
Chapter 934 Normal Perform

After reciting the first line, Qian Cangyi began to read the second one. He tiptoed slightly, his ears twitched, and looking up, he gazed toward the distant Hell of the Dead.

"What about them? Lan Jing, Wang Qi, Cao Ya, Lin Bing, and Yao Yinyi, what are their Identity Cards? Has any of them turned into a Corpse or a Half Corpse? I hope they haven't drawn the Corpse Card, and that they all have Human Cards!"

As he started to Perform according to the script, his Violation Points were slowly decreasing.

Qian Cangyi walked to the side, and, as described in the script, he was able to find a talisman.

A few steps later, he saw a Yellow Talisman, about the size of two sticky notes put together, affixed to a tombstone right in front of him. The talisman was inscribed with cryptic spellwork in cinnabar.

Qian Cangyi tore the talisman off the tombstone and held it in his hand.
