
Leaving the prison

Gremmy wanted to move on now. He had trained in the basics of martial arts. Meaning he knew the basics of unarmed and armed combat. But there was still a long way to go for him. He had big plans and dreams. 

He realised that his only friends ... were the Stickmen, who were not real. They came from his imagination, meaning he was essentially talking with himself. Gremmy was used to being alone and surviving through his own strength. But even when he lived off the street, he had 'friends', who would speak with him. 

So Gremmy decided it might be time to leave this prison. The idea came from the Stickmen. Alan Becker was a YouTuber in his past life and he knew that the Stickmen could travel to different computers via the web. He wanted to do something similar. 

He thought about what would be necessary to leave this seal he was in. He didn't want anyone to realize, he had left. So he began to focus on a way to leave. He thought about physics and the theory of wormholes. How did a kid from the streets know about this? Manga and comics of course.

Gremmy knew about the movies that were an adaptation of the Marvel comics and he heard that someone invented a way to travel back in time. Tony Stark was the one in the movie, but Gremmy always thought that this was very ridiculous. 

And yet, here he was. In another universe and using powers that allowed him to imagine anything into reality. So when someone could create such a movie or comic where almost anything is possible, then he could also do it with his power. 

He would have to train though. He had not yet gotten to the level where he could create chemical reactions in his hand. So he was not yet on the level of child Franklin Richards. Gremmy wanted to train his power slowly and not rush. 


So Gremmy concluded. In the world of Bleach, there were different ways to travel from the world of the living to Soul Society or Hueco Mundo. And Gremmy would simply imagine the theory behind it and then practice with his powers. 

He sat down inside the Dojo. He had only let Master Kaito go but kept the Dojo and the forest. It was better than the blank darkness he had otherwise. 

Gremmy imagined the part of the Bleach manga where Kisuke Urahara had created 'portals or gates' for Ichigo and his friends to either travel to Soul Society or Hueco Mundo. 

A small booklet formed in his hands and he began to read.

The 'portal or gate' was called Senkaimon and it was used by Shinigami to enter and leave the Soul Society. An insect called the Jigokucho is needed to pass through the Senkaimon. 

Intruders, such as Ichigo and his friends, could pass through the Senkaimon in the same manner. Although Ichigo and his friends used the same gate, they lacked a Jigokucho. Due to that, they were forced to pass through the Dangai.

What was the Dangai? 

The Dangai is a bordering dimension between the world of the living and Soul Society. The Dangai is separated from space and time and floats inside the void. And this void is known as Garganta.

The Dangai is surrounded by numerous stacked-up layers of time-currents. This results in the Dangai being a place where the density of time is extremely high. Compared to the outside world it is 2000 times higher. 

This means that one hour in the Dangai equals 2000 hours outside. Gremmy thought about the Hyperbolic Time Chamber from Dragon Ball. The Dangai was the HTC on steroids. Imagine one day equals 2000 days in the Dangai. That is about 5.4 years that pass inside. 

There is something called the Kōtotsu that is the Dangai's equivalent to a street sweeper. 

The Kōtotsu appears once every seven days to cleanse the area - killing anyone and everything that makes contact with it - to ensure that no one can stay there and take advantage of the time distortion. 

If the Kōtotsu touches a Zanpakutō or other spiritual weapon, the user and weapon are trapped, since the Kōtotsu's body is flowing with the Kōryū current. The Soul Society has no means of sealing the Kōtotsu. If a being is caught by the Kōtotsu, they'll be thrown out to a greatly different point in time from when they entered the Precipice World.

Kōryū is the current that is constantly flowing through the Dangai, in order to prevent enemies such as Hollows from using it. 


Now what should Gremmy take out of this? Basically, the Dangai was Gremmy's way to leave this prison and maybe go forward or even back in time, if he touches the Kōtotsu. He would have to study the Dangai and also the Garganta. In the future, he could replicate it and have it act as his personal Hyperbolic Time Chamber.

The other way to travel was the Garganta. The Garganta is a featureless black void connecting Hueco Mundo to other worlds. Due to its nature, the Garganta can be used to access any realm such as the Human World and Soul Society; it can also access the Dangai.

What to do then? 

Gremmy had multiple options. He could use his imagination to open a Garganta or he could open a Senkaimon. Although going to the Dangai sounded like a good idea. It would help him begin to understand the concept of time. And the better he understands something the easier it is to use his imagination to affect it or create it. 

After a moment of contemplation, Gremmy decided. He wanted to get out of here. And after that, he wanted to learn about the Shinigami and Hollow techniques. He would imagine a Garganta and travel to the Dangai for now. After that, he would go to Soul Society and become a Shinigami. 

