
149. Secret factor: Yin-yang ruler form

Dexter wasn't holding anything back, some of the people had ripped out hearts, slashed throats, and even broken limbs.

Two metallic golden wings sprouted out of Dexter's back as he flew towards Isaac and Lory that dived towards him while adding the power of his legs.

They both summoned a sword with serrated edges in their hands and then as Dexter swiped his claws towards them, they made a spin and slashed at him as they dodged his claws.

Issac and Lori landed on the ground and looked back up to see Dexter unscathed. His body was now extremely hardened as his strength stat was over 300.

He looked down at them with a cold glint and then at Usher who was looking at him with a smile.

Dexter dived towards Usher. Immediately, Issac and lory went after him.
