
Traces Of The Fugitive

In the underworld, in a region that would be considered the divine realm in any universe, a medium-sized planet floated alone in space. It didn't seem special in that place; there were no suns or solar systems in the underworld. It was a completely Yin world, and all life struggled to exist amidst the void of space.

But that small planet was a bit different. Any experienced cultivator who approached would feel a strange sensation of warmth, something very unique and rare in the underworld. It wasn't Yang or real warmth; it was just a sensation coming from a primordial bloodline linked to the most primitive fire: the bloodline of a phoenix.

Currently, that planet was home to the black phoenixes, a type of hybrid beast with a primordial phoenix. But alongside them, there was another race living in harmony: the black elves. They lived in the forests peacefully and calmly.
