
Chapter 1

"This is impossible."

Sitting up in a panic, a teen around fourteen said as he gripped his chest. Looking over the unfamiliar room where an American Flag hung above him, a tool box used a nightstand next to the bed, and a computer desk crammed into the corner. More panic rose in him, especially after looking into the mirror.

There a teenage boy about fourteen looked back with slightly tame dark brown hair that could be mistaken for black, nice blue eyes and fairly handsome features. A face and body that wasn't his own as he basically could see abs forming.

'Who are you?' a fairly young voice asked in his head.

'Leonardo, are you the original host of this body?' Leonardo attempted to take deep breaths as he asked.

'Yeah, names Clark Kent.'

His once calming breathing suddenly stopped as a semi bad feeling overcame him. Since that was a very familiar name to him and it is usually followed by a blue suit and red cape. Not to mention a guy who is basically god-like in face of most and even some other god-like beings.

'You wouldn't happen to have a space ship tucked away and happen to live on a farm in Smallville would you?' Leonardo asked.

'Yeah, how do you know?' Clark seemed a bit surprised and scared or at least it sounded as such.

Leonardo thought quickly since whatever happened must be Krpytonian related. So his first thought was to find a way to talk with Jor-El, but he was unsure what version of Dc universe this is. So he has to hope it is the one from the Smallville Television show as this is the only one he really understands.

'Clark, where is your ship?' Leonardo asked looking out the window.

The scene outside looks like the television show Smallville of the Kent Farm. Hence, his hope was slightly higher compared to before and judging by the moon. It shouldn't be that late into the night. Hence, he should have a few hours to try and solve this issue and return to his own world and body.

'In the storm cellar over there.' Clark answered.

Leonardo quickly rolled off the bed and planned to open the window. However, he accidentally put too much pressure on the bed frame and poked a hole into it like a piece of dough. Which only further proved this was the Clark Kent he was thinking of.

'Hey, careful. Mom and Dad are going to scold me again.' Clark almost whined.

'My bad.' Leonardo asked. 'Are you able to control your body?'

Leonardo watched as his hand raised up and body began to move quickly on its own. Which answered the question as he basically took a backseat which suited him fine. Since it wasn't his body and judging by the strength and speed Clark was moving. He is more likely to bring down the house then leave it silently.

Within a few seconds, Clark brought the body to the Storm Cellar where a ship was covered. A ship he recognized from the show and breathed a sigh of relief. Not to mention the hexagonal shape key needed to activate it. For the ship was more of a diamond with a large egg-shaped sphere where Clark was as he traveled among the stars.

'Great, now we just need to grab the key and we should be able to ask the guy who might have the answers how to reverse this.' Leonardo answered. 'Did your Dad ever tell you where your ship landed.'

'I don't think so.' Clark answered after a moment. 'Wait, I think it was around Miller's Field. Dad always glances at me when we pass by from time to time.'

'Great, most likely the Key is there.' Leonardo murmured. 'Hurry, we need to find that key and we might be able to solve this. Hopefully he is able to reverse this as I don't know about you, but I don't feel like sharing a body.'

'What happens if this…ship doesn't hold the answers or can't reverse this?' Clark asked.

'Well, I guess we can say you have multiple personality disorder.' Leonardo joked.

'Haha.' Clark said dryly.

Following Leonardo's idea since Clark felt it was the best lead they got, not to mention he felt a bit uncomfortable about Leonardo being inside his head. For he felt that Leonardo in his head seemed to know more about him than he knew about himself. Hence, he began to run towards Miller's Field.

Appearing on the side of the road, Clark looked out at the field before him. Slightly confused on what he should be looking for. However, he felt Leonardo seemed to know.

'What do I do now?' Clark asked.

'If my guess is right, you need to focus your eyes. Focus on attempting to see through the ground and you should be able to see an octagonal disk that will fit the ship.' Leonardo answered calmly.

'Just say x-ray vision. I learned that over a month ago.' Clark said while he rolled his eyes.

'Well, that will save us time trying to learn it quickly, now you need to focus.' Leonardo answered.

Clark just lightly sighed as he narrowed his eyes on the field before him. However, random thoughts rang through his head as he attempted to see through the ground. Taking a deep breath, he managed to see the key Leonardo was on about.

Stepping into the field, Clark quickly dug it up and left back to the storm cellar. Where he began to hesitate as he felt unsure about putting the key into the ship. For he didn't know what would happen when he did so.

'It will be fine, Clark. Nothing bad will happen.' Leonardo said as Clark slowly approached the ship. 'At worse he will begin your training.'

'Training?' Clark clearly didn't like the sound of that.

'Your not the only one to survive your planet, and sadly unlike you. They won't come with good intentions for the planet.' Leonardo answered. 'The training goal is to prepare you to face these foes and become something of a warrior guardian to this world.'

'I don't want that.' Clark grumbled. 'I want to choose my own destiny.'

'And you will. However, your biological father wants to give you the best chance of survival. Not to mention, he is worried you would run rampant and become a tyrant.' Leonardo calmly answered.

Placing the key near the ship, the key began to float and rotate before landing in the engraved space on the ship. Which was followed by the ship beginning to start up as it began to glow as it floated upwards before facing them as the ship formed a diamond ship.

"My son Kal-El, it is not yet time to begin your training." a slightly cold and emotionless male voice boomed.

"Umm, sir, there was an accident. Somehow I have another person residing in my body." Clark began.

"Impossible, you are a male and thus unable to be impregnated." Jor-El said.

Clark felt incredibly embarrassed and dumbfounded at such words. So he retreated back into his mind and kicked Leonardo out to continue. After all, Clark is still an awkward fourteen year old.

"Well, that is true, but actually somehow I, from what I guess is a different world, somehow ended up in your son's body." Leonardo answered as his voice shifted a bit. "I hope you have an answer and a way so I can return."

The ship was silent for a moment as if processing what was said or scanning him. Either way, Leonardo didn't know so he could only stand there silently. Finally after what felt like forever the shop answered him.

Thanks for Reading.

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