
51:The Golem

The ground began to collapse as parts of it started to float and form a giant golem. Unlike normal golems, this one was created using the spell <Guines > on the castle, giving it the high defense of a demon king's castle, making it a walking tank.

"Oh, this is quite the unique idea you guys had. But from what I see, this requires quite a lot of demonic power. Care to enlighten me, Lay?" Anos asked with a smirk. He always enjoyed it when his opponents did the unexpected.

"Oh, you see, I'm kinda bad at magic, so I rarely use my demonic power. So I thought, why not lend it to them?" Lay said with a smile.

"Oh, you sure do have a large mana pool for the spell to run. Well, this certainly puts one of us at a disadvantage. What to do?" Anos said aloud as he looked around. Then he smiled and picked up a fallen tree branch.

"Say, why don't we do it like this? I will fight you with this, and if you manage to defeat me, it is your win," he said, handling the tree branch like a sword.

Lay said nothing. He drew his sword and took a stance. He knew better than anyone that to a true swordsman, anything could be a sword. As if by unanimous agreement, they both dashed at each other simultaneously.


"You have to be kidding me," Sasha said as she dodged the attacks from the golems.

She was doing her scouting mission when she was suddenly bombarded with attacks from a golem that appeared out of nowhere. This golem had anti-magic woven into its core, and her physical attacks were ineffective against its formidable defense.

She struggled to think of a way to defeat it until a telepathic message came from her king.

{You know, you are hopeless without me, right?} came Anos's cocky voice.

'Shut up. Did you come here to make fun of me or do something?'

{No, actually, I'm here to tell you that you should soon evacuate from this area, as our fight will start to get hectic. And if you really want some help, just ask Rimuru. I'm sure she wouldn't mind helping out.}

'Argh, fine. I will try to finish this fast and evacuate. And I don't need help to take this golem down,' Sasha grumbled as she dodged another blow.

With a wave of her hand, she cast a spell to blast herself away from the ground into the sky. Using another spell, she flew towards their base at high speed.

Arriving at her destination, she saw that the golem was coming towards them at a slow pace. Since she had some time to catch her breath, she asked herself, 'How do I defeat this golem?'

That's when she heard another telepathic message.

{You know you can always use <Jio Graze> to destroy them altogether, right?} Rimuru said helpfully.

'But would the three of us even be enough?' she asked in doubt.

{What are you saying? Both you and Misha are enough to power up that spell. Adding me would be overkill. Did you forget that since your sources have been fused, your compatibility with each other is quite high? For a group casting spell, compatibility matters more than actual power. Say, why don't we just try it? Since this is a test, the worst we can get is a lower score.}

'Okay then. Misha, are you ready?'

{Affirmative… creating magic cannon successful… proceeding to connect with magic amplifier…}

"Connection established," Sasha said as a magic circle appeared above her.

{… searching for target… target locked… Initiating power-up… firing in… 3… 2… 1…}

"<Jio Graze>"

The cannon blasted the magic attack, which was then amplified by the magic circle. The attack hit the golem, and like it was a piece of paper, the attack went through it. It then hit a nearby mountain and completely destroyed it with a huge explosion.

{Oh, it seems you guys have a great understanding of the art of explosion,} Rimuru said in their group link.

'What the hell was that?' Sasha asked in bewilderment.

{Don't bother, Sasha. She sometimes says things we have no clue about, and trust me, you don't want to know either,} Anos said while still fighting Lay.

{Hmph, you guys have no taste,} Rimuru pouted.

Misha, who was near her, said softly, "So Rimuru can also pout."

Rimuru, not expecting such a response, blushed a little. To ignore the situation, she changed the screen to see how their enemies were handling the aftermath of the attack.

The girls were handling it quite well, actually. A little too well, if you asked her. Narrowing her eyes, Rimuru looked at them suspiciously. They were all helping each other to bring as many as possible to perfect health. Their coordination was very planned, as if they expected this kind of attack.

After a bit of contemplation, Rimuru finally realized what was happening—they were acting as tanks to divert their attention.

"Sasha, watch out!" she shouted as she saw a silhouette heading towards Sasha at high speed.

Unfortunately, Sasha only managed to evade after being slightly injured by the enemy's sword. But she avoided a fatal hit. Without hesitation, she cast a spell to create a smoke screen. Using the cover, she managed to get some distance from her attacker.

When the smoke subsided, there was the figure of Misa Iliorogue, the president of the Unitarians, now also called the Anos fan club. In her hand was Lay's magic sword, stained with Sasha's blood.

Sasha looked at her with a grim expression. She needed time to heal herself since Misa was a bigger threat with that magic sword. And to make matters worse, she saw another golem coming her way. Though it was smaller than the earlier one, it was still made from the remains of the last one, making it another great tank.

As she thought of methods to escape this tricky situation, she got an unexpected message from Rimuru.

{Sasha, can you hold them for a few minutes?}

Unlike her usual cheerful voice, Rimuru's tone was serious and authoritative. One might have forgotten, but she was still said to be the reincarnation of the advisor who made the demon king what he is.

'Yes, I can stall for at least five minutes, and possibly make them retreat if I had access to my Phoenix robe.'

{Alright, Sasha. Hold them for about three minutes. I'll send you backup soon. And don't try to harness the power from the Phoenix robe until she arrives. But as soon as she does, surprise attack them together.}

'Okay, but hurry up,' Sasha said as she began to dodge the attacks being fired at her.

At the castle, Rimuru looked at Misha with a serious gaze and asked, "Are you sure you want to fight them, Misha? If you think we'll blame you for your lack of fighting ability, then don't worry. You are worth more than you think to us."

Misha shook her head, denying Rimuru's worries, and said, "No, I just want to fight with my sister."

Rimuru looked at her for a while and said, "Alright then. I'll teleport you near their battle. As soon as you spot them, launch a surprise attack to give Sasha time to heal herself. Then, with Sasha, take those guys down."

Misha nodded her head with a determined look on her face. Then, with a snap of her fingers, Rimuru teleported her near the fight.

Watching the screen, Rimuru mumbled, "This is going to get more troublesome."












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