
God with us

[Castiel pov]

Anna had summoned the garrison to a meeting in an open field, "Good everyone is here I have some good news about the seraph Isaiel."

"In the next century, he will be assigned to an important mission by God to spread the word and to bring hope and redemption to humans," Anna said happily.

"However, we are not to help him only guide him in this mission as he will be reborn as a human. And we must treat him like any other human." Is that understood? Anna ordered

What should we call him then? I asked 

"Jesus." Said anna

A century passed, and the higher-ups sent me to complete a mission by going into the dreams of a woman that Father picked out, a virgin named Mary.

"Do not be afraid, Blessed are you among all women Mary!" I began to speak

"Who are you? Mary questioned fearfully 

"God has chosen you to conceive and bring forth a son. And will name him, Jesus. Ignoring her questions

"He will be great and will be called the son of God," I said thinking about Isaiel as an angel, he was already the son of God. 

But...how can this be? I-I have never been with a man before. asked Mary 

"The Lord God will come upon you and will grant you a child, and he is the son of God! I said leaving to report the completion of the mission.

When Jesus was born, a man named Joseph was chosen to be his protector, and one night I told Joseph about the plot to kill him by Herod, the prideful king of Israel. 

"Auuughhhh! cried out Joseph, startled by the vision heaven gave him.

Mary...Quickly we must hurry the baby is in danger." Whispered Joseph

I left while they were getting ready to leave, I flew to King Herod's Palace. And listened to the conversation in the palace.

"But they are only children! said the Royal scribe 

"And should that matter? Roared Herod as guards were running around preparing to ride out.

"I am the king of Israel! I am the king of the Jews! And I will not share my kingdom with anyone else." decreed Herod 

"B-but... it's only a prophecy! Perhaps it is wrong." said the scribe 

I couldn't help but roll my eyes at humans' limited understanding of Destiny and Fate. They could not change, it is destined to happen and will happen by the will of Father.

"What does it say? Said Herod grabbing the scribe and ordering him about the prophecy. 

"But you, Bethlehem...Though you are little among the thousands in Judah, Yet out of you will come forth to me, The one to be Ruler of Israel." recited the scribe. 

Herod then showed him the star, outside and glowing over Bethlehem saying:

"Look! Pointing at the star. That star is announcing the king of the Jews, I must get rid of him no matter the cost." said Herod leaving to find the baby

I quickly returned to Mary and Joseph guiding the family out to Egypt, while the rest of the garrison was distracting the soldiers. And I stayed in Egypt till the death of Herod.

When I returned to Israel, I was stationed by the Jordan River, where the prophet John the Baptist was baptizing people and making them repent their sins to Father.

Just then two Pharisees arrived and what would happen every day, they would ask the same questions. To see who John would claim to be. 

"But, who does he claim to be, this John the Baptist? asked one of them

"Precisely what we need to find out and report back to the high priest! All these ignorant fools, flocking to this man! They should be at the temple...Not out here with the likes of this lunatic." the second, said gesturing to the people. 

"Repent for the kingdom of heaven is near, Prepare the way of the Lord!" said the Prophet

"Help us, what must we do to be saved? Asked the people as they entered the river. 

"Repent! If it is salvation you seek, do what scripture tells you: Prepare the way of the Lord! Make his path straight." Said the Prophet 

What should you do to be saved? Follow the laws of Moses that is what. Said the Pharisees

I looked at them with disgust as they blatantly sprouted their hypocrisy about the law of Moses.

Laws that they didn't even follow themselves and simply judge the people with their false words.

"You vipers! Shouted the prophet

Us? Said the Pharisees

"Repent! Said the Prophet

"You refer to us Repentance?

"We who keep the laws of Moses more carefully than the likes of all of you!

"Repentance from what?

Asked the Pharisees angrily

You think that you are acceptable to God just because you have Abraham as your Father.

But I tell you God, can make these stones to make children for himself. Said the Prophet 

Enough, tell us do you claim to be the Christ? The Messiah? The one that God will send down to save us? Asked the Pharisees 

"I am the voice of the Lord, crying in the wildness to prepare the way of the Lord. I baptize you in water, but he who will come after me is mighty than I one who I am not worthy to untie his sandals."

just then Jesus came and started going behind John and when he was close John turned behind him and said: You come to me, Jesus? No, it is I who should be baptized by you. Said the prophet shocked

Yet, it is God's will we are here to fulfill not our own. said my brother in a calm voice

Then Jesus dipped his body into the water and then John began to baptize him and when he got up from the water. Something happened that I thought would never happen Father spoke:

This is my beloved son. said Father as a white dove came down from heaven. 

