
4 x 16 On The Head Of A Pin

I sighed as I sat in my chair in council's meeting room, the council was just informed about Castiel's capture of Alistair, and Zachariah decided to hold a meeting.

"OK, Zachariah we are all in attendance for this meeting, am I to presume we are here to talk about Castiel? I conjered a cup of coffee to deal with the headache that was coming.

"Yes! This is about Castiel, about what disciplinary action should he receive for his disobedience lately." Zachariah mouth was fixated on a sneer as he spoke about Castiel.

For the first time in ever, Naomi groaned as she slammed her hands on her face. "Please, don't send him to rehabilitation again, I'm sick and tired of resetting him over and over again for the same thing, at this point I will settle for a vote of expulsion." Looking at the others to see who will support her.

"Castiel. Who is he again? Isn't he just some low-rank captain? He shouldn't be this much of a problem for you guys to act like this." Both Raphael and Michael wondered as they had the least interaction with Castiel.

"Oh but he is sir! Since freeing Dean, he's been off the rails. Six angels has died under his command, he fought against a superior officer, he tried calling a seraph meeting for his former captain's reaperance, and he has the gall to try and enter the cleansing pavilion, something I can't even do."

Zachariah laid out all of Castiel's actions, as Raphael and Michael looked at me to verify the extent of the information.

"Regardless, he has just scored a victory for heaven, he saved a seal and captured the king of hell, he has proven his loyalty to the council." Speaking on Castiel's behalf as Michael raised his eyes.

"But what was he doing there in the first place? His orders were to observe his seal for demons, and yet he abandoned his post and took three angels to capture the demon." Zachariah gave me a rude look as I drank my coffee while he was talking.

"And so!? Seems like Castiel is doing your job better than you Zach, maybe it's time for a change in management." I joked as Zachariah fumed, as he took a step towards me.

"Enough, Castiel has done his job protecting the seals, but be warned brother, if we get one more report about Castiel's behavior then we will treat him as a fallen." Michael made his decision as Zachariah stepped back.

"Fine, but we need to talk about how to gain information from Alistair, he's resistant to all of our torture methods and we need a solution quickly." Naomi showed us a video of Alistair being tortured by Uriel.

"Alistair is the king of hell, if he hasn't broken in 24 hours, he won't break in a thousand years. That's why I suggest we send Raguel, he basically the angel equivalent to Alistair." I proposed as everyone looked at me as if I was insane.

"Raguel is forbidden from going to Earth for any reason. He was the one who caused the Great Fire of London and possessed the man who became who became Jack the Ripper, it took five of your strongest seraphs just to bring him back, he's too unpredictable." Raphael refused outright as the others agreed with the sentiment.

"How about Dean Winchester? He was Alistair's most proficient student, and will most likely handle Alistair better than us." Zachariah proposed as he raised his hand.

"No, I personally cleansed Dean soul in the Pit, and he's barley holding himself together with all the guilt and memories from his time in there." I objected, remembering the state that his soul was in.

"Hah! It seems that Castiel wasn't the only person to develop feelings for Dean." Zachariah pointed at me accusing.

"No, you bald salesman! I just don't want our efforts gone to waste. If we have to re-fix Michael's vessel before the big fight." Tired of this meeting and wanted to leave.

We deliberated for a while before deciding that Dean was going to torture Alistair. I left the meeting and appeared next to Castiel, who had been calling me.

Upside-down vehicles were scattered about as we stared at the body of Payton, a loyal and the most optimistic angel in Castiel's garrison.

The rain on my face hid the tears, as I silently cried at the death of one of my sisters. We heard sirens and knew we shouldn't be here, I nodded to Castiel as I grabbed the body of my dead sister, and bury her remains in her favorite heaven.

I got over my grief quickly, as I teleported to the hotel that the boys where staying. Castiel and Uriel had pissed off expressions, I had just interrupted an argument.

We sat in silence as we waited for the Winchesters to come home. when they finally came, they were not happy to see us.

