
The Girlfriend

It had a regular day for the industrial city of Graveport, where not much in terms of villainy had occurred and the evening was shaping up to be a relatively peaceful one. There was, of course, always danger lurking somewhere in the shadows, where like the sun in the sky and the light that pierced the many winding streets, criminal activity fluctuated as frequently as the changing time of day. For the unsuspecting citizens of this world of superpowered individuals, there was always a secret war between good and evil happening in the cloak of darkness.

Exhausted from a long day's work, Priya got out of the taxi after paying the driver and continued on to her apartment. Looking forward to spending an evening relaxing with her boyfriend when he eventually got off work himself, the young woman was caught completely off-guard when she suddenly found herself quickly wrapped up in a wire that came down from somewhere up above just before she could open the door to the building's lobby.

"W-what the hell?" she stammered, her arms pinned to their sides as the wire tightened. "What is th—AHHHHH!!"

Priya screamed as she was suddenly yanked up into the air, the ground getting further and further from her as she was rapidly pulled up the side of the building by whatever was reeling in the wire. Another second later, she was pulled onto the apartment's rooftop, where she trembled under the mid-evening sun as a shadowy figure towered over her.

"Priya Patil, I've been wanting to meet you," a gravelly voice cackled as the twine wrapped around her retracted into a wrist-mounted grappling hook on the figure's wrist.

"W-who are you?" the young woman whimpered as she shrunk down against the edge of the rooftop, her brown overcoat catching on the rough concrete. "Wait a second, I know who you are…"

Stepping into the light was a man that was dressed in a skin-tight beige costume that showed off his muscular build. His black boots clamored noisily, and his face was obscured by a bird-like hood that covered his forehead with its fake beak.

"Ah you know me, huh?" he smirked as he stepped forward and lifted his arms, revealing fake wings that hung down to his thighs like a flying squirrel's.

"Yeah, you're that category 2 villain, the eco-terrorist," Priya recalled, snapping her fingers as she tried to remember. "The Barn Owl! Yeah, I remember seeing you on the news before."

"That's right, I stand up for the world's voiceless animals," the costumed man replied with a nod. "I might not have powers, but my resources have allowed me to construct this tactical-suit to take the fight to the tyranny of mankind.

"Really? I heard that you're just a bored billionaire," the young woman chuckled.

"Silence! Before I slaughter you like the millions of livestock that your company kills every year," the villain hissed.

"W-what are you talking about?"

"You, Priya Patil, are an HR generalist for the Happy Hogs pork farm," the Barn Owl explained as he paced before her. "It's one of those brutal factory farms that kill poor little piggies without a second thought! But now that I have you, one of their precious employees, held captive, I can order them to cease operations or else!"

"You're going to hold me hostage!?" Priya cried. "Please, I have nothing to do with the killing! I just manage the hiring and firing of employees, I work in an office. I haven't seen a pig in years!"

"Your employees are murderers!" Barn Owl growled. "Now come, I have the owl-copter landed over on the other side of this rooftop. You and I are going to hang out while you call your bosses."

Before she could protest any more, Priya was startled when something suddenly landed right in front of her. Blinking in shock, her eyes widened upon seeing the long red cape blowing in the breeze.

"What have we here, a kidnapping in progress?" Passion Princess asked with a confident smile, her hands on her wide hips as her long as her blonde hair blew in the wind. "And by the mascot from a fried chicken restaurant no less? What has this world come to?"

"I'm the Barn Owl!" the villain sneered, pulling out a handful of what appeared to be feathers from his utility belt. "Damn you, Passion Princess. You won't be interrupting my plans today!"

With that, he threw the feathers at the tall woman, which flew at her like darts. In a blur, one of the heroine's blue-gloved hands coughed all five of them, where she continued to smile even as they exploded there between her fingers.

"How cute. Was that supposed to hurt me?" she asked teasingly as the smoke cleared to reveal that she was unharmed. Even her skin-tight blue costume lacked signs of damage.

"D-dammit, you're not even human," Barn Owl stammered as he took a step back, only for Passion Princess to charge at him and deliver an uppercut so powerful that it launched his body into the air.

"It's a bird, it's a plane, it's a…nope, just a rotten villain," the hero snickered as the villain came crashing down a few seconds later, before turning around and facing Priya. "Are you okay, young lady? Are you hurt?"

