
I love you.

"I love you," he said softly, careful with each word as if fearing what she would say.

Safiya said nothing except watch him. She wanted to tell him that she loves him too and couldn't stop thinking about him, couldn't stop dreaming about him, that she wanted all of him to be hers. But she stood frozen, unable to say a word.

Finally, Malik clasped his mouth against hers again, kissing her intently. And this time she knew that he was telling her with his body how much he wanted her. She too kissed him back with everything she could, maybe it was a way to tell him without speaking out that she wanted him, that she loves him with all of her.

Malik leaned his head against hers and closed his eyes. After he had relaxed, he said, "I will be in the kingdom for a while. Can we see? Let's talk, okay?"