"Winchester and Winchester." Uriel began his voice laced with sarcasm.

"Oh, come on! Dean angrily raged at our presence.

"You are needed," Uriel told them, not bothered by Dean's outburst.

"Needed? We just got back from being needed! Dean was really raising his voice, as Uriel's wings stood up agitated.

"Now, you mind tone with me boy! Uriel spat as thunder flashed outside.

"No, you mind your damn tone with us! We just got back from saving your precious seals. So maybe you can stop pushing us aurond like chess pieces for five freaking minutes!" Dean screamed back at us as I was tired of his back talk since we raised him.

"Listen soilder boy, we are not asking for your input, this is an order, we have Alistair and he is not giving us information on what we want. So your going to make him talk and you don't have a say in the matter." I grabbed his arm as I teleported us to the warehouse that Alistair was trapped in.

When we got there Dean began to throw up, as Castiel and Uriel landed next to us.

"Stop whining and clean yourself up, you have work to do Dean. Alistair is bound by an old Enochian trap so your safe to do your work." I opened the door and threw Dean inside.

"I going to seek revelations, perhaps we have new orders." Uriel tried to leave but I stopped him.

"Why do you need to seek revelations? I'm your commanding officer, and your orders are to stay here until Dean Winchester is finished. Do you understand Uriel? Showing him my aura, as Uriel back down and went to attention.

I went inside the room and continued to observe Dean as he tortured Alistair. That's when I felt Sam coming to this location.

I teleported in front of him as I could see the demon blood pumping through his veins, it's only a matter of time before his urges start.

"Where the hell is Dean? Sam shouted at me as he tried to move past, but I froze him in place.

"I getting real tired of you and your brother ordering us around like dogs, perhaps feeling death will make you nice and obedient for a change." I punched a hole in his chest as I took out his beating heart as Sam dropped to the floor.

I looked at his heart with utter disgust as I dropped it, and wiped off my hand with a handkerchief. I heard the sounds of wings as Anna was behind me, and proceeded to stab me in the back with an angel blade.

I didn't even feel anything as I took out the blade in my back, and turned aurond to face the terrified Anna. I pushed her into a tree as she got impaled and try to flee.

"Tsk, I had so much hopes for you Anna but you just don't know when to quit, your still excommunicado. And yet, you tried to kill me with an angel blade, you will be loyal once again Anna." I touched her as she was teleported to heaven's prison.

I teleported to the room as Dean looked at me with anger in his eyes. "Is it true that I broke it? Answer me!" He yelled as I knocked him out with one punch.

"Well, look who back, and something has changed within you choir boy. This isn't the same noble hero I've faced earlier, what have you done? Alistair said mockingly, as I Whispered in his ear.

"I simply stopped caring anymore." Placing my palm over his skull, as I smiled as he screamed in utter pain as I smited him out of his misery.

I went outside as Castiel and Uriel were fighting. Uriel grabbed his angel blade and was about to kill Castiel, before I snapped my fingers as his vessel exploded into blood particles.

"What an utter disappointment, I gave you a second chance in the flood, and still you chose Lucifer's side over us. Oh well, you weren't all that important in the grand scheme of things." Castiel stumbled as he got up and looked at me in fear.

"We are in a whole different world right now Castiel, my world. And my first order is to restore your rank as captain, and then you will go back to your garrison and make sure of their loyalty, and your men will follow my orders to the letter. Anything less I will consider a dereliction, is that understood?

Castiel nodded as he left to go check on his garrison, and I lit up my eyes as I connected to every angel, on angel radio.

"All stations! This is your commander Isaiel and I have the comm, as of this moment I will take complete control of all Earth related companies, any angel that is suspected to be in league with Lucifer will be executed."

"Seraphs, all old orders have been rescinded, and your only order is to find and execute any angel on Earth, that has not been authorized by me. Raguel, with the exception of the traitor Anna, execute all prisoners in the dungeons and make sure that Anna doesn't escape."

"Tomorrow is the start of a new day on heaven and on Earth, rejoice."

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