"N-no, thanks to you," the young woman stammered as she stared up at the towering amazon. "Wow, Passion Princess! You saved me! That was so dang cool!"

"Think nothing of it, I'm just glad that I happened to be passing over here on my patrol," the heroine replied as she offered her hand, and with Priya grasping it, pulled her to her feet. "Hmmm, I see that you are indeed pretty."

"W-what?" Priya asked as she attempted to return her hand to the side, only to find that the stalwart woman wasn't letting go of it. 

"Yes, I can see why Asher likes you," she continued, pulling the smaller girl closer to her. "But he doesn't know that he can do much better. You're simply a witch that has casted a spell on him, he doesn't know just how much more valuable he is."

"P-Passion Princess? Could you please let go of me?" Priya asked as she noticed the heroine's expression suddenly turn cold. "And what are you talking about my boyfriend for? I-I know you two have met, but he's with me. He told you that, didn't he? That's he's committed to me?"

Passion Princess ignored her and drew her in closer, almost hugging her much-smaller body as Priya blushed as she had her face right up underneath the hero's large chest, her crown-shaped sapphire necklace dangling over her forehead.

"Like I said, you simply have him under a spell. He doesn't know just how much better he can do," Passion Princess sighed as she lifted a hand and began to gently stroke Priya's head. "I just saved you, so with that favor in mind, I'd like you to do a favor for me. Leave him. Just leave him so that he can be mine."

"W-what the fuck?" Priya muttered. "N-no! Please tell me you're not serious. This is a joke, right? Some kind of inside joke between you and him?"

"You have a week," the heroine continued as her hand suddenly stopped and roughly gripped the back of Priya's long hair. "Break up with him…or else."

"Y-you're hurting me!" the young woman winced. "Please, ma'am, you can't be serious! Are you being controlled by a villain or something? What's going on?!"

Before she could say another word, Priya whimpered as her head was suddenly yanked up and Passion Princess pressed her thick lips into hers. Kissing her deeply, the hero held the smaller girl still as she struggled in her grasp, being left breathless from the long smooch as she attempted to get away. She even felt the caped vigilante's tongue invade her mouth at one point.

"There, now your lips have been tainted by someone else's," Passion Princess explained as she eventually broke the kiss, leaving Priya gasping. "It would be wrong to stay with him now. You basically cheated on him, so do what's right and leave him. He'll be in good hands, he'll never have a want for anything else with me."

"T-there's something fucking wrong with you," Priya coughed, wiping her now-wet lips with her free hand. "I knew something was up when Asher told me about his encounters with you. You've seriously been following him, haven't you? He looks over his shoulder all the time now! T-that's stalking, and that's against the law!"

"He looks over his shoulder? As in he's looking for me?" the heroine asked as her blue eyes seemingly stared off into the distance. "Awe."

"N-no! He's scared, and now I am too!" Priya cried. "Again, please tell me that this is all just some sick joke!"

"I don't joke about love," the looming woman said calmly as she gently began to push the smaller girl down agaisnt the roof, before straddling her and pressing down on her petite body with her much-larger figure. "I'm sorry that you're scared though, that was not my intention."

"What are you doing now?" Priya asked as she trembled while her assailant began to run her gloved hands along her body.

"Oh nothing," Passion Princess replied as her hands gently squeezed at Priya's ribcage. "Did you know that I sometimes rip solid titanium sheets for exercise? Yeah, it's like ripping paper to me. The human body, now that's like pushing a finger through a bubble."

Priya wanted to piss herself there and then, but she managed to keep ahold of herself.

"Again, you have one week," Passion Princess repeated as she finally released her hold on the young woman and stepped over to the Barn Owl, whose unconscious foot was twitching. "Now, you're welcome again for the save. See? I'm not bad or anything, because if I wanted to, I could have let this loser do what he wanted with you. I'm just a girl in love, and I'm giving you the chance to do the right thing."

With that, she slung the villain over her shoulder and lifted off into the air, leaving young Priya alone on the roof, who again fell to her butt and started to cry. Threatened by one of the most powerful people to ever live, there wasn't much that the young woman could do, and she knew that. All she wanted right then was to be held by her boyfriend and be reassured that all would be okay.

"Dammit, Asher, why did she have to choose you?" Priya lamented to herself as she looked up at the setting sun. "All the men in the world, and she has to pick mine?"
