
Homely Hotel

The teachers didn't ask questions as we signed ourselves out of school. Brooklyn had refused to go with RJ and me unless we let her sister come along. I wasn't opposed to it. She had been able to see my eye color. She might've been a Godling as well.

RJ, who had a driver's license, drove us all to Brooklyn and Lili's house. Lili had told me their father wasn't supposed to be home for a while, so we had plenty of time. After about twelve minutes, we reached their house, and everyone got out. Brooklyn unlocked the door and let us in. Lili played the good host and poured everyone drinks.

RJ played medic, grabbing a splint and tape from the trunk of his car and wrapping up Brooklyn's wrist, which the monster had stomped on. I couldn't help but grimace in sympathy. Being stomped on by a Cyclops was no fun. I knew from experience. One had accidentally stepped on my foot during a fight a few months back.

Brooklyn's body shook as RJ did what he could to help her. She had also been limping a bit-most likely from when the Cyclops had dropped her. All that weight dropped onto one leg? Ouch.

RJ rubbed some golden ointment-Justician Soothing Oil, which was supposed to ease the pain and aid the healing process-on her wrist. She snatched her hand away when he told her he was done, wincing as she did. I frowned but didn't comment.

After that, I had us all sit at the dining table. Well, Brooklyn, Lili, and RJ sat. There were only three chairs, and only one appeared to be in adequate condition. The other two-which Brooklyn and Lili sat in-were worn and old. Like, older than my mom, who was, like, a million years old. They wobbled and teetered, but neither of the girls seemed bothered. In fact, Lili appeared to be doing it on purpose, rocking back and forth.

Summer leaned against the pantry counter behind the other two, and I leaned against the marble counter a few feet away. The light hanging from the ceiling caused my sword to glow where it sat on the table. Next to the Embercryx blade, like pieces of evidence, were my and RJ's jackets, our Call-Back Cards, and RJ's kunai.

Brooklyn crossed her arms as she glared at me. "You said we needed to talk." I nodded. Her glare intensified. "Then talk already."

I tried to ignore her hostility. She was confused, in pain, and had just been attacked by a mythical creature. She had a reason to be upset.

"Where do I begin?" I attempted to joke, running a hand through my hair with a forced smile. I tried not to wince as I moved my arms. Cyclopes packed a punch, and my arms screamed with any movement they made. Blocking that punch was the wrong move. I should've tried to duck under it or sidestep it so that I didn't take any damage.

RJ, however, didn't try and hide his injury. He had been limping since the fight. Probably from when the Cyclops had thrown him around like a ragdoll. Hmph. I knew Austyn and Dec will love to hear that. They'd never let him live it down.

When no one even smiled, I let mine drop with a sigh. "Well, I guess introductions are the proper way to start. I'm Eli Sophia Jones. My partner here is Ricardo Jeremías García, but you can call him RJ. We are Godlings like you."

"What is a Godling?" Summer asked. "I'm not religious or anything like most of my family, but I'm pretty sure there is no such thing as a 'Godling.'"

"A Godling," RJ started, "is a mortal born to a god."

"A god?" Brooklyn asked in disbelief. "God isn't real. None of this would've happened if they did."

"They are real. Very real, and they are very annoying."

"Wait, wait, wait," Summer said, making an 'x' with her arms. She pointed at RJ. "You're talking like you actually know this god. Like they're real, and you've spoken with them."

"We have."

"A real, all-powerful god?"

"They aren't all-powerful," I said dismissively, thinking back to the stories I'd heard and read about. "There are stronger beings than the gods."

"Like who?" Lili piped up, looking at me with her big, blue-green eyes.

I nodded and said, "Have you ever heard of the history of this world? The rumors of the beings who created it?"

"Like, uh, Aithra?" Lili suggested, pronouncing it like I-thra. "I did a project on her last year. She is the goddess of the moons."

"Not just the moons, but the goddess of hunting as well," I added. "But yes, she is one of the gods. She and eleven other gods are the most prevalent in history. Here on Rhea, at least."

"At least you didn't choose Adrestus," RJ told her, leaning back in the chair. "That would've stroked his ego a little bit too well."

"And he would have never let anyone live it down," I agreed.

Brooklyn groaned and closed her eyes as she began to massage her temples. Lili started to rub her back comfortingly.

"I know this is a lot to process," RJ reassured her, "but we need to get you three to Glasseia. You'll be safe there and nowhere else but there. We have magic wards around the city, protecting and concealing it. No one even knows Glasseia is still around."

