
Chapter 04

"  It seems you two have become friends. What's the conversation about? Tell me too,"

Lilly playfully inquired, and Monica felt a strange mix of relief and gratitude to have Lilly by her side, especially considering the way Loki was teasing her. He couldn't resist stirring the pot, his smirk dancing with mischief as he said, " Lilly she told me to try on you."

Monica's heart skipped a beat, feeling the weight of this moment. It was all in good fun, but still, the way Loki had turned the tables on her was a bit disconcerting. Loki quickly added, " But..But I told her that you are my best friend and not interested in relationships."

Monica looked at Lilly in an apologetic way as she knew Lilly was heart broken two times before.

It was Lilly's turn to chime in, and she did so with an affectionate arm around Monica's shoulder. "That's right. I'm more interested in having relationship with girls than boys, aren't I, darling?" Lilly said with a loving squeeze.

Monica played along with a laugh, adding, "Yes, my baby."

Loki couldn't resist pouting, "Hey, that's unfair! What about me?"

Lilly chuckled at his reaction, "You? You go buy something for me! Since you're giving me a treat for coming back to our city."

Loki, ever the gentleman, agreed, "Surely! I'm feeling hungry too. Tell me fast, what would both of you like to eat?"

Lilly didn't hesitate. "I want burgers and nuggets."

Loki turned to Monica, " What about you, Monica?" Loki asked politely.

" Nothing, actually. I just had lunch. You guys enjoy; I'll see you later." Monica declined politely and left, ignoring his banter.

As Monica left, Loki couldn't resist a parting tease, winking at her retreating figure. " Okay, then I won't buy anything for you. When you see me, you can have me." He chuckled to himself as Monica walked away, clearly ignoring him.

Lilly shook her head in amusement at Loki, "She already has a flirty boyfriend. Have some mercy on that poor girl."

Loki, still grinning, proudly declared, "I'm better than anyone else.


Their light-hearted banter continued as they headed outside after their lunch. They reached the playground and sat on the steps, providing them with a prime view of some students enthusiastically playing football during the lunch break. The rhythmic clatter of the ball and the boisterous shouts of the players created a lively atmosphere.

"I shouldn't have eaten so much; I have practice in the next class," Lilly groaned, resting her elbow on her knees. As she settled on the stairs.

Loki couldn't hide his astonishment as he asked, "You play football?"

Lilly chuckled and corrected him, "No, silly, I play basketball."

Loki was genuinely impressed, and he patted her shoulder appreciatively. "Wow, I'm impressed."

Lilly, feeling a bit proud of her basketball skills, couldn't help but tease him, "I know you always imagined me as the princess from our school play script."

With a playful grin, Loki admitted, "Yeah, you did have that princess-like air about you, especially that bowing scene."

Lilly laughed, remembering the hours of rehearsal and Miss Kimberley's perpetual dissatisfaction. "Shut up! You made us rehearse that scene a gazillion times."

Feigning innocence, Loki defended himself, "Well, Miss Kimberley was driving me crazy, and I thought I was doing all of you a favor."

Playfully, Lilly shoved him. "Shut up! But, honestly, that play brought us together as friends."

Loki continued to tease her, "And your eyes lit up just like this when we became best friends." He leaned in dramatically, his pupils widening and constricting comically, mirroring excitement and focus.

Lilly couldn't resist and burst into laughter at his theatrics. "You're a funny one, Loki. You really know how to make me laugh."

Loki grinned at her, delighted that he could bring some laughter and cheer to her day. "Well, that's my specialty, making you laugh."


Loki, after that hearty lunch, found himself navigating the maze of classrooms and lecture halls, a world of academia bustling with students from diverse backgrounds. It was in the economics class that he had his next intriguing encounter.

As he settled into his seat, Loki noticed Peter, a fellow werewolf, making his way towards him. Peter was an imposing figure, with a rugged handsomeness that made him stand out in the crowd. He had a strong, athletic build, a mane of wavy dark hair, and striking amber eyes that seemed to hold a hint of mischief. It was as if two wolves had spotted each other in the midst of a bustling forest, recognizing a shared bond that transcended mere coincidence.

" Welcome, Loki. The population of the 'secret club' seems to be growing. " Peter joked, his words a clever nod to their unique identities as werewolves.

Loki couldn't help but chuckle at the absurdity of the situation. "Well, we're not as rare as we thought, are we?" Their hands met in a hearty hi-five, sealing their camaraderie with an unspoken pact amidst the sea of unsuspecting humans.

Peter, a natural teaser, couldn't resist taking a playful jab at Loki. "So, you've already found yourself a college crush, huh?"

For a moment, Loki was taken aback, wondering if Peter had somehow discerned the significance of Monica to him. He responded cautiously, "It's not like that. I'm just getting familiar with people around here."

Peter raised an eyebrow with a sly grin, pointing out, "You've only been getting 'familiar' with one girl all morning."

Realizing that Peter was referring to Lilly, Loki felt a little relief but he quickly clarified, "She's my best friend from childhood."

Peter couldn't resist continuing the playful ribbing, "Sure, dude! Long-lost love."

Loki laughed heartily at the suggestion. "Oh, come on! We're just friends."

Peter was relentless, however. "Are you sure she's not your mate? I can see into your eyes, you care for her a lot more than just a friend."

