
Chapter 82

"So, you like drawing."

Inside the Kent Kitchen, Leonardo was looking at a sketchbook of a little girl that doesn't speak. Well, speaks very loudly that if not for super hearing, he wouldn't be able to hear. In which he felt the girl had some skills in drawing.

The girl just nodded.

For why Leonardo was even here, well it was because Clark asked him to watch her. Since he had to go out to investigate something while Lois refused. Which just made Leonardo sighed since he had a rare day off, now he is here.

"You have decent skills. Do you want to become an artist, animator, or an illustrator?" Leonardo asked.

The girl shook her head rejecting and Leonardo knew that beside drawing as a hobby. While reading the girl body language, Leonardo didn't seem to see such an idea. So he just shrugged it off, since if she had no idea of becoming one, then so be it.

"Alright. Then shall we play a game?" Leonardo asked. "It will take Clark probably another few hours."

It took a moment, but the girl nodded. So Leonardo fetched a game board and quickly sat up the game.


The little girl that Leonardo was currently looking over is named Maddie Van Horn. Currently she is suspected in the death of her latest foster mother, Naomi. Which is related to why Lois refused to watch over her and thought it would be better to hand her in.

"So is your power only able to manipulate glass or is it a crystal-like substance?" Leonardo asked Maddie. "If it has crystal-like substances, I would recommend honing it to mine diamonds."

"You're not scared." Maddie whispered softly.

"I'm thick skinned and you haven't shown much skill with your ability to worry about it." Leonardo replied with a shrug. "Besides, there are much weirder things happening in Gotham from time to time."

"You're weird." Maddie mumbled even softer.

Leonardo just shrugged at that, since he isn't very afraid of being stabbed by glass. Truth is he isn't afraid of being stabbed by many things, since he is a kryptonian. There is not much that can threaten him on the planet.

"Can you help me practice?" Maddie asked.

Leonardo's eyes unknowingly brightened at those words since it felt like he was needed. It brought back memories of learning his own abilities or well Clark's abilities. Alongside various arguments between him and Clark about Lana.

"I don't see why not. However, best not do it inside the house." Leonardo said as he led her towards the barn.

It wouldn't do to practice inside the house and accidentally break all the glass cups, plates, vase and windows. While it won't cost much to replace them, but Leonardo rather spend his money elsewhere and avoid Clark glare. Since Clark seems to be sentimental and possessive especially about this house.

"Now, I am guessing your powers tend to activate when you're emotional. Which tends to happen mainly because your body is being pumped itself of adrenaline and sends your body into a state of flux. It's why what may be impossible normally is suddenly doable such as punching harder, running faster or even lifting heavy objects." Leonardo began.

"There are many such cases and studies on this, but let's just skip over this." Leonardo coughed lightly into his fist.

Maddie was just staring at him blankly, hence Leonardo decided to move on. Since it really wasn't important to explain more about this part. It would probably be best if he just moved onto the more interesting part.

"I am also guessing you tried to control it out of curiosity." Leonardo said.

Maddie nodded lightly to his words.

"So now we just need to find your switch and exercise your control. So let's start with something simple. Like lifting this empty jar." Leonardo said as he packed up an empty jar filled with dust.

Taking a few steps back, Leonardo stood slightly behind Maddie. She seemed to tense up as she glared daggers at the jar that began to shake and almost cracked. However, Leonardo put his hand on her shoulder.

"Relax. Don't glare or manipulate your emotions to trigger it." Leonardo commented lightly. "Your ability is part of you so will it not just trigger with raising your emotions."

For the next few minutes, Maddie continued to try but besides shaking the jar a few times. There wasn't much progress but Leonardo didn't think she would. So he simply continued to encourage her to keep at it and offered a few words here and there.

So after a few hours and a couple jars, due to Maddie growing annoyed at the lack of quick progress. A few of the jars met the unfortunate fate of being shattered, however she did make some progress. For she could now manipulate a few shards and make a few simple glass creatures.


While frying up some snacks real quick while Maddie was drawing to recharge her spirits after a few hours of boring training. Leonardo noticed a car coming up the driveway and frowned. So he swapped off the stove and told Maddie to just focus on her drawing as he goes to greet the visitors.

After walking down into the driveway, Leonardo greeted the man in his thirties. While turning his head to the man who seemed intended to keep hiding.

"You know, trespassing will come with silver bracelets." Leonardo said.

"Huh? I am with Child Services."

"Not you," Leonardo rolled his eyes.

The windows on the car began to shake violently before they exploded outwards targeting the two. So in a quick few steps Leonardo shielded the Child Services man from the glass flying at them. Where the glass shatters upon impacting his back.

"Ahh." The man screamed.

"Be quiet, it will be fine." Leonardo said as he pushed the man down.

Then Leonardo shifted his attention to the man who walked out into the open. The man had a few aged lines and dull dirty brown hair with a fairly good looking face for his age. However, Leonardo frowned as the man smirked while the shards of glass raised from the ground once more.

"So you must be Maddie Father." Leonardo stated.

While he remembers a Smallville episode where a girl with similar abilities as Maddie. However, he sort of ignored the details, since Leonardo also tended to ignore the events Clark had been having in his life. Since most of them revolve around him and Lana lately and not to mention not all episodes in that series are bound to happen.

"Oh, so you know about her abilities." The man said. "You know more than you should."

Leonardo tilted as a glass shard shot past his head as he took quick steps to the man. Then in quick movement, Leonardo suppressed the man and removed the threat. Which was fairly easy truth be told since besides manipulating glass, the man was a normal person.

"What just happened." The Child Services man asked.

"A father wanting his daughter I guess." Leonardo shrugged.

In the end, Clark came back while the sheriff was taking the man off in cuffs. While Leonardo was trying to comfort Maddie who was worried and scared.

Thanks for Reading.

LegendaryChaoscreators' thoughts