
Chapter 185 – One Fried Wing Incoming!

No matter how hard a game was, the developer wouldn't make it impossible to beat. And from what he experienced earlier, Max found out about a few things.

First of all, his job was hunting monsters and not fighting monsters. Indeed, a part of hunting involved fighting and killing, but that wasn't the point.

Garrador was strong. It could kill him with just a slap of its wing. Furthermore, it was also fast. Facing it head-on was possibly… impossible.

"Let's do it again!"

Max stepped out of the bush after looking at Garrador, who lingered around the lake's area. This time, it didn't swim anymore.

The damage done from the first round earlier also still remained. The game tried to make it look as real as possible. Even a player's death wouldn't reset the environment to how it looked before.
