
Chapter 5: Royal Vows


Seated at the right hand of King Astaroth, my heart skipped a beat as Prince Kloud introduced himself. The man was a walking Lycan beast. He was over six feet tall, with broad shoulders, long feet, and a slim waist.

I could have sworn he could have been mistaken for a statue in the museum.

His face was a perfect work of art—hazel eyes, a sharp nose, a sharp chin, and a long neck that showed his Adam's apple. One would think he was sculptured by the Gods. Yet his stunning looks did not cover his arrogant boorish self as he straightened his back ready to speak.

“Where is Prince Ulysses?” His voice deep and commanding stunned me further.

I felt dread and fear creep across my body. Standing from my seat and stepped forward. Prince Kloud’s eyes widened the minute our eyes met. He slowly walked over as I felt my body tremble and my Lycan beast rose to the surface and whimpered. His eyes raked over my body and the surprised look on his face told me that the damn playboy just wanted to have his way with me.

“What a surprise,” Kloud murmured as he walked over to tower over me, his face laced with mischief and naughty intentions.

“Welcome to the East Kingdom Prince Kloud,” I feigned ignorance to his raking eyes and put on my assertive and calm voice.

“If I had known you were this good-looking, I would have appeared sooner.” He leaned down and whispered, “But no one dared to inform me that the East Kingdom has such a treasure.”

I remained mute when I realized he was playing games. His eyes remained cold as his mouth sputtered the nonsense. He then turned to King Astaroth. “Your majesty, I would like to ask Prince Ulysses a question with your permission.”

King Astaroth watched in amusement and I noted that he was enjoying the ruckus Prince Kloud was making. I had never seen a look of pleasure on his face for a long time and today it was evident. On his side, Queen Marama's eyes burned with rage and the vein on her right side temple was about to burst. Boris's eyes were wide as he watched the interaction.

“You may,” King Astaroth responded with a nod.

“Prince Ulysses, after our marriage we shall spend only two weeks in the East Kingdom before setting out for the West Kingdom. We shall have a small wedding ceremony to seal this marriage alliance. Do you agree to this?”

My mind went ballistic. I felt my beast rise and willed it to calm down. This arrogant, cold b*stard of a man was going to be my husband? I should’ve known it was him when I was told to come to the court to greet our new arrivals. The court officials stood up as anger laced their faces. I watched as Prince Kloud ignored everyone and stared at me, waiting for an answer.

“The customs dictate that you spend six months in the East Kingdom before you set off,” Queen Marama interjected, her voice hard.

“Your majesty, it will be too soon for Prince Ulysses to leave,” Prince Boris spoke up but I knew his words were just a bunch of lies.

“Being newlyweds, I would like to spend as much time at the West Kingdom,” Prince Kloud insisted.

“Granted,” King Astaroth's voice interjected.

“You are wise King Astaroth.”, Prince Kloud’s loud voice boomed. He turned to me. “I had a long journey. Take me to rest.” It was a command and not a request.

“Please excuse us, your majesty.” I bowed as he raised his hand in acknowledgment.

Walking out of the royal court, Prince Kloud walked with a smirk and I could feel his eyes at the back of my head as I led him.

We arrived at my royal chambers which had been prepared specifically for the entourage that was to accompany Prince Kloud and our main room. Armand and Lowe were at the door and their eyes widened when they spotted Prince Kloud walking behind me.

“What,” Lowe gasped and Armand smacked the back of his head.

“Is everything ready?” I inquired.

“Yes, my prince.” Armand nodded.

“This is Armand Voss. He is my second in command. And that is Lowe Curt, Faolan’s son and part of the military general's office,” I said to Kloud.

Prince Kloud just ignored them and asked, “Where is my room?” Standing behind Prince Kloud was Randale whose eyes were glued on Armand. Vuk and Prince Marrok had remained behind in the royal court.

“This way, Prince Kloud,” I stated and walked into the chambers. We silently walked along the corridors that had guards placed at all the corners and then arrived at my chamber. I opened the door and stood aside to let him in. He walked in and then I closed the door.

Prince Kloud's eyes darted into the room and then he turned to me. “Is this your room?”

“Yes,” I stated with a nod.

