
Birthday part 1

~Omni pov~

For the most part nothing interesting happened once Ash agreed to give Mai an upgrade of her own.

Since the event was finished earlier than planned Ash and the rest of them had to leave early as well.

And as they were leaving they were saying goodbye to everyone they met during the event

Even Todo just had a hand over his eyes as the tears just wouldn't stop coming out of his eyes "AWWHH, I just got to know of my brother and I'm already saying goodbye, we are already being separated once again"

He then went and gave Ash a big bear hug. Ash just let him, to get it over with and stop Todo from bothering him.

Ash then went and hugged Mai and whispered in her ears "See you in a few days". Mai just awkwardly patted him in the back.

When Ash pulled back he just gave her a teasing smile at her awkwardness. Mai's face just turned red and looked away

And with that the Goodwill event came to an official end and everyone went back home.

A few days later...

Maki was seen sleeping in Ash's bed covered up in a blanket until she was woken up by a bang and the door being kicked opened.

As Ash kicked the door to their bedroom open he just shouted "HAPPY BIRTHDAY" and twisted the party popper he bought just for this occasion and sent confetti flying all over Maki

He then brought out two party hats and put one on himself and brought the other one towards Maki and put it on her.

Maki seeing all this just groaned "arghh, I'm too tired and its way too early for this" and with that she took the blanket and covered herself not wanting to be bothered.

Ash not even listening to her just grabbed her blanket and yanked it off her and said "get up we have a busy day today and I made breakfast. I also called the school and asked for a day off for the both of us, so we have the whole day to ourselves."

Maki sighed before getting off her bed with a bit of reluctance and went and got ready. When she came down what she saw surprised her, the table was filled with a beautiful looking breakfast.

Bacon, eggs, fluffy looking pancakes, and it was in great amounts too. So with that they started eating and as soon as Maki took the first bite she just closed her eyes and held her cheeks in delight.

And that's how they spent the morning, in the afternoon Ash brought a cake with her name on it and another cake that was sealed. When Maki looked at the other cake she just gave Ash a questioning look. Which he then explained.

"Since we're seeing your sister soon I thought to make her a cake as well" he then winked at her "Dont tell her but I made your cake with alot more love than hers so yours should taste better"

Maki just smiled at the jester and with that they started to eat the Cake which Maki came to fall in love with since it tasted amazing. And with that they left their house and made their way towards Kyoto.

When they arrived the first thing they did was look for Mai. When they found her they wished her a happy birthday as well which prompted her to wish Maki a happy birthday as well.

And with that Ash presented the cake to her and said "For you if you want to share with your friends later on, hope you enjoy"

With that they got started on Mai's upgrade, she sat crossed leg on the floor of her dorm. Ash then sat behind and with a thought said "Metis take over, I don't want to spend all day just looking for the restriction and when you find it destroy it"


Ash's eye then turned red as great sage took over and put a hand on Mai's back. using bit of the healing properties great sage burned off the limitations on her curse energy which caused her to scream in pain.


After a while curse energy just started coming out of Mai which she had a bit of trouble controlling, but with the help of great sage she managed to get it under control after an hour.

When it was finished Mai was breathing heavily due to the pain she went through. She then started to open and close her fist and said outloud in awe "Just how much was the restriction holding back my curse energy"

Due to her massive increase of curse energy Mai thought of all the possibilities she could do and without thinking she used her curse energy and created a revolver made out of entirely her curse energy.

She then got a little tired but not as she normally would went creating a bullet, she then jumped up in excitement. She then went and gave Ash who was now back in control a giant hug and profusely thanked him

"Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you"

Ash just smile and said "Like I told you previously just think of it as a birthday present from me"

She just nodded with tears in her eyes.

Maki who was overlooking everything just smiled while looking at how happy her sister was.

After they were done Mai left with her cake as she went to share it with the rest of her classmates as Maki and Ash left as well.

To end the day in a high note Ash transformed into a phoenix and flew Maki onto Mount.Fuji where they sat down looking at the setting sun and when the sun went down the horizon and the night sky was presented to them they both stood up

As Ash stood up Maki just jumped on him and wrapped her legs around his waist.

Positioning herself higher she then started making out with Ash while tightly grabbing a hold of his hair.

They were kissing like they were trying to give each other mouth to mouth

Maki then put her tongue inside Ash's mouth and start to intertwine her tongue with his.

Maki then pull back and look deeply into Ash's eyes and with a serious expression she said

"I want you to take me, right now, no more excuses, I want to feel you inside of me"

....To be continued
