
2 x 1 In my time of Dying

I was in John's body, we were hit in a crash by a demon driving a truck, I quickly did an internal scan of John's body and the others.

John was fine, except for some minor bleeding and some scrapes, he was okay for the most part. Sam, was the least injured out of the group and would wake up pretty soon.

I quickly left John's body in a bright light, I opened my six wings and flew to the Sunrise Apartments, where Thorfin's body was laid where I left it and I entered it.

When I settled in the body, it feel cold as if I was freezing, and my skin was pale, just now receiving color from the heat of my true form.

I left the the Apartment in a flap of my wings, that when I saw Sam, who had just woke up form the crash and was talking to the truck demon.

"Get back, I warning you if you come in here I will kill you, I swear to God." Sam, was pointing the colt at the demon in an attempt to intimidate it.

"Please, you won't, you saving that bullet for someone else." Not believing that Sam would shoot him.

"You wanna bet on that? Sam pulled back the hammer of the colt, ready to fire in the next second.

I teleported right behind the demon, smiting him as his eyes and mouth was enveloped in a bright holy light, as the body dropped to the ground.

Sam, stood up and looked at me confused, I didn't give him time to say something, as I simply snap his neck to knock him unconscious.

I heard the sound of ambulances coming nearby, then I felt It time had stopped, as if someone had hit pause on a DVD.

"I thought I had felt your presence nearby Tessa, have you finally come out of hiding? As Tessa appeared next to me in her ghost form.

"I wasn't hiding, just handing some business nearby because of a soul, so it's happened again, the Winchesters on the verge of dying and messing up the natural order." Tessa was right next to Dean, floating above his face.

"You guess it Tessa, I know that he is on the verge of death, but Sam and Dean are exceptions to the rules." Watching as her face scowled as I reminded her of the arrangement.

"It shouldn't matter who they are, the rules exist for a reason even Death, would agree that they should stay dead permanently."

"It doesn't change anything, regardless of your feelings on the matter about the Winchesters, if you reap them and send them to heaven, my siblings would simply resurrect them without their memories."

Pointing out the fact and remembering all the times I had to resurrect the boys, from dying from her injuries on hunts.

"Tsk, I going to reap him, it's almost his time to die and soon will be nothing but an angry spirit." I knew that she was going to be determined to make Dean pass on and stay dead, so I reminded her that it was his choice at the end of the day and she can't force it.

After that interaction with Tessa, I teleported to Georgia, to relax and to find a potential new vessel for me to inhabit.

I went to this bar named The Celtic Tavern Irish Pub and Restaurant, and it looked exactly like the bar Rousseau's, from the show the originals.

I went inside and the atmosphere was vibrant and welcoming, everyone was happy and becoming friends with all types of people.

It reminded me of the first time I came to Ireland, I was making diplomatic relationships with the kingdom of Avalon.

Avalon, was the home of many mystical creatures such as, Fairies, Leprechauns, tinks, elves, and even unicorns.

The people of Alvalon, were nice but they were very suspicious of outsiders and a bit too pretentious for my taste, and I also had bad memories of Gabriel getting me drunk.

I pulled myself a barstool, and sat down as one of the bartenders walked up to me, and asked if I wanted to order something.

He was an African American man, with shaved hair and a well groomed mustache, he was wearing a brown leather jacket with jeans, and a name tag that read Vincent griffith in marker.

"So,your name is Vincent griffith, have you been to New Orleans? I said with a smile

"I haven't been to New Orleans since I left college, and married my beautiful wife." Vincent was smiling

"Oh, you have a wife, is she doing alright? Taking a sip out of my Whiskey as I waited for my food."

"To be honest, she isn't doing all that well, I been meeting with doctors and they can't fix anything and I tried everything from praying to voodoo magic." His eyes looked downcast and I could tell he was losing hope

"I understand the feeling my friend, I just lost a very close friend of mine that I have know for ages, and that's part of the reason of why I'm here to honor him and find a new friend, just like him." Looking at Vincent

"My name is Chris Hemsworth, I'm a healer of sorts and perhaps I could help cure your wife, from whatever that's making her sick." Giving him a reassuring smile

"As much as I would appreciate that, there's no reason to trouble you with my problems, your a customer here I'll probably figure something out for my wife." As a server gave me my food.

"I'm afraid I'll have to insist, besides I can feel your skeptical about my capacities, then let me show you a fraction of my power."

I looked aurond the room, and found a guy drinking a beer, so I slowed down time and made it so that only me and Vincent, were not affected by the change of time.

I gave the guy, alcohol poisoning and stage 4 Liver Failure, and the both of us watched as he slowly fell to the floor bleeding and clutching his body in pain and tears.

I walked up to the man, and emitted a warm white light from my palm, and Vincent watched in amazement as the man was healed and looked completely fine.