“Where will you sleep?” He raised an eyebrow, his cold eyes back.

“At the barracks. I rarely spend my time here,” I informed him and walked to the large windows. “Your luggage is already in the dressing room. If you need anything the guards outside will assist. Your second-in-command and friends' room is just on the corner.”

“How can a soft man like you be the general of an army?”

“Soft?” I muttered, turning to face Kloud, my eyes locking with his. I was still affected by how handsome he was.

He must have realized my train of thought and his mouth pulled into a thin line of displeasure.

“So you agreed to this marriage with a sober mind or are you those heroes who would do anything for their king?” he uttered in anger.

“Prince Kloud, you did announce that you were tired, so I will leave you to rest.” My voice was curt, dismissing myself. I turned around and before I reached the door he grabbed me from behind and pressed my body into his.

“What the—” I gasped in surprise.

“Prince Ulysses, you managed to surprise me. No one can hold a candle to your face in the West. I am awed at your face and body. Do you know how delicious you look? While walking to your chambers, I imagine how good you would be while writhing under my c*ck. It would be a pleasure for me to f*ck you.”

“Prince Kloud, get your hands off me,” I whispered. My beast whined and I felt my c*ck stir.

He pushed me away and my hand landed on the door to stabilize my footing. I willed my body to calm down and then turned around to him. “Have a good rest.” I opened the door and left.

I hurriedly walked along the corridors ignoring the bows from the guards and when I reached the corner, Armand was standing there, his eyes blazing with anger. Lowe looked spitting mad and I nodded to indicate that we needed to get out of the chambers and head to the barracks.

Once we got to the barracks, Lowe closed the door and I yelled in anger and frustration. My beast rose to the surface as anger consumed my senses.

“Calm down, my prince.” Armand placed a hand on my shoulder. I pushed his hand away and walked over to punch the wall. The sound was so loud that the guard rushed to knock on the door. Lowe opened it and I heard him reassure them that all was well.

“He is much worse than we expected,” I seethed.

“What do you mean?” Lowe demanded, a confused look on his face.

“In his eyes, I am just a play toy that he wants to f*ck,” I confessed. “I don’t know why he agreed to the marriage because he didn’t seem like he was all that joyful to me here, and that makes me nervous.”

“Sh*t,” Armand cursed, running a hand over his hair.

“His second in command is the same. He kept staring at Armand,” Lowe said.

“We are in trouble.” I shook my head. “These Lycans are brutal and don't care about anything but themselves.

They ignore the court officials and even shamelessly make demands.”

“The king wants to get rid of you,” Armand stated. “It’s not hard to tell.”

“Two weeks? I can't even survive ten minutes in the same presence with him.” I closed my eyes in frustration.

“Things have gone from bad to worse,” Lower muttered.

“You need to confront the king about sending you to the West. If that is the plan, who will be the general of the army? And if you are going to the West, I will accompany you, my Prince,” Armand said.

“So will I,” Lowe vowed with a sharp nod.

“Your father will never agree,” Armand pointed out.

“That isn’t his business. I already cut off ties with him,” Lower snapped.

“Once you are calm, you need to talk to him,” I advised.

“My prince, you have no idea. The edict came and they could have refuted it. But I feel there is a vested interest in the court, plus my father to have you sent to the East kingdom,” Lowe said, shaking his head. “I don’t know if I can trust him.”

Armand and I nodded at each other knowing well that the King was just sending me away because of the Queen's lusty nature.

“Do you think Prince Kloud noticed how the Queen was angry?” Armand moved closer and whispered.

“If he did, he must have just thought she did not like him. I hope that before I leave no one is going to gossip about her wayward ways.”

“It will be only a matter of time. I am sure that Prince Marrok is already inquiring about the gossip in the kingdom. Sooner or later, he will be told of how the King is getting rid of your because his young Queen has her eyes set on you,” Lowe stated.

I shake my head, not wanting to think about any of this. Not about my brother, the King, or his wife. And certainly not about that arrogant playboy prince making himself comfortable in my chambers. I don’t want to think at all, but I know that will never be the case because this was my life and I’m now stuck in a situation that I have no choice in.

I’m doing this for my kingdom, and that’s what I needed to remind myself to maintain my sanity.
