
Ad Astra Abyssosque!

The conversion rate of Primogems seems doubled every ten levels. I'm level 36, I need 8 primogems for every level. It means, from level 41 to 50, I need 16 for every level. That will be 160, then 320 to level 60. Level 70 would take 640 and so on. 

That means it would get expensive if I wanted to level up to get stronger. Is this what you call pay-to-win? But it will get harder and harder in the future. 

If I want to reach level 100, I need 10 thousand primo gems. Just thinking about it gives me a headache. Where can I find such a large amount of Primogems? 

Lumine has been on a journey for three months but she only gets 122 gems. Shaking the head from headache. Let's think about this in the future, for now, my strength is already good. 

"What level were you in the past Lumine?" I asked Lumine. We already talked about how she and her brother confronted the unknown god and she woke up, finding the world had changed. She did not even know how much time had passed. 

Her level was also back from the beginning. Thankfully, she still has access to some of her skills like storage, appraisal, and so on. 

"I was level 970 in the past." She answered truthfully. 

"That's amazing. How did you even reach that?" I wondered. Lumine did not answer. Wouldn't it take me forever, to reach that level? How much Primogems can be consumed, trillions? 

As we were chatting, we unknowingly arrived at our destination. Before us, A large building appeared. It wasn't your usual small stall adventurer guild in the game. 

The door was wide open. The building looked like a certain fairy guild in the anime I watched years ago. 

The hall was big, and so many people sitting at the tables. One thing for sure is that most of them are wearing the same outfit. They were rowdy and merry yelling. 

Over the counter, four receptionists were busying themselves with entertaining the people in line. 

Now that you mention it, there are many different faces from humans to sylphs. Some were Youkai from Inazuma. Half-humans; have the tails and ears of animals. Beautiful elf-like race. 

Humans and other races co-exist like it's normal, there was no discrimination at all.

Lumine and I, lined up. Waiting for our turn. I was scanning trying to find some familiar faces but it appeared I didn't see anyone. Except for the four Katheryne as receptionist. Seeing such Identical Kathyrene, It's confirmed in my mind that they are robots or android. 

It didn't take long for our turns. 

"Ad Astra Abyssosque! Welcome to the Adventurer Guild, I am Katheryne the receptionist. How can I help you?" Katheryne said with a welcoming smile. 

"We would like to register as an adventurer," I said. 

"Please place your hand on this plate and say your name." Katheryne took out a platinum plate with magical engravings under her desk. 

I placed my hand on the plate and said my name. "Ronan." 

The gems on the plate lit up. Then something magical happens, a glowing panel hovers over the plate. The glowing panel has weird writings and I can't read them. It was given, and I noticed while we got inside the city, I could not read the writings. 

"Ronan, level 36/1, Class: None, Adventurer level 0, Commission: 0." Thankfully, Lumine helped me.

"Here, Adventurer Ronan this is your Adventurer Card." Katheryne took out a card and gave it to me. It has my portrait and a writing."Every day, there will be 4 commissions to be completed. You can access the information if you want the card. After completing at least one commission, you can take your rewards in any Adventurer guild. You don't have to complete the Commission every day. However, you need to complete at least one Commission every week." 

"Every time your Adventurer level goes up, we, the Adventurer Guild will give you rewards. If you have more questions please ask me." Katheryne said in one breath. 

"Can we only have 4 commissions in a day?" I asked. 

"Yes, however, if you want more Commission, we have a sub-quest on the bulletin board on the side. This sub-quest isn't from the Adventurer guild but by other people who submit quests. The rewards are different, your adventurer level will not increase with this quest." Katheryne explained without even taking a deep breath. "Any more questions?"

"Yes, What will happen if me and my companion have different Commissions? Will I be able to have some rewards with them?" I asked. 

"No, and Yes, People in a party will have the same commission. If you have two people, you will times two the reward. Only four people can be in a team. If you have more than four, sadly, the other people need to create a new party and have a different Commission." Katheryne said. "Any more questions?

"Yes, but this is the last one. What is this number next to my level?" I pointed at my card. Tho, I couldn't read it. What a bother, I have to learn. There are many things to learn. 

"That's your level cap. The average level cap of a human is level 20 - 30, those with visions are god chosen they have ten times more or so. Half-humans have two times the average cap of humans. Other races vary, they are much stronger than humans." Katheryne said but her eyes flickered when she saw my card. "Your level seems an anomaly. How did you increase your level?" 

"Isn't that inappropriate?" Lumine intervened. 

"I apologize, It seems I overreached myself. Forgive my actions as I was filled with curiosity on how a person breaks the limit of their level." Katheryne bowed her head. 

"Don't worry Lumine." I ponder for a while if it's okay to tell Katheryne about it. Katheryne is as mysterious as Paimon. I don't know anything about them.

There are many adventurers throughout Teyvat and it's not a great idea to become an enemy with them. I don't want to talk about it but, I for sure know who the person behind this guild who will pursue this matter, making my life miserable. I could only grit my teeth for now. 

"It's this." I took out the remaining Primogems in my pocket. There were 5 left. I need 3 to level up again. If this gem is useless to Lumine whose level was 970 and from special races. I don't know if it's useful to the humans here.

"Primogems?" Katheryne's expression became puzzled. "This, are you sure this helped you level up? We the Adventurer Guild already studied this gem for centuries but we didn't find anything relevant with this gem. The Adventurer Guild uses this gem to trade Artifacts." 

"You have this!?" I was surprised beyond belief. 

"Yes, We have plenty. We also use this gem as one of our rewards for commission. But, it's surprising for you to be able to use the gem. Maybe it's related to your talent or constellation?" Katheryne wondered. "Furthermore, the Primogems on your hands are the lowest level of Primogems. It's a level 1 Primo gem. The higher the level the brighter the shine. The conversion rate is as is; 1000 level 1 Primogems is equivalent to a level 2 Primogems and so on. The highest level of Primogems we have is level 9."

The more she explained the brighter my eyes became. The more she explained the rougher my breaths got. The more she explained the giddy I felt. 

"Adventurer Ronan, I want to report this to the higher up is it okay for you? I can also become silent." Katheryne said. The thing that I feared came up. 

"Wait what? You can keep the information yourself?" I was shocked. "Wouldn't you report it anyway?" 

"No, the thing that the adventurer guild is proud of is their principle. It appears you do not want anyone to know about it. Consider this as my rude behavior earlier, I will not report or tell anyone, I swear to all Katheryne. Thank you for filling up my curiosity Adventurer." Katheryne places her hand on the chest. A golden magic circle appears between her glabella. 

"That's an archon-level oath," Paimon exclaimed. Lumine and I were surprised at how Paimon knew about it. But we did not point that out. "You! Do you know what you are doing? If you break the Oath forget about death, you will not be reincarnated." 

"I know. This is my Oath." Katheryne smiled. "Is there any more question you want to ask Adventurer?"
