
Chapter 37

The path they walked through was worse than Kid Flash said it was.

Especially, this amount of damage might not be enough for a battle against invading forces since they've been heroes longer than Dio had.

These streets were designed to handle a lot of people walking, as the city is a big capital. They are quite wide and open.

There were more deaths when the streets were full of people running in fear.

When compared to the number of people injured by other people's actions, the darts didn't cause much harm.

The four of them walked through the streets and helped, while Robin went earlier to try to get the fallen dart working.

Finally, the first aid training Diana gave him became useful. He assisted lightly injured people and stabilized those with more serious injuries as best as possible when the emergency services arrived.

Aqualad and Dio were the only ones who seemed to have some medical training.

The others were more focused on bringing the injured to themselves and helping those trapped in collapsed buildings, most of which were shops.

After an hour of helping those injured, Dio could hear the police and ambulance sirens approaching them.

It took a while for the authorities to get there, but it wasn't due to their inefficiency; it was because so many people were running away from the attack.

The police cars were late because a large group of people were blocking their way, and many people had left their cars in the street, which made things worse.

There are several streets in this city that all lead to the same place, like a spider's web, so the authorities just took a different route, which took a little longer.

They'll arrive in a few seconds, so they'll focus on the main task of rescuing those who were abducted.

During these moments of waiting, Dio continued to help those nearby while thinking about the members of this small team.

He's not formally a part of them yet, but at least for this mission, they are his companions.

Aqualad is the one that stands out from the rest. He is smart and can manipulate water, and his actions make him the perfect leader for this team.

Dio recognized him from the Young Justice animated series.

This character doesn't exist in the comics, but looking at this version of Kid Flash in this reality, he was sure he was not in the Young Justice universe.

Next comes Robin.

The young boy is intelligent and received his instruction from a more knowledgeable person.

He somehow got into the city's cameras and used them to find people who were closest to them who were in danger, which made them more efficient.

He did all this while trying to figure out how to operate alien technology.

Kid Flash is the opposite. He's more relaxed and playful.

The difference from the first season's Young Justice version is that he knows when to play around, and his speed and ability to control it are also excellent.

So, this version of Wally West might become the one who surpasses his mentor.

Lastly, Speedy. He's an arrogant idiot. Dio won't deny that he's skilled, but that doesn't stop him from being an idiot.

Speedy was so obnoxious that even when Dio tried to help him save someone, he yelled at him and said he didn't need any help.

Frankly, Dio was close to losing his patience with him.

"The authorities have arrived!"

Aqualad announced and led the older woman to the other side of the street, where they had gathered all the injured.

"Then let's go; we don't know how long the mothership will remain in orbit."

Kid Flashed said and appeared beside him.

"I agree; we're not of much use here anymore."

Speedy agreed.

Since there was no opposing opinion, they began to move toward Robin.

They weren't far away; it only took a few seconds of running for them and Aqualad.

Kid Flash had already arrived a long time ago and assisted Robin with the dart.

Speedy was the last to arrive.

The place where the dart fell seems to be a café. The dart crashed through the store and scattered chairs and tables everywhere.

The dart's engine was destroyed, it was turned sideways, and the black armor on the bottom part that fired the teleportation beam was taken off, showing bizarre pieces of machinery.

Robin was crouched beside the dart, with a cable extending from his wrist computer connected to the machine.

Kid Flash was behind him and watched what was happening on the screen.

"So, is it going to succeed or not?"

Speedy impatiently asked.

"It'll take months to understand this thing,"

Kid Flash said.

"Yes, but we don't need to understand it; just make it work."

Robin responded and moved his fingers on his wrist, typing something.

"How long until that?"

Speedy asked again.

"Give me a few seconds,"

Robin replied, which should earn him a ten just for keeping his cool.

"The army has arrived."

Aqualad said that and once again captured their attention.

He looked outside the café's storefront, and even with him in the way, Dio could see a very familiar jet landing in the street in front of the café.

"It's not the army; it's A.R.G.U.S."

Robin said this without looking at them.

"Whoever it is, they'll probably steal our new toy. Let me handle it."

Speedy said, holding his bow and pulling an arrow from his back.

Before he did anything foolish, Dio stepped in front of him to stop him.

"Get out of my way, rookie!"

Speedy yelled at him.

"I know them; I'll talk to them."

Dio told them to stay calm.

"Do you work with the government?"

Speedy asked with disgust in his eyes.

"Wonder Woman has worked with A.R.G.U.S. many times."

Robin responded to him.

"If our new friend can handle the situation without a fight, we should let him try."

Aqualad said.

Despite Speedy's angry glare, Dio walked out of the café to speak to the people who had landed on the jet.

Steve Trevor hasn't changed much in these three years, except for the pathetic attempt to grow a beard on his face.

He came with two other soldiers wearing A.R.G.U.S.'s tech suits.

"Nice outfit, kid,"

Steve said it to him with a smile.

"You too,"

Dio said it with a mocking tone.

Steve's locker has few choices with just standard military uniforms, which he used as a target for jokes for a long time.

"You certainly chose the perfect time to show up,"

Steve said this as he looked around at all the damage.

"It's more like the perfect time that forced me to participate."

"That happens in ninety percent of the messes Diana gets into."

Steve sighed.

"Is the A.R.G.U.S. taking jurisdiction over this matter?"

Dio asked.

"No, I was just worried about you."

"How did you know I was here? I didn't tell you about the school trip."

"How could I not know? The entire internet knows you're here."

Steve said it with a smile.

It's amazing that the Americans captured him despite being attacked.

"So, judging by the fact that you're here stalling while your friends are inside, does that mean you guys had some idiotic idea of how to get inside the mothership to rescue the hostages?"


"Let's say you manage to get there. What are you going to do next? You'll be surrounded by whatever species attacks us."

"I won't lie, I didn't have much time to plan that part of the plan."

Dio said it with a smile.

It's not like him to do something without careful planning.

"You're very smart, Dio. You know this mission is a bit above your pay grade."

"I agree as well, but do we have any other options?"

Dio asked him.

It's been quite some time since the invasion began, and so far, no high-profile heroes have shown up.

That means they're occupied with more urgent matters.

They can't wait for them.

"Dio, can I say anything to make you not do this?"

Steve has sort of adopted me as an older brother.

He follows Diana on most of her adventures and knows very well the difficulties and dangers a hero faces.

"You know me well, Steve. Even though you didn't think I could be a good hero, I have to do something; I can't just stand by and do nothing."

That's also true.

'It's not a lie that I want to be a hero, but my motivation compared to the true heroes of this world is much weaker.'

Superman fights to bring a bit of hope to the world, and Batman fights so that no one else suffers what he has, and the examples go on.

It took Dio a while to understand why he took so long to reveal himself.

It's because he still considers himself just a kid wanting to be a hero. That's the truth.

But it's also true that he can't just stand by and watch.

"That's why you'll be a good hero, kid."

Steve said that his words affect him. He was serious before, but now he's smiling.

"And why do you think that?"

Dio asked, as he genuinely wanted to know.

Steve turned around and started heading back to his jet.

"A while ago, I met a princess who gave up everything because she had to go to a foreign land simply because she couldn't bear to see their suffering and do nothing."

Steve began to speak.

Then the jet's door opened, and he entered. As the door began to close, he continued talking.

"And that princess, who couldn't stand by and watch others suffer, became one of the world's greatest heroines. That's why I know you'll become one too."

With those words, the door closed, and the aircraft took off.



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