
The Tale of Courtship: Three Months of Sinful Love

So I kept my prick just where he was, but redoubled my frigging her clitoris and very soon brought her up to the spending point, resolving that I would not attempt complete insertion until I felt she was in the raptures of sensual discharge.

This quickly came upon her, and it was the delicious movement of her own buttocks that sheathed my prick to the hilt without an effort on my part and, so far from giving her pain, made her positively scream with the intense voluptuousness of her sensation in spending. She could not speak for many minutes but continued the exquisite pressure of the sphincter muscle on my enraptured prick.

But for my determination not to give way and rather to wait for another bout that would completely initiate dear Shine in all the luxury and abandonment of this delicious mode, I must have at once vigorously finished my own course.

My restraint was well rewarded. The first words my beloved sister uttered were those of almost delirious joy at the extraordinary delight I had given her.

Never, never, had any fuck so enraptured her. She turned up her lovely face to me, and tears of sensuality and voluptuousness filled her eyes.

I had hardly begun my titillations on her still-excited clitoris, which, by the way, had lately considerably developed itself, when she was as eager for another bout as I was.

I held sufficient restraint on myself to practice every salacious movement so that I might give Shine such exquisite pleasure as should induce her on future occasions to grant me the use of her charming bottom-hole whenever I should desire.

I worked her up to the utmost pitch of the most salacious excitement, and at the moment when she spent, in an agony of shrieking extasy, I poured a perfect flood of spunk right up into her entrails, and we both sank forward, but without unseating me, quite overpowered by the intensity of our delight. When we came to our senses, I rose above her.

On withdrawing my prick, I found a few traces of blood, but of no moment.

I wiped my prick on a handkerchief and also wiped between the cheeks of dear Shine's bottom, for fear any telltale marks should be made on her linen.

I then helped her up, and she threw her arms around my neck and, sweetly kissing me, thanked me for a new lesson in love, which had overwhelmed her with delight.

Thus ended the first lesson that Shine ever received by that route of pleasure, and I may incidentally state that she was peculiarly constituted for giving and receiving the most exquisite pleasure in that way.

She afterwards developed into a magnificent woman, with one of the naturally largest and finest backsides I almost ever met with, and she came to love backward fucking to the utmost extent.

In the after-days, when married, she told me that her husband was a muff, who had no idea of enjoying a woman but in one way. She had often deceived him and slipped it into her bottom hole without his ever having any suspicion of the sort of pleasure he had given her.

Three months passed with the rapidity of a dream, while we indulged in these scenes of delicious lubricity and voluptuousness without ever attracting any observation within the house and, more curiously, without Miss Rozy either discovering or suspecting anything between my sisters and myself—thanks to my natural powers and the unfailing resources of youth.

Both she and my sisters thought they each gave me as much as I could get through, and, therefore, neither ever imagined I could seek carnal delights in other arms. So it was, but now there have been one or two events that have had a considerable effect on the aftertaste of our love.

A neighbor, a very nice, good-looking man, about 35 years old, a gentleman farmer, very well off, had for some time past always waited for us at the church door on Sundays, apparently for a chat with Mamma, Miss Rozy, and us.

He treated and evidently considered us as mere children, nor did he appear to pay particular attention to anyone.

One Monday, my mother received a note from him to beg that she would grant him a short interview on the following day, as he wished for her advice on a subject of much interest to him.

Mamma's reply begged him to come at eleven o'clock, when she would be happy to see him.

He came and was particularly neatly dressed. My mother had been very agitated all morning and looked flushed and nervous as the hour drew near.

I really believe the old lady thought it was an idle avowal to herself that he was coming.

Be that as it may, the object of his visit turned out to be a proposal to Miss Rozy, with an offer of marriage.

He was ready to make such settlements with her that they could not be satisfactory.

He told my mother that before speaking to Miss Rozy, whom he had loved from her first appearance in the parish and whose quiet, modest character had daily made a deeper impression, he thought it only his duty to first break the subject to her and to ask her permission for an interview with Miss Rozy, and next, if he was acceptable to her, for leave to visit at our house while courting his wished-for wife.

He further stated that he had never ventured to hint at the state of his feelings to Miss Rozy and prayed for my mother to be the kind intermediary in opening the subject to her and to beg as a favor that she would grant him an interview to state his case in person on the following day, so that he might learn his fate from her own lips.

My mother, although probably inwardly a little disappointed, had the interest of Miss Rozy too much at heart not to take up the matter warmly, and urged, with all the volubility elderly ladies can so well exercise, whenever the marriage of a younger friend is in question, all the benefit that would accrue to her from such an advantageous proposal. Miss Rozy was really taken quite by surprise,and she stammered out some vague expressions of wishing for time to consider.

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