
Section 466: Qi and Fortune

What Shen Yue was pointing out, was indeed a distinctive oil painting in the guest room.

It was a landscape painting, featuring mountains, rivers and streams.

Everyone aspired to have a sense of style, but few could appreciate it when it was genuinely there.

Even when Ye Xuan'er entered the room, she gave no attention to the seemingly unremarkable oil painting; style was secondary. Her main goal was to seduce Shen Yue.

When she saw Shen Yue pointing at it, Ye Xuan'er took a closer look, and noticed a refractive sparkle on what looked like a screw on the frame of the painting.

Upon another close look, she noticed a splash of red light in the reflective spot!

Being an actress who frequented hotels, she was somewhat aware of the possibility of hidden cameras.

Ye Xuan'er knew that some perverts installed hidden cameras in hotel rooms for their bizarre fetishes, but she never would have thought that Shen Yue would share such a hobby.
