
The Remnants.

Eula placed her hand on my cheek. Her eyes were staring at me. The soft caress she does makes my hurt flutter.

Maybe this is the fastest development?

I don't know compared to 100 girlfriends who really really really really love you. This is subpar.

What should I do in this situation?

Of course, there is only one thing. Only idiots would not make a move.

"Eula, I know we only met recently but feel this." I took her other hand and placed it on my chest. "My heart is beating profusely. I cannot fool myself. I don't want to bottle this feeling. I like you."

Even though there is nothing special moment that happened between us like in any romantic fantasy. I just fell in love. The moment I met her, a zing happened.

The thing she said about my aura. It should be the zing. Right?

And zing cannot be stopped.


"This is too fast," Eula said.

"Do you like me, Eula?"

"..." Eula's eyes fluttered when she heard that. She nods subtly.

My smile widened. My eyes sparkled. That was a confirmation. Right? Right?

"I want to hear it."

"Do you want me to say it?" Her face showed a struggling expression. Her heart had been beating profusely since earlier. Nothing losing to mine.

"Un." I nod.

"...Fine. I...Like...You.." Her voice was faint and cannot be called a whisper. But I heard it loud and clear.

My heart got squeezed. Ah, I'm so happy. I circled my arm around her waist, feeling the suppleness of her body. She didn't react nor repulsed, which made me happy.

"Eula, can I kiss you?"

Eula averted her eyes, her brows fluttered appealingly. she didn't answer. Her lips quivered.

"I'll take that as a yes."

I place my other hand on her cheek, while my thumb caress her wet lips. I slowly leaned down. Closing her eyes. Her hand that was on my face slid slowly to the back of my head, combing through my hair.

My lips met hers. It was a sensational moment. My hand on her waist tightened its hold.

It was soft. It tasted sweet.


"Captain! We found the remnants!" A scout leader barges inside the tent.

After that pleasant event. Eula and I got back to the tent. We sat on a sofa nearby with our shoulders touching each other. Our hands joined together resting between our laps.

We talked about many things. I actually wanted to concoct a plan to pursue her. But I didn't think fate had its plan for us.

As the scout barges in.

We did not separate ourselves like some rom-com anime. Eula's gentle and loving eyes quickly change to a cold blizzard.

"Ah!" The scout leader gasped when he saw the situation. Seeing the captain's eyes. He shivered.

She's angry, he thought.

"The Knights code, how dare you forget. You recite the Knights of Favonius for me!"

Her icy voice creeps like an icy thorn all over him. He gulped his dry throat.

"Yes!" He saluted as he recited every code of conduct.

"Are you usually stern with them?" I asked softly.

"As a Knight, one shall possess the ability to maintain the code of conduct. If they cannot even do it, the knight would be lax and cannot work well." She said with her chin raised.

I look at our hands. I wanted to retort but I dare not.

I feel sorry for this guy. We waited for him to stop.

Not long after.

"So, what's the fuss all about?" She crossed her legs.

"Captain, your insights are true. The remnants are gathering at the location. We already reported but we found something. Ruin guards. They have a ruin guard! Furthermore, they are heading to Calla City."

After hearing the report. Eula and I frowned. Ruin Guard, are originally Field Tillers of the past. They are slow but they are tough. It's hard to deal with them.

"Did Rizark send any orders?"

"Yes! Captain Rizark is forming a group. He would like us to intercept with the Remnants first."

"How many Ruin Guards are there?"

"There is only one. But they have 6 Mitachurls."


Eula let go of my hand. The both of us stand up.

"Tell the others to prepare. Summon all the Scout leaders, we'll prepare a plan." She ordered the scout leader. She approached the middle of the tent where a table and map were laid out.

She moved a piece.

I did not disturb her. Her expression was serious.

"This is troublesome." I hear her mumbling.

I stand next to her. "Let me go with you."

"You are not a Knight. I can't let you go. This is our duty."

"No, I will go with you. How can I let you be in danger while I'm hiding? What kind of man am I to let his woman be in danger." I seriously said. I looked into her eyes.

Eula smiled subtly. "I know you will..."


Above a cliff. Eula and I watch as a bunch of Mitachurls, Hilichurls, Samachurls, and a ruin guard heading in Calla City's direction.

Eula was observing as the enemy marched.

"What are they planning? Why are they vehement in attacking the Calla City?" I asked beside her.

"I have no clue." She shook her head. "I've been to Calla City for a few times. I've never heard anything noteworthy about the city, other than their specialty."


"Every year on a day when the lake next to the city, a special Calla Lily bloomed like no other." She explained. "According to my research. The special flower contains a very powerful restorative essence. The locals said that it can even restore a limb or make a near-death person heal. It can also cure a very powerful curse. A shame it can bloom one flower once a year, it could've made into a powerful potion for the Knights injured in expeditions."

My eyes widened after hearing the curse part. What's the Abyss Orders goal again? It's to restore, Khaenri'ah. They want the flower. To study the flower or occupy the City for them to research the properties around the lake.

So no wonder.

"Calla City will be in danger. They will not stop." I said.

"Why?" She looks at me in doubt. "We can handle them."

"No, yes we can handle this group but what about next time?" I said.

"What do you mean?" She tilted her head.

"The Abyss Order will not stop what they are planning. They will keep attacking Calla City. They want the special Lily or the whole lake." I explained. "I know you have many questions. They, the Abyss Order are resilient."

"How is that related to the Flower?" She still has many questions. How did I know about this? When I told her about my past or myself last night to her. I did not mention the world being a game or anything related to the game, I only talked about where I come from and my life.

"The flower can lift a curse. That's their goal."

"I see... We'll have to report this to the main headquarters in Mondstadt. If what you've said is true. Then Calla City will be in danger." She crossed her arms and was thinking deeply. She grabs the hilt of her Snow-Tombed Star Silver.

"In the meanwhile, we'll have to intercept this group first before they can make more ruckus."

I nodded in affirmation. I also grabbed the hilt of my Old Merc's pal.

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