
The Last Victory

When the Phantom moved into the inner space, the sense of time could change drastically in certain situations.

Ten minutes in the inner space could be equal to just one in the real world, but it was not a rule or a law.

Everything was individual and depended on the Phantom and especially on the situation.

Still, there was a certain limit and Adam had to hurry.

Bam. Bam. Bam.

Fromund attacked at his top speed, using all the resources of his body and red flame armor.

The cracks in the silver needle grew larger and larger with each Fromund's strike and not a single tremor running through Adam's body from the recoil went unnoticed.

Not just the needle, Adam's entire body was on edge, his flesh and bones while his mind was in a different space altogether.

"Damn it! Adam! You've already lost consciousness! Why do you keep fighting even now?!"