After the Baptism, Jesus went into the desert and there he began to fast and pray when Zachariah approached him and said "Jesus, oh Jesus it has been 40 days of Fasting how impressive. 

Why don't you stop now, Look! Zachariah said as he used his powers to make the stones look like appetizing bread to Jesus. 

"If you were the son of God, turn these stones into bread. Why not, satisfy yourself and take away this hunger in your stomach?

"It is written; that man will not live by bread alone but by every word that proceeds from God."Said Jesus, his convection unwavering 

How foolish, then Zachariah teleaported Jesus to the highest temple in all of Jerusalem, and said:

"prove yourself, if you are the son of God , throw yourself down to the ground. Isn't it written; I will send angels to watch over you and lift you up and protect you."

It is also written; "You will not temp the Lord your God." Said Jesus looking at Zachariah with unbridled power.

Then Zachariah showed Jesus the pyramids of Egypt, the power of Rome, and endless riches and power.

"All of this is for you and everything that is within them. And all you must do is forsake this Mission of salvation and build your kingdom." Zachariah, tempted

"No! Away from me, my path is set I will do the way of the Lord for it is God's will not my own. Said Jesus

And I smiled as Jesus had passed our Father's test and was ready for his mission as the savior of men.

Soon, after the confrontation in the desert he went to Gaille and approached the fisherman's Peter, James, John, and Andrew.

"Who are you? Who -are you? Peter asked warily.

"My name is Jesus." Said my brother

"This is the one, Peter this is the Messiah. Said John

"Jesus of Nazareth. Said Simon

"The Messiah, the one we have been waiting for a poor man from Nazareth. Peter said laughing

Take the Boat out again. Jesus said

Why? Asked Peter confused

You want to catch don't you? Replied Jesus

I'm not about to...we were fishing all night and we caught nothing. Peter said nervously

Jesus just walked to the boat and sat down. With reluctance the others brought the out to sea and Jesus told them to drop the nets at a spot.

Where Hester was directing the fish into that one spot and into the fishing net, when everyone saw the massive amounts of fish they called it a miracle.

When they returned to land Peter came to to Jesus. "Rabbi, Depart from me I-I am a sinful man. Peter said pleading

Don't be afraid, Simon Peter. Follow me. All of you follow me. Said Jesus

After that, Jesus had gotten four disciples and he preformed miracle after miracle such as water turned to wine, casting out demons, and even healing the sick.

I was standing next to Jesus, at the house of Peter with Balthazar, when he said: "You know Castiel, I think our brother becoming human has made him a bit of a show off.

"Creating heavenly wine and using his powers to preform miracles so that people believe him. I mean he hasn't even been with a woman. If I were chosen to do this mission I would---.

"If you were chosen Balthazar we would have countless of your children running around the earth." Said Uriel

I smiled at that Balthazar was warned many times about his actives being watched as their has been few close calls.

Just then the roof collapsed and there were four men on the roof, two of the men carried a man on a mat and brought him over to Jesus.

"Please, I have been this way for years."Pleaded the man on the mat.

"Rabbi, we have heard you can do great miracles, is there is anything you can do for him anything at all? Asked one of the men who carried the mat.

"Now, now what can the good Rabbi do? Take the man home." Said a Pharisee

Jesus knelt to the man and said "it's alright, your sins have been forgiven."

Instantly, the room erupted into whispers and shocked noises at what Jesus had said.

"That is blasphemy! Only God can forgive sins." A Pharisee shouted

"Tell me which is easier to say? Your sins are forgiven? Or take up your bed and walk?

To show you that I have been given the power to forgive sins. Arise pick up your bed and walk." Commanded Jesus

Slowly, the man feet were moving and he managed to push himself up and he got up and he was walking and was able to pick up his mat.

The man knelt and cried on Jesus thanking him endlessly for the miracle to move again.

"Show off, he had to make a whole commotion about the forgiveness of sins just to make some paralyzed man walk. Said Balthazar.

Many humans were rushing out of the house to tell others about what had happened saying:

" it's a miracle! It's a miracle! And the hypocrite Pharisees were arguing:

that man is a blaspher, healing a man is one thing but no can forgive sins but God.

Later in the day, I followed Jesus were we met a tax collector named Matthew and Jesus was trying to recruit him.

"Follow me." Said Jesus

"Matthew following a holy man? Said a nearby prostitute laughing at the idea

She then looked at Jesus and said:" wait, your that new prophet everyone been talking about, aren't you?

Jesus of Nazareth. She said showing her body and attempted to touch him but Peter intervened.

