
Chapter 24

Chapter 24

(Disaster strikes pt 1)

Hiccup Pov:


 It has been 3 months since Dragos Visit. School is almost over, It is the last 2 weeks and we are doing tests this week.


 In Sword Fighting we have mastered everything and the final test is to win a dual against Askeladd the Teacher. Everyone manages except a few but everyone has a passing grade.


 In Study/History their is no test, all we have to do is name historic events without looking.


 In Forgery the test started the week before and Magna had us make a bunch of Items. 1. Sword. 2. Axe. 3. Shield. 4. Armor set. 5. Mace.

If we did that we would get a grade. I managed to do it in 2 days earning a grade of 125% for first done. The top 5 got extra credit. 1st got 25% extra, 2nd got 20%, 3rd 15%, 4th 10%, and 5th 5%. Other than that it was depending on quality and durability along with time.


 If you didn't finish by today you would lose 20% for each not completed. In each 20% you would have 10% for completion, 1-5% for durability, and 1-5% for Quality. if you failed then it would be low.


 In hand to hand combat we had to win a fight against the Bjørn's son since he wouldn't be an easy challenge at his Height and Build. Everyone in my dorm and top 10 did it, everyone else failed.


 Finally it was maces and Talons all we had to do was beat level 3 against Viggo. He would grade us on skill. As for me and the top 5, we had to beat whatever level we were on. Most were at 4 including Dagur, Me and Scribbler were at level 5 where Viggo went all out.


 The top 5 already had a passing grade but you had to beat level 4 to be a Heir. Since my father was Stoick Viggo said I had to give him a challenge on level 5.


 Everyone managed to beat level 2 but couldn't defeat 3 except for 10. Dagur couldn't beat level 4 but gave Viggo a run for his money on that one. Scribbler was taken out in the same time it took Viggo to beat Dagur which is hard comparable to level 4.


 The leveling system goes like this: You beat a gronckle cool, that's level 1. You beat a Nadder, ok that's level 2. Beat a Zippleback twice the status, that's level 3. A monstrous Nightmare, only the toughest go after those, that's level 4. Level 5, NightFury, the one no ones ever seen, Never engage.


 I was on NightFury with Scribbler and he lost in the same time Dagur did to a Monstrous Nightmare. For me I almost tied Viggo meaning I was almost better than him, but he was a teacher and had more experience. After he won he said. "You are a pretty good adversary Hiccup Horrendous Haddock the 3rd. You are the only one I can recognize as a good foe. Every now and then lets have a match. You are all dismissed." at that we left.


 The final week was for Grading and ship building for some. It was the final day and we were at the Main hall in complete Silence waiting for the Headmaster.


 When he came in he was Surprised because it had never been this quiet before. "Seeing how you all are silent I guess you are waiting for me. The teachers will pass your grades to you as you leave. Some of you built ships to show your friends and family that you won and I congratulate you."


 He let us take that in and then Continued. "The winners for the Heir of a chief classes are as follows. Sword Fighting 3rd place, Hiccup, 2nd place, Dagur, 1st place, Mutism." As he said that we all go up and grab our rewards.


 "For Hand to Hand Combat, 3rd place, Scribbler, 2nd place, Hiccup, 1st place Mutism." At hearing 3rd place everyone gasped because he was a Scholar, Same for me since I am a runt.


 "Finally Maces and Talons, only people who got to level 5 according to Viggo will be mentioned. Only 5 got there. 5th place Birger, 4th Mutism, 3rd Frode, 2nd Scribbler, and 1st place Hiccup who actually gave Viggo a Challenge!!" I didn't know 5th, or 3rd place or that mutism took it but at the mention that I gave Viggo a challenge EVERYONE GASPED.


 I went up and stood there since I would be taking the winnings made by the forgery class so Magna gave me one made by him. It was a Sword called Endeavor, it was very old and came from berk but he patched it up for me. It was a perfect fit for me. After that everyone started to go pack and Right before anyone left there was a BIG BANG.


 Dragons armed with armor started burning the place and I looked out to sea seeing Dragos symbol. I quickly made a note, Grabbed my Terrible Terror and sent it off.


 A War had begun and everybody would need help.