I sat the man back to his stool, and changed his bottle of beer to that of water, and I gave him a silent command to take it easy on the alcohol, and to remember the pain as a warning of his body state due to his drinking.

I returned to my seat and with a snap of my fingers, time resumed normally and I looked at Vincent's shocked face and eyes filled with hope at my healing powers.

"H-How did you, Oh my God, what kind of person are you? Are you an angel? His eyes, looked at me with curiosity and disbelief.

I didn't say anything, I just gave him a wink and the next moment, lighting flashed and the lights went out, and I showed him my wings and glowing eyes.

"Who and what I am, is not important I'm just a person who wants to help you, and to see what you can become with my help." As the lights returned.

"Anyways, I have to go now, but if you want my help all you have to do is pray and I will hear it." Standing up as I put an $100 bill on the counter, and told him to keep the change as I teleported to the hospital that the Winchesters were staying.

When I got to the hospital, the smell of Death was lingering in the air, and I could sense Tessa and three other reapers, in this hospital on standby for a soul to die and reap.

I feel like I was in Raphael's pavilion in heaven, cold and sterile with everything not even having a single color, just unwelcoming to anyone visiting its walls.

I was lost in thought, when I heard a prayer inside the hospital, it sounded like a Mother praying for her child.

"Dear Lord, please protect my son while he undergoes this surgery, I know that I am not innocent in any way and that this is my punishment for all of my sins, but please God, or anyone who is listening to this grant my son, this mercy to finally experience life."

I teleported to the room of this woman, who prayed so genuinely about her needs and the care of her son, I scanned her memories to learn the reason of this prayer and it solidify my desire to help this woman.

This woman, had a job as an escort but one day while preforming her duties, she got pregnant while with one of her clients.

After being abandoned and force to live without any support, she decided to raise her unborn child by herself.

But, after the child was born, the woman began to notice that her child was struggling to breathe properly, so she took him to the hospital to find out what was wrong.

The doctors told her that her child had a heart condition Aortic stenosis, in which her son's Aortic valve was too small and tests needed to be done to see how severe it had gotten.

Today was the day of the surgery, in which the surgeon would replace the boy's valve, with the valve of a willing donor to save the child's life, and the Mother, is praying for the surgery to be a success and not cause problems later in the boy's life.

I put two fingers on the Mother's forehead, and knocked her unconscious and gave her dreams of her son's future from his survival.

I went invisible and teleported to the room where the surgery was taking place, I made sure to hide my grace so it wouldn't interfere with the electricity aurond the hospital.

The surgeon made a small incision to opened his heart, I reacted by healing any internal damage in his body as the surgeon worked on removing and replacing the Aortic valve.

I wasn't completely skilled at healing than Raphael, but I knew that with my power and skill, this 4-year-old boy will have a wonderful life without any complications.

I left the room, and looked at my bloody hands, I didn't mind the blood at all I could simply will them to become clean.

I felt good, as if my whole body was overflowing with dopamine, and my mood was affecting the environment aurond me.

Miraculously, people who were sick and wasn't their time to be reaped, got cured and the hospital's overall mood was positive as many got a second chance at life.

I suddenly felt a gust of wind besides me, and I looked and there was Tessa, who was taking the form of a small child next to me.

"You saved that kid's life, even when you didn't need to interfere at all, Why? She looked at me with her light-colored eyes.

"Does it matter, it wasn't the boy's time and I was simply doing my job as an angel."

" Protecting the innocent and helping humanity, while experiencing this world that my Father created."

I sat down on a nearby couch and created two chocolate cookies, and offered one to Tessa before making some coffee to drink.

"I think it's more than that, I saw your eyes when you read that Mother's memories, you started to sympathized with her and even gave her good dreams about her son's recovery and life, which you made happen by healing and making sure that boy came out of this hospital, a healthy normal child."

"No angel would ever do that, even if it was God himself that ordered for that boy to be saved, they would most likely just heal the boy and left, but you actually gave that women and everyone in this hospital hope."

She gave me a good-natured smile and bit into the cookie as I was drinking my coffee.

"You know, many of my siblings think that showing any form of emotion or empathy is a show of weakness, but that's not true because even Father, showed numerous emotions as he lived on Earth."

"He showed happiness, when he was listening and seeing human music and art for the first time."

"He showed laughter, when I made him saw Bruce Almighty."

"He showed anger, when he had to intervene in 1945.

"And, he felt the feeling of love, when he got married to his first human wife."Reminiscing the times I interacted with Father.

"So, the rumors were true, your the only person who actually seen God and Know of his location." Tessa had a knowing smil on her face.

It's not like she actually cared about Father, her only business was the regulation of death and the keeping of the natural order.