"My head is going to explode," Brooklyn muttered, resting her head on the table.

"No, it's not," I said matter-of-factly. "You're a Godling. You're built to be able to handle this information."

"Wait, you said something about leaving for some place called Glasseia?" Summer asked. "What if we don't want to go?"

"If you don't come with us, you'll die. We can't protect you if you aren't with us."

"My parents would never allow me to go with you to-to wherever you are going!"

"They won't know," RJ intervened before I could speak. "The gods will influence their minds to think you are going on a free, month-long field trip to Xaka. The school will tell your parents you are going with four other students."

"The details aren't important right now," I said. "We need to get going. The airport is far from here, and we need to get to Khada as soon as possible."

Lili stilled. "F-Flying?" she asked, her voice a whisper. Brooklyn reached around her back and took her hand.

"It's the fastest way to get to Khada," I said with a frown. Was she afraid of flying? Why would she be afraid of flying? "It's the best way."

"No," Brooklyn refused, lifting her head to glare at me. "Find some other way. If you can do that, then we'll go with you."

"Flying is the easiest way," I argued, standing up straight and crossing my arms, meeting her glare. "What's so hard about that?"

"We don't want to fly," she snarled. "Find another way."

"We could drive," RJ said, lifting a tanned hand to catch our attention. He cringed a little as we both turned our glares on him. He swallowed, then added, "It'll take longer, but it's possible. I'm sure Atana will understand. We can even align it with Cola's group so that we all go back at the same time."

I blew out an angry breath tinged with heat but didn't argue.

RJ smiled, then turned back to the girls. "We'll go to Khada to find the Aethekeria, a temple to Atana. Inside will be a statue of Atana, and then she'll take us back to Glasseia. As I said, it'll be longer than if we take a plane, and more dangerous, but I believe we can make it. What do you girls say?"

Brooklyn turned to Lili and mouthed something. Lili nodded. Turning back to RJ, Brooklyn said, "That'll work for us."

"Great. We leave now."

"What?" Summer and Brooklyn shouted simultaneously, the latter shooting to her feet.

"We have to leave now," I repeated what RJ said. "Our recall time is in," I walked forward and checked my card, "9 hours and 23 minutes. We'll be going over our time limit, but I think Frayen will understand our predicament."

"I don't care about your damn recall time!" Brooklyn snapped. "You can't do that to us! We need time to pack, and Summer needs to go to her house and-"

"Pack what you girls need from here," RJ interrupted. "Pack only what you need. Two pairs of clothes, toiletries, and a water bottle each." He surveyed Lili's makeup. "If you can fit makeup as well, I don't really care. You can buy some in Glasseia. Just hurry up."


"We are not arguing over this, Brooklyn," I declared, feeling my power rise with my anger. I did my best to push it back down, but my eyes twitched.

Brooklyn opened her mouth to argue, an angry spark in her eyes, but then her skin paled, and she backed down. She closed her mouth and looked down.

"Yes, sir," she mumbled, walking to her room. Lili followed her quietly, not looking at RJ or me.

I frowned, my power going cold. I glanced at RJ, but he was as confused as I was.

"Uh." RJ stared after the sisters, who were now in their room. "What exactly happened right there?"

"I-I don't know," Summer answered, her eyes flickering between me and the table. "I've never seen her do something like that."

"Summer, can you go check on her, please," I asked, scanning the room around us. No pictures of either of the girls. No photos of a mother, either. "I don't want her to get the wrong idea. Tell her I'm sorry for being so aggressive."


"Please, Summer. I need to speak to RJ alone." Looking somewhat reluctant, the dark-haired girl got up and trudged after her friend. I turned to RJ, who stared up at me, his eyebrow arched in a silent question. "No sign of a mother figure here. No signs of care, either. Something isn't right here, RJ."

"You could say that captain obvious," he retorted. "Did you notice the way Brooklyn mentioned her father earlier?"

"She mentioned him?"

RJ rolled his eyes. "Look, bud, Lili might be cute but don't get wrapped up in that. My point is the way she talks suggests she's not really fond of him. She didn't call him father, either. Not 'dad,' not even a parent. You don't think...?"

"They're being abused?" I finished for him. I let out a long breath. "Gods. It's good we're getting them out of here, then."

RJ nodded in agreement. His eyes focused on something behind me. I turned and saw Lili walking up to us, ringing her wrists while averting eye contact. "Umm, excuse me?"

"What's up, Lili?" RJ asked. I moved so they could see each other.

"Ask again, RJ," I told him.

