
(LV) Grendel

Kaitlyn panicked, muttering repeatedly for Isaac to get up as she healed him. The goblin marauder menacingly approached, snapping the vines as if they weren't there with each step. 

Nathan threw his hands out as he unleashed a myriad of different elements in quick succession as thicker vines with thorns sprouted from the cracks in the stone floor. 

Fireballs appeared in the air, rotating briefly before launching toward the goblin marauder as he swung his cleavers and swatted away the flames. 

The vines took advantage of the brief moment caused by the fireballs and climbed around his legs, wrapping tightly as the thorns dug into the goblin's flesh. 

Spears and arrows made from ice manifested in the air next, launching toward the goblin marauder as he hacked at the vines with his blades, freeing himself in time to dodge the attacks. 
