of which began to annoy the giant.

 He tried to attack us but we managed to dodge the attacks cleanly.

 I had an opportunity and started climbing on the body of the giant who was distracted by the dog.

 In no time I reached the ear or shall I say the hole that served as this creature's ear and damn it was extremely disgusting inside, there were even parasites.

 I forced my way into the alien's brain and began to wreak havoc, crushing its brain in seconds with my power and immediately felt tremors.


 The others watched as the giant, scary monster tried to grab his head, screaming in pain. It's been almost 11 minutes since Yami left and the poor monster was already suffering.

 Sei: He can do it, he can do it... 

 Reïka: He's...incredible... 


 Kazé and Kato watched with their fists clenched and trembling, one out of thirst for a fight where he was no match and the other out of hope of returning to his little brother.


 After the brain, I went back down further where I destroyed all the organs of the colossus by reducing them to disgusting organic mush.

 Eventually the monster fell completely dead without even having done much because I hated long fights. An enemy must be killed and not fought unlike an opponent, nuances.

 I came out through the monster's mouth without any stains thanks to Shadow who had cleaned everything on me and the timer on the radar disappeared showing that the hunt was over so the transfer began much to the relief of the others.

 I joined those who remained with the dog and only Reïka remained who looked at me smiling and the old man.

 As Reïka's transfer began, I saw a group of men in smart black suits coming towards us.

 Instinctively, the dog began to growl at the approach of the four men built like models who were discussing I didn't know what.

 The old man's transfer began and the four arrived in front of the Dog and me, they could see us so they weren't normal humans.

 There was a blond guy, a guy with wavy black hair like me, a guy with a shaved head and an old guy. Knowing the seconds to come, a smile appeared on my face.

The shaved head created a gun from his fingers and by the time he wanted to shoot I had already cut off his arm with an extremely fast attack.

 The shocked man got angry and his canines started to lengthen almost two centimeters just like those of his friends. He barely had time to get angry when I had already decapitated him and I was not the only one active because the dog had attacked the oldest and tore off his arm before being transferred, brave beast.

 "Be careful, he's..." the black-haired guy tried to warn the others but I attacked with a quick sword swing which he almost dodged because I relieved him of his leg.

 "What the fuck is this guy?! He doesn't even have a suit !! " the blonde said sweating as they distanced themselves.

 "Kind of vampires huh! Aliens and now vampires, it's really nonsense. You guys are quite fun to fight but that'll be for next time, see ya suckers." my transfer started and I showed them my middle finger.