He did, and Lili responded, "Our dad has two...two...s-suitcases in his room."

"Do you need our help getting them?" RJ asked. Lili shook her head.

"The door is locked."

RJ and I shared a look. He sighed and stood up. Lili shrank back a little, but RJ held his hand in peace and said, "It's okay. I'll unlock it for you." Lili smiled her thanks and began to lead him to her father's room. As he passed me, he whispered, "I don't think they'll be coming back."

"It'll be better for them," I agreed. I sat down and stared at my sword as everyone got ready.


Before long, we were all ready. RJ and I helped pile the girls' bags into RJ's gray Meridian Legacy before getting into it ourselves. I sat shotgun while Lili was sandwiched between Summer and Brooklyn in the back, with RJ driving. It was his car, after all.

RJ pulled out of the driveway and started to drive out of the neighborhood. He kept asking Brooklyn for directions out of the area. Soon enough, we were out on the open road.

"Which way are we heading once we reach Macnair?" RJ asked as he was stopped by another red light. If a god of red lights existed, he was taking out his frustrations on us right now.

Summer pulled out her phone, which I wasn't aware she had, unlocked it, and typed in the coordinates. "South," she said. She swiped her finger on the surface. "And when we hit the Gold Pentuary, you'll want to get on and head more south."

"How long is this going to take?" Brooklyn asked.

"Almost 14 hours." Brooklyn let out a groan. "I agree. And I don't want to be giving you directions from the backseat. Can either of you work a cell?" RJ and I shared an unsure look. "Seriously? Two teenage boys who don't know how to use a cell? Ugh, I'll explain it." Summer began doing that, and I learned that technology was far more complicated than I remembered.


I was brought out of my imagination by someone swearing. I turned my head and saw RJ beating his head against the wheel.

I heard Brooklyn grunt, then ask something in Desponian. She seemed to realize her mistake because she said, "I mean, what's up?"

"We're getting pulled over by the cops," RJ answered, frustrated. He blew out a breath, running a hand through his hair. "Act natural. I've got this covered."

"Natural, right," Brooklyn muttered. She looked down at Lili and started playing with her hair. I felt a bit of jealousy but shook it off. It was far too early for that. I hadn't even learned her last name yet!

RJ pulled off the highway and pulled over as soon as possible. We waited as the cop pulled over behind us, taking forever to get out of his car. When the cop did get to RJ's window, he knocked on it. RJ complied and rolled down the window.

"What can I do for you, officer?" He asked politely.

"I need to see license and registration, please," the cop said. RJ nodded and pulled out his wallet. He gave it to the officer, who walked back to his vehicle. I glanced past RJ and realized that it was almost night. We needed to find someplace to sleep before it was too late. I could drive, but I didn't have a driver's license, and we couldn't risk getting arrested.

When the cop returned, he gave RJ his things and said, "Lower the back windows."


"Because I said so." RJ sighed and did as he was asked. I glanced back as Brooklyn squinted at the officer, who was fair-skinned, mustached, and had a police hat on.

"Yes?" She asked.

"Where are you kids heading?" He asked her. I raised an eyebrow.

"Somewhere," Brooklyn answered recklessly. "What's it to you?"

"Brooklyn," I warned. She stared defiantly at the officer. Holy Hyperion, that's going to be a problem later. I hope she doesn't try and pick a fight with a god.

"You just need to tell me where you kids are heading, and I'll let you go," he said.

"Khada," she said vaguely. "Can we go now? The school will have our heads if we are late to the rest stop later." The cop raised a brow but walked back to RJ.

"Drive safely," he said before walking back towards his car. RJ waited until the cop had driven away to start the vehicle.

"Why were we stopped in the first place?" Brooklyn asked. I glanced in the side view mirror on my side and saw that Summer had slept through the whole thing. Heavy sleeper. Brooklyn didn't know how to be quiet.

"I'm Desponian," RJ said, staring at the road in disdain. "That's all it takes sometimes."

"That's stupid."

"It is, but that's how the police department works here on Rhea. Why do you think I and so many others like it better in Glasseia?" She didn't respond.

I stared ahead, watching the sky turn from blue to pink, orange, and yellow.


I didn't pay much attention to what happened during the rest of the trip. There wasn't much to listen to between RJ's off-key singing and Brooklyn's snoring. It soon became too dark outside to focus on anything of interest. The next thing I knew, RJ was nudging me as he approached a motel. The neon sign said Trada Homely Motel, but some lights were out, spelling T ad ome tel. It didn't look homely if I had to be honest.

