
The end of drama

The next morning, he confidently walked toward the main building with the same old poker look on his face.

Multiple students were walking around, some in groups, while others were on their own toward the same destination.

Interestingly, the moment he entered the hall, only 4 people walked toward the first stairs.

The two in front of him were talking among themselves while the girl with brown hair walking just a little behind his right side.

To confirm his suspicion, he took out his wooden badge and started going through it while decreasing his speed. The two boys in front did not care while the girl, just like him, paused while casually trying to dust her dress.

Kane's voice came, [It looks like we found our target.]

<mmm > He acted normal and completely ignored her, instead he made sure to create an ample distance between the boys in the front.

Soon he walked to the bottom step of the stair and before the stair could move, she also jumped on it, standing at his side.

He casually looked at her face, only to find her boldly staring at him.

Kane's laugh came. [Hehe, you can cancel the ideal case.]

He nodded. It was pretty clear that she definitely planned this meeting. He stopped wasting time on thoughts, as the timer for the first minute already started.

He directly looked at her and started the first phase of his act. He took the initiative and straight-up recognized her as his maid's sister.

Her eyes widened at this, and she froze for a second. But the next moment, all the worry on her face vanished. Instead, she looked into his eyes in confidence.

A little unexpected, but not out of his plans. Just like him, she did not waste time on the introduction and started her attack. She started recounting all the trouble her family had to go through, how he wasted her life and even trying to convince him how he should compensate her.

It was like she had a whole essay prepared that she continued to rant without giving him time to speak.

Though he did interrupt her a time or two trying to say sorry, her response to all that was how it was too late for sorry and how much she loved her sister.

He could clearly feel the urgency in her voice, filled with greed and depression. This helped him cross out many other cases, leaving him with a selected few.

Kane also said, [This sure is the case of greed. We only need to know a few more things.]

He did not remove his eyes from her and asked Kane, <Time? >

[30 second.]

After hearing that much ranting, he was sure that emotions were not important to her. So he just asked how to compensate her, and that literally led to her openly blackmailing him.

It became a decent situation for him, but the biggest problem was her absurd demands. With each passing minute, her demands kept increasing with the level of the threat coming out of her mouth.

She went as far as saying that she would commit suicide like her sister, within the academy to create trouble for Duisberg, and, by this time, tears also dripping from her chin as she continued.

They continued to move toward the end of the stairs.

At this time he asked Kane, <It seems like she has no clue about my internal situation.>

[Yeah, most of her demands are from the entire Duisberg family. Especially to take her into your team and that demand of multiple mana arts.]

<Well, I don't feel anyone guiding her.>

[Seem to be the third case of the first situation.]

< I agree.>

Both of them reached the same conclusion. He removed everything else from his mind and thought of what to do in the third case. The moment they reached the end of the stairs, he started his second act.

"I have no problem to support you…" For the next few seconds, he told her how much he wanted to help her and that was sufficient to stop her.

But it was not a big deal in this plan. The real trouble was to satisfy her greed without telling her the reality.

Kane said, [Don't tell her about your family situation.]

<I know.>

Both of them already discussed that if they told her about their situation, then most likely she would try to approach another Duisburg.

He started by going back to the poker face and asking, "So, what do you want?"

Without thinking much, she said, "I want-"

He cut her off. "You know about the multiple restrictions on my family, right?"

This made her frown, "What restrictions?"

"I can't contact family in pre-academy."

"ah.." this was sufficient to drop her expectations to reality a little.

After that, she started demanding a few things, and one of them was points.

It was going on the correct path and he used this chance to introduce her to the hatred his mom and a few others carried about her sister's action.

At this, she grabbed her head and blurred, "Ah, if not for that bitch…"

Kane burst into laughter, [Hahaha].

He ignored him and finally ended the meeting with a couple of promises and transferred half of his points to her badge.

At last, he puffed his chest a little and said while looking above her, "I did what I could. Don't come crying to me again."

She became red at this, and with a quick bow, she rushed to the class with a wide smile.

He stopped acting and stared at her back, entering the class.

[Cunning bitch.]

He nodded. <It was clear she had her script for this incident.>

[As long as she is happy with the result, we are good.]

<Is there anything else to note?>

[Nah, everything seems to be done perfectly.]

'Sigh,' He breathed in relief. He felt like a huge load dropped from his head. Finally, he was free from the outside drama.

It was weird that even after all that, he still didn't know her name. Not caring much, he cleared his mind and walked to the class.

It was time for the first class on Mana arts.

so how what the chapter? and guys 3 more reviews pls.

Champsingcreators' thoughts