
Chapter 998: Losing Face Part 1

Parents and children are deeply bound by blood ties.

But the give and take between parents and children is relative. If only one party gives, without any reciprocation, hearts will grow cold and bonds will break.

Take Qiao Changshun and the Sun Family, for example. Qiao Changshun's one-sided contributions over the years garnered no return, and so he has turned his heart away.

Or consider Tong Tiehu and the Tong Family members. Though he is the head of the family and its pillar, he is still just an ordinary old man.

On the one hand, there is Tong Sanlang, who cares for and respects him.

On the other, there are others who only know how to take and have money as their sole focus.

His preference for Tong Sanlang is only human nature.