"Don't touch him." Said Peter darkly

What Is it to you? Maybe he wouldn't mind. She said

"I know that I wouldn't." Said Balthazar eyeing the women.

"They are right Rabbi, I-I am not a good man." Said Matthew his head low.

"I never asked if you were." Jesus said ŵith a smile.

Then he started to walk away and Matthew got up and followed to join him.

The next miracle that my brother preformed was healing a blind man.

Jesus was walking and a blind man was crying out." Help me! I am blind! Then Jesus got some mud and he rubbed it around the eyes of the man and washed the man's face.

I left as I was listening to a Pharisees meeting about Jesus and what to do with him.

"I tell you he's Is a troublemaker! A nuisance." One the Pharisees started.

"I agree. Answered another

"Publicans, tax collectors, prostitutes saying he can forgive sins." Voiced another

"Blasphemy! that what it is." Shouted another in rage.

"Then what are we waiting for? We are the keepers of the laws of Moses."

" It is our responsibility to stop this." One of the Pharisees said rallying the others.

But one of the Pharisees named Nicodemus, was on Jesus side and defend him.

"Yet, you have seen his works the healing of the sick and even the raising the dead." He said.

"Oh please, a sick boy gets better and suddenly you have the dead raised to life. People talk, rumors grow." Said one Pharisees not convinced.

"But just today a blind man regained his sight. Right here in this very temple." Said Nicodemus

"Or so they say." Said a Pharisee

"How do we know that these so called miracles are real? Said a Pharisee

I was annoyed at their doubts when many of these Pharisees, had come to watch Jesus preform those miracles.

Nicodemus signaled a guard and brought the blind man and his parents into the chamber.

"What is the meaning of this Nicodemus? A Pharisee shouted.

"Indulge me for a moment." Said Nicodemus he faced the parents of the man and said "Is this your son?

"Yes he is." Said the parents

"And was he born blind? Asked a Pharisee

"Completely." The mother said

"So, then how is it that he can see?

"We don't know he is of age have him tell you."the Father answered

They looked at the man Jesus healed and asked: "how is it that you can see?

"A man, a prophet he healed me it was a miracle! The man said happily

"It was not a miracle, if you were healed then it was the work of God. Not this man you speak of one who we know to be a sinner."

"A sinner? Whether he is a sinner or not he healed me, if he were not sent from God then he could do nothing." Said the former blind man

The Pharisees grew tried of his answers and ordered him to be throw out of the temple. And they furiously schemed to deal with Jesus.

It had been days after the healing of the blind man, and the Pharisees reconvene their meeting to discuss Jesus.

"Gaille, the Decapolis, Jerusalem, even across the Jordan, it's as if the whole world is talking about this Jesus of Nazareth." A Pharisee said outraged

It was true, my brother efforts were working every time he spoke or preformed a miracle he attracted more and mire followers for our Father's cause.

"And you Just noticed? A Pharisee asked

Well what are going to do about it? The Pharisee asked

Just then a guard rushed into the room and said:

"Pardon my interruption, but a group of men they brought a women with them, they claimed she was caught committing adultery. In the very act sir."

"So, you know the law tell some of the others stone her! Said a Pharisee

As the guard was leaving he stopped him and said to follow him and bring the adulterous with them. They went to were Jesus was teaching and brought the sobbing woman to him.

"Rabbi,this woman was caught in adultery in the very act, now you know that Moses and the law demanded that such a women be stoned. Now Rabbi what do you say?

Jesus said nothing and picked up a stick and was writing something in Enochian, and he said "Let, him who is without sin cast the first stone."

At his, I knew that my brother was wise and merciful as no human could do that without comtting Blasphemy.

After that the Pharisees left and Jesus comforted the woman and said to sin no more and her heart was full of gladness.

The next day, Jesus went out into the temple and what we witnessed shocked us, in the courtyard men were selling offerings for the temple, for gold and began to demand more for their greed.

Enraged Jesus flipped the tables, and destroyed all the cages that had hold doves, and various scrafices. Saying: "Take it, take it all out how dare you make my Father's house a den of thevies, do you not fear God?

The commotion was so loud, it drew the attention of the Pharisees who asked Jesus: By what Authority do you do this?

"It is written; My temple shall be a house of prayer, but you all have made it into a den of bandits." Jesus roared in anger the sky, flashing with lighting in agreement.

Jesus then said: "destroy this temple and I will build it up in three days.

"Forty-six years it took to buld this temple and you claim to build it up three days." Said a Pharisee thinking he was a madman.

"Woe unto you, Scribes and Pharisees hypocrites! You whitened tombs. Jesus said trying to insult them.