Loki, trying to brush off the suggestion, laughed again. "And why do you think like that?"

Peter, who had a knack for reading people, didn't give up. "I've seen your eyes, man. You care for her above anything."

Loki was intrigued by Peter's observation. "Well, I do care for her a lot. But, by the way, why were you peeking on us?" He pretended to be suspicious.

Peter shrugged, a mischievous glint in his eye. "You guys were interesting."

"Uh-huh. I hope you didn't find me interesting," Loki joked.

Peter assured him with a laugh, "No, no, you're safe with me. I've already met my mate." His eyes held a warmth and contentment that spoke of his happiness.

As the conversation took an interesting turn, their economics teacher walked in, effectively putting an end to their chat for the moment.


A couple of hours later, after their respective classes, Loki and Lilly reconvened on the practice field for their warm-up exercises. Loki's athleticism and supernatural strength were on full display as he breezed through the exercises, realizing how effortlessly he could outperform the other humans. It made him miss his days at Atlanta Academy, where he used to compete with members of other academies, all passionately trying to one-up each other. It was a world of fierce competition, and everything he once knew seemed to be missing in his new college.

"She's with Charlie"

While they were practicing, Loki couldn't help but overhear some girls gossiping about Monica and Charlie, which grated on his nerves. It appeared that Charlie was causing some trouble, and it was becoming clear to Loki that he was beginning to dislike him. The protective side of him had started to emerge.

"OMG! She missed the class to enjoy with Charlie?" one girl exclaimed.

"Because of him, she got detention today, and now again she missed the class," another chimed in with a knowing smirk.

"She's gone crazy like Martha," a third girl added, fueling the conversation.

"Martha got pregnant with her boyfriend," yet another girl revealed, the scandalous tidbit only adding to the drama.

"And that Charlie, he's probably aiming to take her virginity," one more girl speculated, causing them all to erupt into laughter.

Loki couldn't help but shake his head at the sheer absurdity of the rumors and the way students were so quick to judge and make wild assumptions. The university seemed like a breeding ground for sensational stories, and Charlie, with his playboy reputation, was the perfect subject for such gossip.

After their practice, he made his way to the changing room with the other boys. There, amidst the chatter and the clinking of locks and keys, Loki overheard more about Charlie's recent escapades.

"Charlie took Ana and Monica into the same room. Both of them must be strangling him after their catfight," a boy standing next to Loki informed his friend.

Loki couldn't help but clench his fists in frustration. The more he heard about Charlie's behavior, the less he liked the guy. It was becoming increasingly difficult for him to keep his cool and pretend not to be affected by the unfolding drama.

He couldn't deny the growing protective instincts he felt towards Monica.


After practice, Loki headed to the hall to wait for Lilly to bid his goodbye for the day. As Loki waited in the hall for Lilly, he couldn't help but notice Monica exiting a classroom. She had a mischievous smirk dancing on her lips, and it was evident that something had brought her immense amusement. However, when her eyes met Loki's, her expression abruptly shifted. The smirk vanished, replaced by a more neutral, almost startled look, and she hurriedly averted her gaze, rushing off.

Loki, like a curious cat chasing a glinting piece of string, couldn't resist the urge to follow Monica. Her abrupt change in demeanor, from smirking to running off, was a puzzle he couldn't ignore.

As he trailed behind her, Monica eventually sensed his presence and came to a halt, her posture a mix of surprise and intrigue. She wasn't used to being pursued so persistently.

"Are you following me?" Monica queried.

"Are you running away from me?" Loki, not one to let such an opportunity for banter slip by, countered playfully

"Why would I run away from you?" Monica raised an eyebrow, the unexpected question making her pause to consider the implications.

"Then why would I follow you?" Loki, grinning in a way that suggested he had a trump card, replied. It was his turn to pause and give her an inquisitive look, setting up a light-hearted game of verbal ping-pong.

" That's what I asked you," Monica responded, rolling her eyes at his quick-witted retort.

" Was i? " Loki asked, playing innocent, his eyes dancing with amusement.

Monica shook her head at his response, realizing that she was falling deeper into this conversation than she had intended.

" Have you seen Lilly?" Changing the direction of the conversation, Loki inquired, seamlessly transitioning from their playful exchange to the topic of his unrelenting curiosity.

Monica's eyes darted briefly in thought before she responded, "No, my class wasn't with her."

Loki, crossing his arms in a mockingly exaggerated stance of waiting, proclaimed, "Alright then, I shall wait here for Lilly." His tone was filled with playfulness.

Meanwhile, Monica, coolly situated in her car, made her grand exit, skillfully driving away, leaving Loki behind in anticipation of Lilly's arrival. Their quirky exchange was yet another thread in the intricate tapestry of their developing connection.


When she drove away Loki sent a quick message to Lilly, asking her to meet him at the parking lot.

Minutes later, Lilly arrived and, with an amused grin, observed the cute frown on Loki's face. "What happened? You seem like you've just stumbled onto a mystery," she asked with concern.

"Nothing," he replied, trying to brush it off.

"Come on, you can tell me," Lilly insisted.

"Nothing, Lilly. I'm just feeling tired and want to rest, that's it," Loki explained, not wanting to share the gossip he had heard.

"Okay, but promise me you'll come for dinner at my home," Lilly said sweetly.

"Please, no," Loki groaned playfully, knowing he might have to miss his gym session again.

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