
Chapter 337 – Grandmoo? Medium-Class Monster Subjugation! [2]

The other mercenaries had reached the monster first. Catchy Mercenary Group took out a harpoon tied to a sturdy rope and began to attack Grandmoo, trying to tackle it down.

Sharp harpoons dug into the monster's flesh, eliciting sharp screams from it. Red blood was drawn, and the sturdy rope was dyed by its color.


15 strong mercenaries pulled the rope at once to topple the giant monster. Two people were in charge of its hind legs, and they moved skillfully. Their experiences had taught them how to stop Grandmoo and tackle it.


The monster fell on its belly with a loud sound. The ground shook from its sheer weight. Cracks formed around where the monster got tackled, but all mercenaries could hold their ground and pull the ropes with all their strength to keep Grandmoo in its place.

All this happened while Max was running toward the monster, just reaching the flowery hill. He was able to watch everything and was in awe.
