
Naughty Witch

After buying what we needed, we got out of the store. Someone is waiting for us.

"Oh, Finally done?"

Clad in purple dress. Lisa is waiting for us.

"Did you wait?" I asked.

"Thank you for asking dear. I just got here."

"Where did you run off to?" asked Eula.

"My, since when does an aloof woman like you care about other matters."

"If you don't want to answer, don't answer. Here I thought lowering my pride to understand someone."

"Fufufu, I was just surprised eh? How were you able to accept such circumstances so fast? I wonder."

"This is how I am. If I cannot adapt, only death awaits for me."

"Impressive. The more I get to know you. The more I'm curious, just like this lover of yours... Or should I say our lover?"

Licking her lips, her eyes prey on me. Rolling my eyes, ignoring her obvious lust that was flaring. I also found Eula's way of accepting things abnormal.

"Aren't you Impressive yourself, Purples Rose Witch? How can you just latch on to someone's lover when you only heard before and seen them once? And decide to become his lover, just because of curiosity. That wouldn't buy me." Crossing her arms, Eula pointed at Lisa.

"Mhmm~ Point taken. I wonder." Lisa placed her hand on her cheeks and then leaned her head on her hand. Like a troubled Milf.

"There is this aura around him that's been very tempting when I first saw him. It keeps beckoning me. It makes me feel very aroused. Just staring at him is hypnotizing."

"You too?" Eula raised an eyebrow. She turns her head at me.

I just shrugged. I don't even know myself. I can't even control it. Eula is the first person who said it. I talk about this with Lumine and she sees a faint comforting aura around me but not to the extent as Eula's case.

One of the things I'm trying to find out.

I'm concerned about this matter seriously. I'm very happy to have such a 'cheat' ability but I'm also scared. I don't like Hypnotism. I loathe such a thing. It makes courting a woman useless. It makes it easy to manipulate a girl's emotions, I'm not into that. I want a woman's emotion to be hers and hers alone, not some slave I can command, that's sickening.

I love courting women. I know I only had a girlfriend in the past but I love women. If not for the morality of the world back then, I would love to have multiple girls.

"When I first met Ronan. I saw a light that was hovering around him. It was a blinding light, it was comfortable and made me feel at ease. I was afraid, such a thing is incomprehensible. Delirious even. I thought he was targeting me, well he did. But not in a bad way, he courted me so blatantly. It was a surprise. He was genuine, he is just a clueless guy who never knew better."

Rolling my eyes. Eula became pretty talkative. To prevent any eavesdroppers. The three of us decided to continue our talk in some fancy restaurant. Eula became a different person when she talked about the experience she had with me. Minus, the naughty things that happened.

How could a Naughty Witch can't catch up on things related to it? She does hear it and smiles slyly.

"So, you are saying he can make a woman fall in love easily?"

"I don't know. As far I'm concerned I'm the only woman apart from you who fell for this guy. Who knows about that little girl with him."

"Is it related to hypnotism?" I asked. Feeling a little bit handsy.

"Can you control it?"

"No. I don't even know I had that kind of thing, if it were not for Eula, I wouldn't be able to know."

"That's good to hear. Ronan, do you like me?"

"What kind of question is that?"

"Just answer me."

"Well, I do like you."

"I'm happy to hear that. What do you think of me? Tell me honestly. Like from the bottom of your heart."

"Is it necessary?" Eula interjected. She also finds it confusing.


"Honest huh? To be honest, I find Lisa very hot and sexy, a mommy-type. She's just my type. I would love to be spoiled by you, bury my face in those gigantic mounds of yours. Ravage your pouty sexy lips. Looking at you makes me very aroused, I cannot wait to push you on the bed." Rubbing my chin the corner of my lips rose. I said everything that I feel about her right now.

"That's too honest!" Eula retorted. She glared at me.

"Come on, she said it herself. I was just being honest. Don't sulk. I love you."

I put my arm around her shoulder as I pull her closer.

"What about me?" She whispered cutely.

"You're special. My heart beats especially for you. I love you." I grab her hand and put it on my chest.

"Hmph! Sliver tongue." Eula turned her head away but her cheeks were red as apples.

"Come on now, stop flirting in front of me."

"Ah right. What do you think?"

"I found something incredible. Ronan you're an anomaly. That ability is not hypnotism as it's not forcing me to like you. An ability like this filled me with curiosity even more. When you told me your feelings about me, the aura around you flared up."

"Don't glaze it. Tell us."

"Don't be too hasty, I was just getting started. Your aura signifies that we are compatible. Eula, at first meeting what color did you see around him?"

"Color?" Eula tilted her head in confusion she didn't know what Lisa was talking about. She looks at me. "There is no color isn't it?"

"I'm confused. Can't you two see it?" I asked.

"Let me explain. Ronan, it's true we can see your Aura. Well, to put it more bluntly, we can feel it around you. There are different kinds of aura around you. In my perception, I can see or feel naughty, love, adoration, curiosity, sex, domination, spoiled, etc. However, Naughty and Sex are much larger parts. In other words, Naughtiness. If I guess correctly, Eula should perceive Love and Care."

Lisa glanced at Eula. Eula nods confirming Lisa's guess.

"I see. What's the relation with it with compatibility?"

"Your aura is a sign for women you adore to see your emotion."


"Basically telling other women he is interested in them?" Eula finished my words.

"Something like that. I'm not yet sure as this is the first experiment we have done. I also speculate that to be able to see his aura we need mutual understanding or interest."

"Oh, I get it. Since Eula wants to be loved and cared for. All along. What I feel about her is Love and Care. The more I got to know her the more those emotions strengthened."

"... However, isn't this a little bit contradictory?" Eula asked.

"How so?"

"When I first met him it was I was vigilant and curious, that's all."

"If you put it like that it's back to square one. We need to do more experiments." Putting her finger on the corner of her lips, Lisa smiled naughtily.

"Woman, you're not telling me to get him another girl as an experiment right?" Eula crossed her arms as she uttered coldly.

"Aren't you curious?" A bewitching smile formed on her lips. Whispering temptations on a pure innocent girl.

"Don't tempt me. I'm also curious but I already put up with you... At least not yet..."

"Oh, you want to spend more time with him? Okay, let's postpone this topic for now."

Just at the right time a knock on the door, the door opens as the waiter served our dishes. I was silent, because I felt relieved it was not hypnotism.