A little run down, the building had at least 10 apartments on the bottom floor and 10 on the top. The hedges were quite overgrown and a bit dead looking. Only half of the lights were on or flickering. I could tell the color was peeling off the doors, even from how far away we were.

"You think this is a safe place?" I asked as he parked.

He shrugged. "Better than driving through the night." He thumped his hand against the back of his seat, waking up Brooklyn and Lili.

"Huh?" She groaned groggily. "What?"

"We're stopping for the night," RJ told her. I heard the leather squeak as she sat up. "Ever stayed at one of these before?"

"I've never been out of Anefield," she muttered.

I rolled my shoulders. This place was sketchy as hell. I mean, there's a guy smoking out of a bong on the top-floor balcony! It'll be safer if the girls didn't leave the car.

"Stay here," I told them as I unbuckled.

"Why?" Brooklyn challenged.

"RJ and I'll go book us two rooms. One for us and one for you guys-er, girls. It's safer for you to stay in the car while we do it." I opened my door. "Don't leave the car. That's an order." I hopped out and pushed the door shut. I saw Brooklyn's face reddening with anger through the window but ignored it as I started for the lobby.

RJ appeared next to me a couple moments later.

"Don't be so harsh," he told me. "She's confused, Eli, and anger appears to be the only way she can deal with it."

"You can't expect me to take it," I snapped. He shrugged.

"No, but I can expect you to act more mature than a teenage girl."

I growled, but he opened the creaky door and walked in. I was met with the smell of dust and cigarette smoke. Disgusting. Brooklyn'll have a cow if she is forced to sleep here. The air even tasted dusty!

RJ flashed the woman a smile. "Hi there. Me and my friend here are hoping for two rooms for the night. Would that be okay?"

The woman, blonde with blue eyes, smiled widely. "Of course, dear," she purred. "We would love to have you spend the night with us."

"Sweet. How much will it be for the night?"

"Oh, don't worry about paying, dear." RJ and I glanced at each other, alarm bells going off in my head. Free stuff was never a good sign for people like us. "I'll check you two into your rooms. Would you like a complimentary cookie while you wait?" She pulled a tray of cookies with pink, flower-shaped frosting on top from under the counter.

"Uh, no, thank you, ma'am," RJ declined politely, eyeing the cookies warily. "We had something to eat not too long ago." A lie. We ate three hours ago because Brooklyn and Summer complained that we were starving them.

"Please, dear, I insist." She thrust them towards us, almost spilling a couple onto the floor. "They're free, dear, and quite delectable, too."

I glanced down at the tray of cookies right under our noses. A glint caught my eye, and I saw a shiny bronze protrusion on the tray. Dread filled me as I saw it move, and I realized what we were dealing with.

"No thanks, ma'am," I said, starting to back away, pulling RJ with me. "In fact, I think we'll find somewhere else to sleep tonight-"

Faster than we could react, her other hand shot out and grabbed me by my shirt. She pulled me closer to her and growled, "Stay, dear, and eat. It'll be much less painful for you if you do."

"Yeah, no thanks." I grabbed her arm and focused my power into my hand. She cried out as I burned her. She let me go and dropped the tray of cookies.

Smoke rose from her burned skin, which had turned red and splotchy. It didn't smell like burned skin, though. It smelled like burned metal. She held her injured arm, recoiling in pain as smoke rose from it. I had burned through her shirt sleeve, leaving a red hand print on bronze skin.

She glared at me with reptilian eyes. "You'll pay for that, godling," she hissed. Her skin turned green, and her eyes into slits. Her hair, which had been draped around her shoulders, turned into a nest of live ringneck snakes that hissed at me. Long talons grew from her bronze fingers. All that remained the same was her uniform and name tag which read Tereine.

"Run," I told RJ, forming a fireball in my hands. "I'll try to stall her." RJ nodded and ran out the door like a whirlwind.

"No!" Tereine lunged for me, but I hurled the fireball at her. It exploded on contact, throwing me back. I scrambled to my feet as she wailed. The fire spread across the dry ground, smoke rising. A fire alarm went off but no water came from the sprinklers. Thank the gods for crappy motels.

I burst out of the lobby and saw Brooklyn and Lili sitting on the car's hood, RJ still racing toward them.

"Get down!" I shouted and jumped for them as the glass office exploded The explosion rocked the world and threw me away like a rag doll in a storm. My hand erupted with pain, and I tumbled across the ground. My head slammed into the curb, and everything went dark.
