
Let Me Out

The prison smell, the harsh rotten odor, made Meka feel dizzy and nauseated. She was coiled in one corner of her cell room; she refused to sit on the nearby mat bed and instead sat on the floor, her body pressed together, her gaze fixed on the wall in front of her. Tears welled up in her eyes, blurring her vision.

Three days in here felt like an eternity, and during that time, she had not had any visitors, except for the guards who brought in food that she refused to eat—food that would eventually be taken away.

Some days, she heard the cries of other cellmates. Most of them mocked her, calling her royalty who was cast away, but she didn't talk to them. In fact, she had said nothing for days except to cry.

How long will she remain here? Will Jelani now take the throne with the second queen by his side? Will Safiya visit and get to know that she was here? Maybe she would finally tell her everything that has been going on.
