
33: The Demon king

"Hey hey, what do we have here, a mere half-breed that doesn't know the true meaning of defying royalty," came a haughty voice from the dark corridor. It was Zepes, exuding arrogance.

Anos raised an eyebrow in amusement while Misha started to analyze the newly built stadium for any exits. Finding none, she resigned herself, knowing Anos was there with her, a reassuring presence.

"Fancy meeting you here, Zepes. Have your wounds healed so quickly? You must have a very proficient healer in your inner circle," Anos retorted with his trademark cockiness.

"Shut up, you worthless half-breed!" Zepes yelled, still seething over his recent defeat and the humiliation that followed.

As Zepes nursed his wounded pride, another voice cut through the tense atmosphere. "So this is the half-breed who dared to defy a royal, how unsightly," remarked a young man with long black hair, adorned with multiple earrings. He emerged from another magically appearing corridor and stood beside Zepes.

This was Leorg Indu, head of the Indu family and Zepes's older brother. "That's right, brother. He is the trash that doesn't know his place," Leorg affirmed, pointing accusingly at Anos, eyes gleaming with vengeful satisfaction.

But before Zepes could react, he was suddenly slammed face-first into the ground. As he tried to rise, he found himself unable to move, Leorg's foot firmly planted on his head. Confused and humiliated, Zepes tried to protest, only to hear his brother's damning words.

"Shut up, you disgrace. How much more do you want to humiliate our noble family? Now that I know who the other commoner is, you have served your purpose. Die," Leorg pronounced coldly, casting a fatal spell that engulfed Zepes in agonizing flames until only his burned corpse remained.

Anos, surprised by this turn of events, questioned, "Why did you kill him? Weren't you all here for revenge?"

"Huh, why should I help a disgrace who couldn't even win against a commoner? Enough of that. You, who have committed the great sin of defying royalty, shall be punished by me," Leorg declared, as more figures began to materialize around the arena.

Despite being surrounded, Anos remained calm. He knew that unless someone like Rimuru appeared, he wouldn't even need to blink to defeat them. Yet, he couldn't help but feel disappointed in the nobles' actions.

"So, you care more about your image than your own family. Is this how you royals operate, killing your own kin because he was too weak? What a disappointment," Anos remarked, his words laced with disdain.

"Enough of your blathering. We royals have the duty to uphold our authority until our founder is reborn among us. You half-breeds have no right to question our ways. You are destined to be slaves to our founder and us royals," Leorg proclaimed arrogantly.

"Did you know we purebloods have special authority over the government of this city? So, no matter how much you scream, you will never get any help," he continued, laughing maniacally.

"So, you eliminate any competition to preserve your royal pride. Are you sure you have the founder's blood? It seems suspicious if you stoop this low," Anos countered thoughtfully.

"Did you just criticize the founder? You mongrel! As a royal, I shall pass judgment on you for the sin of questioning our founder's blood!" Leorg roared angrily.

Anos, genuinely curious, asked, "How would questioning my own blood be a sin?"

"What kind of nonsense are you blabbering about?" Leorg spat, clearly incensed.

"You're slow on the uptake. What I mean to say is that I am the founder. How could questioning my own blood be a sin?" Anos revealed calmly.

"Enough! I've heard enough of your nonsense. You shall die a horrible death for your sins," Leorg declared, summoning a dark magic circle in his hands. Soon, similar circles appeared around the other royals.

"Let me show you the true horror of the magic wielded by us royals, who carry the blood of the founder," Leorg taunted, launching an attack amidst maniacal laughter. Soon, a massive explosion shook the arena, shrouding it in smoke.

Leorg was satisfied with his handiwork and turned to leave when he heard a voice from within the smoke.

"Hmm, barely plausible, but still too weak," Anos's voice echoed calmly. Leorg's confusion deepened as he saw Anos standing unscathed, while Misha was protected within a barrier.

"How impossible. You took the full brunt of the magic and remain unharmed," Leorg exclaimed in disbelief.

"Well, it wasn't really that powerful to begin with. And your spell had a major flaw," Anos explained, his eyes glowing faintly.

"What did you do?" Leorg demanded, still trying to process the situation.

"I tampered with the magic in your hands. You used <Origin Magic - Girast>, a spell that borrows power from a source stronger than you. You borrowed from someone who, in the mythical era, reigned supreme and even slew gods—me, the Demon King of Tyranny. Origin magic cannot harm its origin, so it's useless against me," Anos elucidated, finishing his explanation.

"How did you know the forbidden magic only we royals possess? And enough of your nonsense! I refuse to believe our mighty founder would reincarnate as a half-breed," Leorg raged, preparing to strike again.

"Sigh, this is getting bothersome. Let's end this," Anos sighed, his eyes glowing brighter.

Suddenly, all the magic circles began to react violently, their spells destabilizing.

"What did you do?" Leorg yelled, desperately trying to cancel his spell.

"I did nothing. I merely influenced the magic within your grasp. Yours is trying to escape. I suggest you regain control or face your own demise," Anos warned calmly.

"Shit!" cursed Leorg as the magic circles detonated, engulfing him and the other royals in their own destructive spells.












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