
Chapter 265 – Natural Negotiator, Flexy

After a few minutes, Flexy returned with Ferin and Atlas behind him. They immediately gathered so Flexy could give information about the opponents.

Sitting around a make-shift table made from cardboard, the orange-haired streamer started.

"I will be frank. You guys are too good at the game, but you're still lacking in strategy, and that's our biggest weakness and strongest card. Our teamwork is good, but we are too reckless. That recklessness is fatal in a competition against professional gamers."

No one denied what Flexy said because that was the truth.

"Not many opponents would be able to stop you guys when you seriously attack them. That's why I will just tell you a few teams that I think would be able to counter your brute force."

Saying so, Flexy opened a large screen on top of the cardboard table with 5 team names, complete with their members. One of the teams was highlighted with a white line.