"You shut the kingdom of heaven to men by your own rules, rules that you don't even follow yourselves. And you disregard the more important aspects of God. Righteous judgment, Mercy, and Faith." Said Jesus

"Oh Jerusalem, oh Jerusalem you who stone the prophet's I sent to help you, oh how I would have gather you up like hen to her chick's but you would not let me." Jesus said crying and lamenting.

After that the Pharisees became united to stand against Jesus and decided to kill him to stop his influence.

Judas, a disciple that heaven instructed to betray Jesus was finalizing the agreement, he made with the Pharisees. 40 pieces of silver and he would hand over Jesus.

While this was happening, Jesus and his disciples were celebrating the passover, when he told them everything about his true identity, his death and resurrection. to strengthen them when the time is right.

Saying: "Take this bread and eat, for this is my body, that will be broken for you and this wine is my blood, which will be poured out for many."

After the meal, they went into the Garden of Gethsemane, were he prayed and anguished to the Father about his mission and What he must do.

"Father, if it is possible may this cup be taken from me. Yet, let it be my will but your will be done. Jesus said as blood dripped from his face and his dedication steadfast.

Jesus woke his disciples and they watched as Judas came with many soldiers.

"Who are you seeking? Said Jesus

"Jesus of Nazareth." The soldiers replied

"Have you come with swords and clubs to take me? I was preaching in the temple and you did size me then. But the scriptures must be followed." Jesus said as solders grabbed him.

Peter saw this and took a kine out and cut the nearest soldier ear. Jesus ordered him to stop and healed the man, saying that If he were in real danger, would not angels come and protect him.

He was right as many angels surrounded the Garden, even archangel Raphael was in the clouds ready to smite any humans.

The soldiers dragged Jesus into the temple, were the high priest Caiaphas, questioned him saying: "Do you have nothing to say against these accusations?

Jesus remained silent until a Pharisee ordered him to answer.

"I have spoken openly, in the Synagogues and in the Temple. I have kept nothing in secret, why do you ask me? Ask those who heard me." Jesus replied

Just then a guard smacked Jesus with his hand, smack!

All of the host screamed out in rage, as lighting flashed and the ground began to shake as my siblings were cursing the name of that human.

The guard stopped at Caiaphas's command and said to Jesus: there are some people who say that you claim to be the Son of God?

The room was filled with angry voices from both angels and humans. Angels, for the disrespect that Isaiel had received from the humans and humans, for the claim that Jesus said.

"I am the son of God, and after here you will see me standing at the right hand of God."

Jesus, said as the people were screaming Blasphemy!

They dragged Jesus out and Anna and Uriel began to question peter: "your a disciple of that Jesus guy aren't you? Said Anna as Peter denied her.

"Yes you are, I saw you in the garden with him, Yes, I sure of it." said Uriel

No! I am not, I don't even know the man. I swear, I don't know him. Peter said rejecting Jesus as he was on the ground looking at Peter.

Peter left as soon as he hear the rooster crow running in shame and regret as Jesus was sent to the Roman's.

When Jesus was with the Roman's, Pilate tried to appease the people by giving Jesus 40 lashes from a whip.

But they demanded Jesus to be crucified and allow a thief named Barabbas, to be Pardon so pilate agreed but washed his blood clean of Jesus's death.

Then Jesus was was carrying his cross, as he was bleeding form his body due to the lashes and the crown of thorns on his head.

When I looked at my injured brother, I felt unimaginable sadness wash over me.

I knew that emotions shouldn't be show as an angel but this was my brother, and many angels wanted to stop the crucifixion as a angel as high position as Isaiel shouldn't be dying for humans.

Three hours had passed by as my brother agonize on the cross, mass amounts of reapers came silently watching.

I thought in my mind about how Father must be crying tears seeing this as his beloved son, was on a cross dying for his most prized creations.

"Father! why, why have you forsaken me? Jesus cried out in Enochian.

Jesus looked at the sky and his final words as he died were: It is done, Father into your hands I commit my spirit...

When he died, every angel screamed and cried out in their true voice, as the Earth itself shook and lighting teared the sky open and unleashed its wrath.

I returned to Anna with the garrison, as we all waited orders, Anna gave me this look as if she wanted me to do something.

But sighed and turned away as if I had dissiponted her. We returned to Heaven as this would be the garrisons last time walking the Earth.

We wanted as Isaiel was in hell battling it's inhabitants, to reclaim the souls and purify them into heaven as mankind's salvation.

Then on the third day, I saw a bright golden light from the Earth and I hear my siblings say. ISAIEL HAS RISEN FROM THE DEAD.
