
Just A Fuckup

Before I realized what was happening, it was already over.

One third of the city was devasted, and a corpse lay in the middle of all that. The corpse of the snake. But not just the snake, there were other corpses around as well.

People just… died.

Adventurers, mercenaries, common folk, slaves…. People died.

"MOM! Mom where are you!"

"Have you seen my baby!"


"It's all gone!"

"Kill me!"


People were screaming all sorts of things. I walked among them. Watched their cries. The horror.

"Lord Sean," Vivia said. "The Serpent," she pointed.

Apparently, the corpse just wasn't dead yet. "Quick," I sprinted, and she followed. It was almost like I was gliding through the rubble, through the destruction as I raced past the fallen. A bunch of adventurers had the thing surrounded and seeing me they parted ways.
