

[Third Person's PoV]

Mai and Todo could be seen walking about an idol event. Mai was shaking her head as she exited

"I still can't believe you made me go with you. And I can't believe I actually enjoyed myself" Mai said in disbelief.

Todo just gave off a smug grin while nodding his head "I did say that you were going to have fun, you should listen to me more often."

"You were right about one thing, don't let it get into your head" scoffed Mai.

While they were walking and talking about their experience Todo stopped and held out his hand stopping Mai as well.

Mai looked at Todo in confusion "What? What is it?"

"It's too quiet"

"What?" Mai said while looking at Todo in confusion. Mai started to look around questioningly to see what Todo was talking about.

Mai notice that the enter streets were empty and asked "What is going on"

"It looks like we're surrounded… I need you to do whatever I tell you" Todo said while looking relaxed and not even bothered.

Mai nodded her head, even though she doesn't have the best opinion of Todo, she knows when to shut up and do what needs to be done"

"Shoot me"

Mai didn't even hesitate when she heard Todo, this was something she wanted to do for a long time. She instantly made a desert eagle and without an ounce of hesitation shot Todo right on the side of his head.

Before the bullet could reach Todo, Todo clapped his hand and switched positions with one of the assailants that were hiding and waiting for an opportunity to strike.

Peter the assassin had any time to process what happened Mai's bullet penetrated his head killing him instantly.

When Todo switched, he appeared right next to another assassin but before that assassin knew it, Todo enhanced his fist and punched him in the fast so hard that it caved in slightly, sending him flying and crashing into another assassin making them hit a building together destroying it's all.

Seeing three of their guys being taken down so quickly shaken the rest of them up. Seeing that they were already discovered they jumped towards Todo and Mai separately.

When they appeared close to Todo, he clapped his hands and switched positions with the dead body next to Mai and asked "Ready?"

Mai made another desert eagle in her other hand with her curse technique and nodded her head.

"Ready" she said with a confident smirk.

Both Todo and Mai stood back to back looking out for each other. When Mai heard Todo clapping his hand she shot a bullet right behind her and a bullet going for another guy in front of her.

The guy behind Mai dropped dead with a hole behind his head,, while the guy in front just used a katana and cut the bullet in half.

Todo clapped his hands again and switched with Mai. Todo appeared in front of the guy with a sword and punched him in the stomach breaking his ribs and making him drop the sword.

As soon as Mai switched without hesitation, she stretched out both of her arms and started spinning around while firing.

When her ammo ran out she smacked them together causing it to release the empty magazines. She made new ones using her technique and got her guns ready, but the assassins were too fast. Although she managed to injure some of the assassins, most of them were able to block her shots.

When they realized that she was reloading they all ran at her. One was already in front of her with a sword just inches away from her neck.

Until she was switched with another assassin. When the assassin swung with sword instead of cutting Mai's neck it was one of his accomplices which his sword cut through.

When he saw that he clicked his tongue, the body of his accomplice then switched with Todo and he appeared while doing a split.

The guy looked down "Fuck" and swung his sword downward but Todo was faster. he threw a punch, punching the assassin right on his balls, popping them.

The eyes of the assassin rolled to the back of his head as foam came out of his mouth, knocking him out completely.

Mai, when she appeared, shot the foot of one of the assassins causing him to scream out in pain, with his mouth wide open Mai put her other gun in his mouth and pulled the trigger, causing blood and brain matter to go flying everywhere.

Before both Mai and Todo could continue taking down the assassins, everyone in the whole vicinity was engulfed in a fiery wave of purple flames.




The skin started melting off of all the assassin's faces, while their bones soon turned to ash and scattered in the wind.

Ash was standing on the rooftop overlooking everything with a cold look on his face. When he dispelled the fire the only people alive were both Mai and Todo.

They both turned towards the direction of where the fire was coming from and saw Ash and Maki standing next to each other while looking down on them with a small smile.

Ash's cold expression slowly melted as he said "It looks like you guys were in a bit of a pickle, hope you don't mind the help"

Todo just started waving excitedly "HaHaHa, as expected of my brother. Although I wished I was the one to finish them off, I guess this would do."

Ash just shook his head and jumped down from the rooftop alongside Maki.

Mai just looked at Maki in confusion "Do you have any idea what's going on"

Maki sighed as she nodded "Yeah we kinda do, we were also attacked a few minutes ago. We were both the target."

Ash turned towards Todo and said apologetically "Sorry to get you involved in this mess Todo"

Todo was pretty nonchalant about everything he kept smacking Ash's back as he said "Don't worry about it, we're brothers, I'm supposed to have your back"

Maki then started explaining things to Mai and Todo "We're being targeted by our clan and they're planning on using us for "breeding""

The smiling expression on Todo completely disappeared "I see…" he completely understood the complexity of the situation.

"So what are we going to do brother?" Todo asked Ash with a serious expression.

Ash just looked at him in confusion "We?"

Todo nodded his head without withdrawing his serious expression "They planned to hurt my sister in law, and knowing you there's no way you're forgiving them that easily."

"You're planning on joining his genocide" Maki asked while tilting her head

"You're not?" Todo asked, tilting his head as well.

Scoffing maki replied "Of course I am, it's just weird that you're joining, since this is a family matter"

Todo looked offended "Are you saying you still don't consider me your brother in law. I'm part of this family as well, there's no way I would miss this"

Mai, Maki, and Ash just look at each other and smirk before shaking their heads.

"Fine, you can come if you really want to," Said Ash while shrugging his shoulders.

Todo smashed his fist against his palm as he said with a smirk "Well, it looks like we have a clan to annihilate"