How will he become a Shinigami? 

He will imagine his Reatsu feeling like that of a Shinigami. That would help him fit in and fool everyone. Because he had to remember that the Quincies were watching from the Wandenreich that was located in the shadows. He would also have to change his appearance... but what should he look like? 

Gremmy thought about it and decided to go with Monkey D. Luffy. Why would he copy his appearance? Simple, he thought about his power, the Visionary with the power of imagination manifestation or mentifery. Now he will get an Asauchi and then a Zanpakuto in the future. But what will he say his power is? The power of the Human Human fruit: Model Nika, was a good way to hide his true powers.


Gremmy was ready. He was going to open a Garganta and see what else this world had in store. If possible, he wanted to see whether there were other worlds apart from the Bleach world. Nothing stopped him from visiting other worlds if his imagination was strong enough. And over time, it will be strong enough. He never stopped training and kept complicated forms always active.

His mental training was coming along very well. Occlumency was very powerful and he had his emotions under control. He had never tried Legllimency on anyone but he would find victims to try it on. His mind palace was grand and all his thoughts were organised and well protected. His imagination seemed to grow more powerful after he had created his mind palace.

During Meditation, Gremmy confronted all his regrets and fears as well as his insecurities. Those led to long moments of crying before he could accept everything and move on. Thanks to this, he had come to peace with himself and his situation. He was much happier and ready to take on whatever came his way. 

Another thing that Gremmy had begun was to start practising telekinesis. It was a bit strange though. Why was it strange? Because whenever he wished for a weight to move ... it would move. His imagination manifested itself and made the use of telekinesis hard to practice. Both were dependent on his mental strength and he was VERY strong mentally.

If possible, Gremmy wanted to travel to the Star Wars Universe to play Jedi or Force User in general and fight using lightsabers and the Force. But that was for the future. Now he wanted to leave this prison and get to Soul Society.


So without further ado, Gremmy imagined a Garganta opening in front of him. But that was not all. He also focused on containing all the energy that would break free. He wanted to keep his escape a secret for now. The Thousand Year Blood War would happen in the future, but until then, he would enjoy himself and train and ... maybe ... make some friends. 

Yes, he would like that. 


A strange sound could be heard in the prison. Although it was dark all around, Gremmy could feel the tear spreading and slowly pulling apart space. Gremmy focused on opening it slowly and containing the energies. After a few seconds, the Garganta was open. 

Gremmy could feel the turbulence of Reishi inside. He knew that if he wanted to move inside it, he would have to make footholds using Reishi. 

Gremmy's Reishi control was good, every time he created something using his imagination, he would try to use less and less of his Reatsu. Due to his Essence: the Blank, this had two positive effects. 

One, Gremmy could use less and less of his Reatsu to use his power.

And two, his Reatsu reserves grew the more he used them. It was like a muscle that you trained. You would make the fibres tear and then wait for them to heal and grow stronger than before. 

His energy reserves worked exactly the same. Thanks to the Blank, he had limitless potential and so his reserves would continue to grow, while he had to use less and less energy when using his powers.


Gremmy looked around his prison one last time and then entered the Garganta.

Instantly he was thrown around by the strong turbulences of Reishi. He let it happen. He was curious whether the turbulences were chaotic or eventually led somewhere. 

This went on for a while, he had no idea how long he was floating around, but it felt like a long time. Gremmy waited and waited. And eventually ... the turbulences slowed down. 

Gremmy found himself in a void of blackness. There was nothing here. No stars or other sources of light. 

He imagined another manual that told him where he was and what the properties were. As it happened a few times already, a manual appeared in his hands and Gremmy created a small lamp to help him read.

When he imagined the light turning on though, the rays of light seemed to deflect everywhere. It seemed like the wild Reishi refracted the light and made it impossible to read something normally. Well, that was not a problem for him. Gremmy imagined the Reishi refracting the light perfectly so that he could read.

There was a description of what the Garganta was. Telling Gremmy what he already knew. He read about the chaotic turbulence of Reishi and the chaotic nature of the Reishi. He also read about the one point where he was now, that had no turbulence and acted like the centre of the Garganta. 

Gremmy got some new information about the Garganta. If his theory was correct then the Garganta was infinite but it had a boundary. And if you crossed that boundary, then you would essentially leave the Universe of Bleach. That was food for thought in the future. He didn't plan to leave so soon. 

Now he focused on where he wanted to go, the Dangai and another tear opened up. Gremmy stepped through and was gone from the void.