"So, let me guess you tried to approached Dean in your true form, only for him to freak out and tried to stop you from reaping his soul." As if I didn't already know what had happened

"Yes, that damn Winchester and the other hunters, are the only type of humans who are struggle and are so stubborn about dying." Tessa, put a hand on her head as if she had a headache.

"It's that hunter charm, and trust me I sometimes think that Father, made the Winchesters to be just as stubborn as him."

"Let us make man in our image." Oh, the irony of that statement, you just gotta love irony and when it likes to appear."

I began to stand up and throw away my coffee, as I left Tessa and teleported to the Boiler room, where two demons and Azazel where about to make a deal with John.

I smite the two demons, and I watched as John aimed the colt at me, and lowered it on shock as he saw me.

"Kane, what the hell are you doing here? John, had a confused look on his face.

"I'm stopping you from creating a terrible mistake, whatever that demon is promising you, it not worth selling your soul over and damning your soul to hell."

"Oh, sell the whole salvation pitch to someone who cares Isaiel, what do you think this is? The demon and the angel, on a person's shoulder for the rest of eternity?

"H-Hold on, who the hell is Isaiel? His name is Kane." Pointing at me, still confused.

"Oh, you haven't told him yet have you? Oh wow such a naughty angel, keeping secrets from one of your friends tsk, tsk." Azazel was laughing at John's confusion.

"It's true, I'm an angel of the Lord and my true name is Isaiel not Kane, that was a fake name that I gave to pass on with humans." I sighed as I knew that this would come back to bite me.

"Your an angel, that can't be possible something like that doesn't exist." Looking at me with distrust in his eyes.

I said nothing as my eyes glowed and I showed my wings, as a bright light emanated from my body, as John looked at my wings with perplexed eyes and Azazel with disgust.

"So, your an angel huh, then tell me where we're you when I needed you when my wife died." John had a look of rage and fury on his face.

"You see exactly John, the heavenly choir boy's they preach about helping humanity, but when someone actually needs help, their silent just like the God they serve."

"I was there John, on that night and I did try to interfere with Mary's death and this demon invasion into your home." I showed him the memories of the event from my pov.

"And, if you think Azazel will honor your deal, your wrong because he can't resurrect your son, but I can with my power."

"I may not be able to resurrect the dead, but you honestly think that this angel wouldn't help you without strings attached."

"I mean, you look at me as a monster, that I rightfully am, but those guys they don't give a shit about humanity not even a little bit."

"They have killed more humans than any of your world wars, Sodom and Gomorrah, the Plagues of Egypt, the Crusades, and even the damage done by the Atom Bomb, wouldn't add up to the damage their smiting ability has done to people."

He was speaking in this sweet voice, as if he really cared about those events in time, and as if he didn't orchestrated or had a hand in those events.

"Look John, I know you probably can't forgive me, but I want you to know that it's your decision and I can't force you to choose."

"But, l wanna give you something to think about before you pick your decision, your two sons, have already lost one parent and their barely getting pass her death, but if you were to die then their entire world would come crashing down and scar them for life."

John said nothing as he looked at the colt, then at Azazel, and finally stops at me.

"Tell me, is it true that you can resurrect Dean? Looking at me with a serious expression on his face.

"Yes, I swear on ██████, that I will heal Dean and I will also keep watch of him."

I didn't like swearing on my Father's true name, it was so sacred and powerful that even Azazel and John's ears began to bleed.

When the both of them recovered and got up from the floor, John walked up to Azazel and stretched out his hand for a handshake.

"We have a deal, as long as you keep your end of the bargain." As I had a face of total disbelief as I watched the deal happened.

However, just as Azazel has his guard down as he shook John's hand, John shot him with the colt in the stomach.

"Rot in hell, you son of a bitch, did you actually think that you could take everything from me and I would make you pay me back tenfold." Grabbing Azazel's clothes as yellow flashes were on his face as he died.

"Y-you, s-stupid b-bastard do you have any idea what you have done? Oh, I may burn in hell, but I will be glad as I watch you burn with me."

The only sounds that was heard was Azazel's crazed laughter as he finally died.

Do you feel peace now that you have avenged Mary's death? I walked with him as I teleported the both of us outside Dean's room.

"I don't know what I feel, sadness, relief, anxiousness as I await hell." Looking at Dean's body in tubes.

"Thank you Kane or is it Isaiel now?

"I don't mind either of them, and I promise you I will uphold my promise to you about Dean, but I have to warn you that actions have consequences, especially your family decisions."

I quickly went invisible and healed Dean to full and complete health, and then I woke him up and left because I could hear Vincent's prayer for my presence.

As I teleported to Vincent to give him and his family hope, I knew that another family had lost hope as the time was 10 : 41, and the last thing that caught my interest was a dead rose petal falling on the ground as it withered.
